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Contact 笙喜月子調理中心

地址 :

702, Taiwan, Tainan City, South District, Section 2, Shulin St, 253號笙喜月子調理中心3F、4F

電話 : 📞 +889777
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/%25E7%25AC%2599%25E5%2596%259C%25E6%259C%2588%25E5%25AD%2590%25E8%25AA%25BF%25E7%2590%2586%25E4%25B8%25AD%25E5%25BF%2583-103827021796829
城市 : Shulin St

702, Taiwan, Tainan City, South District, Section 2, Shulin St, 253號笙喜月子調理中心3F、4F
林孩子 on Google

環境非常的舒適,設備新穎,超喜歡他們的沙發,老公甚至想訂一組回家。自己則覺得笙喜的小廚房很貼心,尤其是雙門冰箱裡面放滿大寶跟老公的點心。 餐點一天有五餐,早餐,午餐,午點心,晚餐跟晚點心,每天還會有兩壺養生茶,口味雖然較為清淡但是我很喜歡,份量可能不夠兩個大人吃但是我跟大寶一起吃剛剛好。 笙喜還安排了SALON 洗髮,臉部保養,足浴,SPA以及全身按摩給媽媽們放鬆身心又有各種育兒課程提供新手爸媽。甚至有大寶最愛的遊戲室,小孩都無法抗拒球池的誘惑,早晚都要來一次給他放放電。 嬰兒室的護理師個個都是有問必答又溫柔的天使,剛入住時會每天過來關心媽媽的身體狀況,如果有任何問題都能找他們或是來巡診的醫師,寶寶們也都有兒科醫師會來看診並隨時回報給媽媽。 總之,謝謝笙喜的照顧?
陳姿妤 on Google

這裡的護理師真的很棒,溫柔.細心.好相處,除了照顧媽媽更把寶寶照顧的很好!在這裡可以很放心的把自己跟寶寶交給他們 每週會有婦產科醫生來巡診,給予媽媽及寶寶需要的幫助,也會關心媽媽的身心狀態。還有物理治療師也來巡診,關心有無哪邊痠痛,針對大部分的提出問題教導如何放鬆肌肉.產後修復… 每天有清潔人員來整理環境、公共空間每晚也會有紫外線消毒真的很令人放心! 嬰兒室跟媽媽房間同個樓層,走出去就可以看到很讚!感控措施也做得很落實,保護每個新生兒避免感染 這裡是我們第一間參觀的月中,老公看完讚不絕口就馬上決定就是這了,硬體設施.醫護人員皆讓他很滿意,接待人員也講的很詳細,很開心能住在如此舒適的空間,安心靜養調理身體。
The nurses here are really great, gentle, attentive, easy to get along with, and take good care of the baby in addition to taking care of the mother! Here you can rest assured that you and your baby will be handed over to them Every week, there will be an obstetrician and gynecologist who will visit to give the mother and baby the help they need, and will also care about the mother's physical and mental state. There are also physical therapists who come to visit, care about whether there is any soreness, and ask questions about most of them to teach how to relax muscles. Postpartum repair… It is really reassuring to have cleaning staff to clean up the environment every day, and UV disinfection in public spaces every night! The baby room is on the same floor as the mother's room, you can see it when you go out! Infection control measures are also well implemented to protect each newborn from infection This is our first visit in the middle of the month. After reading it, my husband was full of praise and immediately decided that this is the place. The hardware facilities and the medical staff made him very satisfied. The reception staff also explained in detail. A comfortable space to recuperate your body with peace of mind.
Mika Cheng on Google

去年拿到媽媽手冊後,參觀完笙喜後,過幾天就馬上簽約了! 1. 笙喜是去年剛開幕的月子中心,設備都是全新的,進出各樓層和房間都需要感應卡,安全有保障! 2. 謝謝每一位護理人員對寶寶和媽媽的照顧,把寶寶養的圓滾滾的,也會水洗屁屁,讓寶寶不會紅屁屁! 3. 自由的母嬰同室,寶寶餓了會打電話問媽媽是否要到哺乳室餵奶,如果遇到問題,護理人員會耐心的教導媽媽育兒技巧! 4. 每週有小兒科醫生和婦科醫生看診!剛入住的前幾天,護理人員會幫媽媽做身體評估,如果媽媽有身體不舒服也可以隨時向護理師反應! 5. 每天都有打掃阿姨來打掃房間,哺乳衣跟毛巾也會每天更換! 6. 贈送洗髮、泌乳、足浴、SPA、美容體驗券,讓媽媽的身心靈得到放鬆~ 還有寶寶游泳,讓寶寶踢踢水;可愛的寶寶寫真,讓爸爸媽媽留作紀念! 謝謝笙喜這段時間的照顧,讓我無憂無慮做好月子!
Andrew Liang on Google

