
4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 我們家

地址 :

702, Taiwan, Tainan City, South District, Alley 26, Lane 345, Section 2, Jinhua Rd, 37號我們家

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : http://www.facebook.com/ourhome.letseat
城市 : Jinhua Rd
Description : Down-to-earth restaurant serving classic dishes & desserts in a relaxed atmosphere.

702, Taiwan, Tainan City, South District, Alley 26, Lane 345, Section 2, Jinhua Rd, 37號我們家
Sufong on Google

巷子裡的客廳型餐廳還滿有意思的,來此的以常客居多,整個外場由弟弟掌控不急不徐,弟弟是和朋友兩個人青年創業,店裡也供應姐姐做的法式甜點。 餐點有台、港、泰、日、馬亞洲料理,點餐方式多元,小菜的蒜味泡菜開胃不辣,另兩碟通常會是蛋及葉菜料理,一上桌看到是熱的很是感動,湯是排骨湯,主菜燜煮雞有海南雞的fu,也有不少炸物可選,整體來說是很不錯的。 另 除現金外還可以Line Pay買單,晚餐時間建議訂位。
The living room-type restaurant in the alley is still interesting. Most of the people who come here are regular customers. The whole field is controlled by the younger brother. The younger brother is a young entrepreneur with two friends. The store also serves French desserts made by my sister. The meals include Taiwanese, Hong Kong, Thai, Japanese, Malaysian and Asian dishes. There are various ways to order. The garlic kimchi is appetizing and not spicy. The other two dishes are usually eggs and leafy dishes. I was impressed. The soup was pork rib soup. The braised chicken for the main course had Hainanese chicken fu. There were also a lot of fried foods to choose from. Overall, it was very good. In addition to cash, you can also pay with Line Pay, and it is recommended to make a reservation during dinner time.
法藍克 on Google

椒麻雞好好吃喔~超愛! 燙青菜跟黃金泡菜也很讚! 外場老闆很親切,也很漂亮! 裡面很忙的大廚,帥氣有型! 看著膚質很好的老闆一直在眼前忙碌著! 整頓飯的美味,更加升級? 下次還要再來! 希望有機會全部主菜都吃過一輪!☺️
The pepper chicken is delicious~ I love it! Hot green vegetables and golden kimchi are also great! The outfield owner is very kind and beautiful! The busy chef inside is handsome and stylish! Looking at the boss with good skin has been busy in front of you! The whole meal is delicious and upgraded ? Come again next time! Hope to have a chance to eat all the main courses! ☺️
Dora朵拉 on Google

?塔塔雞:雞肉很驚豔耶!鮮嫩多汁,醬料也很好吃 ?蔥油雞:一樣是很嫩的雞肉,上面的油蔥很下飯 ?兩人+150元共食大食怪套餐(超值) ①小菜三道:泡菜/青菜/菜脯蛋 很家常的美味料理 ②茶碗蒸:上面的蛤蜊又大顆又新鮮,蒸蛋也很嫩很順口 ③湯:兩片小雞肉搭配薑絲湯,好喝好喝 ④甜點:焦糖豆花,不會太甜,吃了一堆鹹食後來點豆花很剛好 ?店家可以使用line pay支付 錫蘭紅茶微糖:這個表現普通,因為本身愛香氣重一點的紅茶,點完才發現店家有伯爵紅茶,下次換點這個看看 兩個人吃得心滿意足才花不到500元,CP值很高,會再回訪❤
? Chicken Tata: The chicken is amazing! Tender and juicy, the sauce is also delicious ?Scallion Chicken: The same is very tender chicken, the scallions on it are very tasty ?Two people + 150 yuan to eat the food monster package (super value) ①Three side dishes: kimchi/green vegetables/preserved egg Very homely delicious food ② Chawanmushi: The clams on top are big and fresh, and the steamed eggs are tender and smooth ③Soup: Two pieces of chicken with shredded ginger soup, delicious ④Dessert: Caramel bean curd, not too sweet, it’s just right to order bean curd after eating a lot of salty food ?Stores can use line pay to pay Ceylon Black Tea Slight Sugar: This is normal, because I like black tea with a stronger aroma, and I found out that the store has Earl Grey black tea after I ordered it. I will try this next time. It cost less than 500 yuan for two people to eat to their heart's content. The CP value is very high. I will visit again ❤
Aki Chen on Google

很像回到家吃飯的感覺 青菜脆口不油膩,金針菇燴豆乾好吃 蒜味黃金泡菜口味適當,貢丸湯非常的燙 帶皮薯條讓人飽到天邊 椒麻雞有些辣度,辣味不會持續太久一口接著一口配飯剛好 甜甜豬份量不少~品項種類搭配性高 兩份主餐+1份百元附餐,飽飽的 抹茶泡芙是冰淇淋泡芙,相對普通一些
It's like coming home for dinner The green vegetables are crisp and not greasy, and the stewed dried tofu with enoki mushrooms is delicious The garlic gold kimchi tastes right, and the soup balls are very hot Fries with skin fill you up Chili Ma Chicken is a bit spicy, the spiciness won't last too long, one bite after another is just right with rice A lot of sweet pigs ~ high collocation of items 2 main meals + 1 100 yuan side meal, full Matcha puffs are ice cream puffs, relatively common
冰淇淋 on Google

