王盈彬精神科診所 - East District

4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 王盈彬精神科診所

地址 :

70169, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Chongshan Rd, 406號王盈彬精神科診所

電話 : 📞 +88
網站 : http://drwang.com.tw/
城市 : Chongshan Rd

70169, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Chongshan Rd, 406號王盈彬精神科診所
林Lisa on Google

The doctors are very nice and kind, but the attitude of the lady at the counter puts a lot of pressure on the patients seeking treatment. It is recommended that the clinic can change the staff at the counter. Correction in 2021: Now the lady at the counter is pretty good and the doctor is professional
C Kuie on Google

今天來診所看困擾自己很久的問題, 感謝王醫師今天幫忙轉診針對這個症狀的權威,醫師為人舉止恭謙有禮,實在是不可多得的好醫師,再次感謝~
I came to the clinic today to see the problem that has troubled me for a long time. Thank you Dr. Wang for helping refer to the authority for this symptom today. The doctor is courteous and courteous. He is really a rare good doctor. Thanks again~
國王 on Google

停車方便,環境讓人感到非常舒服,櫃檯短髮小姐態度很棒,靈魂人物王醫師,會耐心仔細看診,讓你感覺像家人很溫暖,我是因為帶媽媽去才喜歡這家診所的。 P.S 唯二見過不帶商業式看診的,這樣優秀的好醫師,希望大家別跟我搶,嘻嘻。 P.S 2 : 見證奇蹟,這一年全身骨頭關節疼痛,到處拜訪國立或地方名醫,做了不下20次的各種檢查,竟然在一次偶然帶媽媽去王醫師時,獲得解決,是非常極度冷門的壓力造成身體疼痛不堪的,讓我見識到王醫師的細心與專業非常有廣度深度的,強調:能讓我給出5顆星的,非常不簡單!
The parking is convenient and the environment is very comfortable. The lady with short hair at the counter has a great attitude. The soul figure, Dr. Wang, will patiently and carefully see you, making you feel like your family is warm. I like this clinic because I took my mother to it. P.S. We only saw one without a commercial consultation. Such an excellent doctor, I hope you don't grab me, hee hee. PS 2: Witness the miracle. This year, all the bones and joints were painful. I visited the national or local famous doctors everywhere and did various inspections no less than 20 times. It was extremely upset when I accidentally took my mother to Dr. Wang. The stress caused the body pain, which made me see Dr. Wang's attentiveness and professionalism have a wide breadth and depth, emphasizing: It can make me give 5 stars, which is not easy!
ON DA on Google

The one-star message will die of laughter. If you don’t laugh, you’ll still be expressionless if you want to cry. Everyone’s medicine situation is different. If you want to get a test, you can go to a big hospital.
海哥(海哥) on Google

The doctor is well educated and experienced, but very patient, always smiling and listening to patients.
Sophia Ko on Google

每次都笑臉盈盈的醫師, 問診超級有耐心, 又專業有原則,不會一昧的開藥, 在醫生的輔導之下慢慢的減藥, 離開診間時醫生還說"用藥有疑問時都還是可以打電話過來問",感動! 能遇到王醫師真的太幸運了, 我家來這要四十分鐘, 但是值得!
The doctor who smiles every time, The consultation is super patient. And professional and principled, will not prescribe medicines blindly, Slowly reduce the dose under the guidance of the doctor, When leaving the clinic, the doctor also said, "If you have any questions about the medication, you can still call and ask." I was moved! I am so lucky to have met Dr. Wang. It takes forty minutes for my house to come here, But worth it!
王綸綸 on Google

醫生很專業,仔細聆聽每個細節與環節。 櫃檯小姐也很棒! 唯獨有一位不知道男生還是女生的人 在櫃檯登記實聯制口氣很差。 對待其他病患也是非常沒耐心。
The doctor is very professional and listens carefully to every detail and link. The lady at the counter was great too! There's only one person who doesn't know if it's a boy or a girl Registering at the counter is very bad. It is also very impatient with other patients.
Ty Johnson on Google

The doctor here is very professional and doesn't feel the need to overexplain. I've met too many doctors who are too presumptuous, hasty, and condescending. It's nice to meet a good one who can explain things simply with respect and who works well with you to develop a treatment plan. Good on him.

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