建南串燒 - South District

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 建南串燒

地址 :

702, Taiwan, Tainan City, South District, Jiannan Rd, 156-158號建南串燒

電話 : 📞 +88979
城市 : Jiannan Rd

702, Taiwan, Tainan City, South District, Jiannan Rd, 156-158號建南串燒
didi lee on Google

On the ceiling of Tainan BBQ, fresh and delicious ingredients and special sauces are grilled, and the aroma doubles immediately. It is the best delicacy in the world. The clever combination of ingredients and sauces is the essence of BBQ.
Nana on Google

It's super delicious. I grew up eating and growing up, but I didn't expect that the longer I grew up, the longer I waited? But because it's delicious, I'm willing to wait as long! It is recommended to call ahead to book
Kevin Liu on Google

食材實在,醬汁入味。 雖然最近價格調漲,但相較其他店家仍算平實。 唯一缺點就是要久等,建議提早點餐, 若不是急著吃可提前一兩天先預訂。
The ingredients are real, the sauce is delicious. Although the price has been increased recently, it is still relatively flat compared to other stores. The only downside is that it takes a long time to wait, so it is recommended to order early. If you are not in a hurry to eat, you can make a reservation a day or two in advance.
鄭乃榮 on Google

6點去要排到9點才能拿 雞皮很脆、很好吃? 雞肉有點硬
Go at 6 o'clock and wait until 9 o'clock to get it The chicken skin is crispy and delicious ? Chicken is a bit tough
Finny Hsieh on Google

The skewers are super delicious, you must call to make an appointment first, otherwise it may be empty, the only thing not to push is the pork skewers, which are very hard?
Tsai YungLin on Google

Personally, it tastes a bit sweet, but the taste and roasting power are really good. If you want to eat, it is recommended to call and book early, otherwise you will wait until you doubt your life...
Lucy Huang on Google

很久沒買來吃了,因為每次都要排很久?,週末或連假提前一天打電話預定,當天下午五點訂,已經排到晚上10點了,肋排很嫩,味道很足,松阪豬稍油但還是很脆口很香,烤雞皮牙口不好的可能別嘗試,因為非常的脆,除了雞翅這次烤的太乾,其他都烤的非常到位,口味偏甜,每次回台南都會很想吃的燒烤店! #老闆下午四點開始接電話
MENG on Google

週一晚上9:30打電話訂~ 通知10:10到現場,約莫再等10-15分鐘, 態度都非常親切,老闆烤的很專心又仔細。 前三名是:雞皮、豬血糕和甜不辣!非常好吃! 其他還點了豬肉串、雞肉串、雞腿串、杏鮑菇和米腸~ 可能看了評價有過高的期待^^‘’ 肉類都稍乾⋯ 比較被嚇到的是,米腸是時價,這樣兩條90元,CP值的部份真的不高呀⋯
Call to book Monday at 9:30pm Notice to arrive at the scene at 10:10, wait for another 10-15 minutes, The attitude is very kind, the boss bakes very attentively and carefully. The top three are: Chicken Skin, Pig Blood Cake and Sweet and Not Spicy! Very tasty! Others also ordered pork skewers, chicken skewers, chicken thigh skewers, king oyster mushrooms and rice sausages~ Maybe I have high expectations after reading the evaluation ^^'' The meat is a little dry... What is more frightening is that the price of rice sausage is the current price, so at 90 yuan for two pieces, the CP value part is really not high...

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