?️店面外是小巷,勉強停機車。 ☎️可訂位,內用位置不多,大概四五桌。 家庭式簡餐店,高Cp值,氣氛很特別,另類的舒適,老闆很熱情,有空會跟客人討論美食。 ?可line pay或現金,餐點價位實在。 老闆推薦兩人可以點兩份主菜加一份大食怪套餐一起吃。 整體味道都不錯吃~不過吃完朋友覺得滿渴的,不知是不是調味放比較多。 有些餐點不在菜單,要看牆上的小黑板。應該是不定時更換 餐點感想: 油蔥雞:原來是很像統一肉燥麵的油蔥酥醬 加上雞肉,肉是滿嫩的。事後想一想,應該要點蔥油雞。 泰式雞腿:炸得酥酥脆脆,酸酸甜甜的也很好吃! 大食怪套餐:{ 一開始先上一碗湯,老闆說太鹹不夠熱都可以反應! 開胃菜是黃金泡菜,個人本身就滿喜歡的。白飯一碗,但壓得很實在,不會鬆鬆的怕人吃,飯的口感也不錯。 副菜是炒豆干跟青菜,都是現炒的,端出來熱騰騰的很加分。 茶碗蒸也不會失望,有兩顆蛤蜊,跟一些料。 甜點是鮮奶加仙草凍,仙草味不會太重,也不會太甜 加分!} 阿薩姆奶茶:的確會甜,朋友覺得有點太甜,個人還可以接受,如果無糖會更好。 - 希望店家可以推出一些單點的青菜 小菜類,畢竟除了好吃的肉食外,配菜豐富也可以加分! 店家有提供水可以喝,但水壺倒完要放回去櫃子,並非給某一桌使用的。 ?廁所很乾淨舒適 店面位置只有一樓,入口有很多可愛公仔跟魚~ 推薦嘗試看看,之後會想帶家人回訪!(私心希望可以有提供一些素食餐點,有些家人是吃純素,不知是否能客製化)
?️There is an alley outside the storefront, barely stopping the car. ☎️Reservations are available, there are not many seats for interior use, about four or five tables. Family-style light food restaurant, high Cp value, very special atmosphere, alternative and comfortable, the boss is very enthusiastic, and will discuss food with guests when you have time. ?Line pay or cash is available, the meals are reasonably priced. The boss recommended that the two of them can order two main dishes and a big food monster set meal to eat together. The overall taste is good ~ but my friends feel thirsty after eating, I don't know if there is more seasoning. Some meals are not on the menu, look at the small blackboard on the wall. should be replaced from time to time Meal thoughts: Scallion Chicken: It turns out to be a Scallion Sauce that is very similar to the unified pork noodles. With chicken, the meat is tender. In hindsight, should have ordered the scallion chicken. Thai Chicken Drumsticks: Deep fried and crispy, sweet and sour is also delicious! Monster Eater Package: { At the beginning, I served a bowl of soup. The boss said that it was too salty and not hot enough to react! The appetizer is golden kimchi, which I personally like. There is a bowl of white rice, but the pressure is very firm, it will not be too loose to be eaten by people, and the taste of the rice is also good. The side dishes are fried tofu and green vegetables, all of which are freshly fried and served hot. Chawanmushi will not disappoint, there are two clams, and some ingredients. Dessert is fresh milk and grass jelly, which is not too heavy or too sweet. Bonus points! } Assam milk tea: It's really sweet. My friends think it's a little too sweet, but I can accept it personally. It would be better if there is no sugar. - I hope the store can introduce some à la carte green vegetables and side dishes. After all, in addition to delicious meat, rich side dishes can also add points! The store has provided water to drink, but the kettle must be put back in the cabinet after it is poured, not for a certain table. ?The toilet is clean and comfortable The location of the store is only on the first floor, and there are many cute dolls and fish at the entrance~ It is recommended to try it out, and I will want to bring my family back for a visit later! (I personally hope that some vegetarian meals can be provided, some family members are vegan, I don’t know if they can be customized)
_ Alice on Google

If you come to Taiwan and travel to Tainan, you must come here ,Really delicious❤️ 台南必吃❤️
Mark DTS on Google

Delicious meals ,great portions, loved the chicken and their desserts are trully european recipes. Recomending this place ?
Thị Hoài Đỗ on Google

So cute shop. Although little expensive (for students like me) however the dishes very delicious so that I don't care about the price anymore. The waiter so professional, he bring 2nd rice bowl to my friend when my friend almost finish 1st one and he know what I'm searching for. If I give food 4.999*, I need to give him more than 5*.

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