這是一間住好住滿後還想再繼續住下去的月子中心: 1.住宿採飯店式管理,憑感應卡才能進出樓層住宿空間,安全有保障;每日早上固定有清潔人員打掃客房,掃地拖地垃圾皆清除盥洗用品皆更換,衛生有保障;月子餐與點心由中央廚房統一烹調製作,少油低鹽低糖外加燉補食材,健康有保障。 2.這裡最大的好處:母嬰同室相當自由。護理師會與家長確認適合餵奶時段,該時段寶寶餓了就會告知是否要親自餵奶;在母嬰同室時有任何問題,護理師隨叩隨到;若爸爸媽媽想休息也可直接把寶寶推回嬰兒室,這對新手爸爸媽媽而言是很大的幫助。而這裡媽媽教室的課程也相當豐富,平日每天都有開課,不論是跟媽媽或寶寶相關的課程都有。 總結: 坊間月子中心這麼多也這麼競爭下,綜觀下來現階段笙喜算是CP值最高的選擇,推薦給各位參考。
This is a confinement center that I want to continue living in after I live in it: 1. The accommodation is managed in a hotel style. Only the proximity card can be used to enter and exit the accommodation space on the floor, which is safe and secure; every morning, there are fixed cleaning staff to clean the guest room, sweep the floor and mop the floor and remove the rubbish. Toiletries are replaced, and hygiene is guaranteed; confinement meals and The dim sum is uniformly cooked and produced by the central kitchen, with less oil, low salt and low sugar, plus stewed and replenishing ingredients, which are healthy and guaranteed. 2. The biggest advantage here: the mother and baby are quite free to share the room. The nurse will confirm with the parents the appropriate breastfeeding time. During this time, the baby will tell you whether to breastfeed if he is hungry. If there is any problem when the mother and baby are in the same room, the nurse will be there to tap. If parents want to rest, they can push the baby directly. Back to the nursery, this is a great help for new parents. The mother's classroom here is also quite rich in courses. There are classes every day on weekdays, whether it is related to mothers or babies. Summarize: There are so many confinement centers in the market and such competition. Looking at it, Shengxi is the choice with the highest CP value at this stage, and I recommend it to everyone for reference.
高草莓 on Google

房間跟DM上的簡介一樣,完全沒有落差(我是住12坪的,非常夠用)。我其實沒有比較過其它間月子中心,但一看到笙喜就命中我喜歡的款,簡潔有力,應有盡有,輕鬆自在。 交誼廳超級寬敞,還有各種放鬆課程體驗!!最喜歡飯店級的廁所!! 先說接待人員都笑臉迎人,(雖然帶口罩眼睛就是眯的),嬰兒室的護理人員也都隨口掛著你辛苦了這句,我才覺得你們一次要帶那麼多嬰兒更辛苦。還有巡房的醫生(這是標配嗎?)會來關心產後狀況,讓人覺得安心。 清潔人員每天固定時間來打掃及提供乾淨的衣服,各種款材質舒服好穿。餐點的部分真的就比較主觀,口味清淡無負擔,我個人非常習慣也喜歡。每日的茶飲我也都喝光! 如果真的硬要挑剔的話,應該是跟隔壁建築物離的比較近,開窗比較沒安全感(因為我住的有幾天好冷,開冷氣也太冷索性就開窗)而且房間的採光好舒服,雖然窗簾有雙層,捲起遮光那層也感覺怪怪的,以上
The room is the same as the profile on the DM, and there is no difference at all (I live in 12 pings, which is very sufficient). In fact, I have not compared other confinement centers, but as soon as I saw Shengxi, I hit the one that I liked. It is simple and powerful, has everything, and is relaxed. The saloon is super spacious, and there are various relaxation courses to experience!! I like the hotel-level toilets the most!! First of all, the reception staff greeted everyone with a smile (although their eyes were squinted when wearing a mask), and the nurses in the baby room also casually said that you worked hard. I think it is more difficult for you to bring so many babies at a time. There are also doctors who patrol the room (is this standard?) will come to care about the postpartum situation, which makes people feel reassured. The cleaning staff will clean and provide clean clothes at a fixed time every day, and all kinds of materials are comfortable and easy to wear. The part of the meal is really subjective, the taste is light and unburdened, and I personally like it very much. I drank all my tea every day! If you really want to be picky, it should be closer to the building next door, and it is less safe to open the window (because it was cold for a few days where I lived, and the air conditioner was too cold, so I simply opened the window) and the lighting of the room Very comfortable, although the curtains have double layers, it feels weird to roll up the shading layer, the above
LIEN YU on Google

這次入住兩週時間,房內環境與設備及公共區域非常新穎跟舒適。 電視螢幕可以看到嬰兒室內寶寶的狀況,而且可以使用螢幕聽音樂放鬆心情,十分推薦笙喜的房內設備。 另外最推薦的是嬰兒室的護理師,入住的第一週每天都會來幫產婦進行身體評估,所以媽媽們身體若有任何狀況都可以跟護理師反應,他們會向產科醫生諮詢。 最重要的是嬰兒室的護理師對於寶寶的照顧,我有遇到超親切且充滿熱忱的護理師,對於寶寶的照顧真的非常專業且充滿耐心,非常感謝她好好的照顧寶寶且熱心教導新手媽媽育兒技巧。 產婦常見的腰痠背痛問題,也有親切的物理治療師會協助你進行一些簡單的運動改善痠痛的問題。 月中的自製飲食部份不是很合我的胃口,如果有自己習慣的月子餐也可以送到笙喜,沒有強制一定要吃他們的月子餐,這點充滿彈性也是很推薦。
Ivan Huang on Google

月子中心位於鬧區巷弄內,鬧中取靜機能非常便利,中心的硬體方面有寬敞的房間,配備有獨立的廚具組,嬰兒兒室跟住房位在同一層,爸媽要探視寶寶非常方便,二樓是一整層的公共空間可以邀請家人朋友一起聚會,入住的家庭都能免費使用地下平面停車場,進出門禁管制,安全性佳。 軟體方面有自設的廚房配合營養師提供月子餐,24H的櫃台管家能夠隨時給予住房方面的協助,房間每日專人打掃。照護方面,護理師團隊非常的親切專業,面對新手爸媽的各種問題總是耐心解答,在嘗試母嬰同室的時候都會主動關心詢問;每週固定會有小兒科及婦產科醫生到月中巡房關心媽媽及寶寶的狀況,除此之外還有非常多元的課程像是產後健康調理、嬰兒照護、專業嬰兒沙龍攝影,寶寶游泳、母乳皂及口水巾手作課讓媽媽在調養身體、照顧寶寶之外也能夠放鬆心情,學習有趣的知識。總結入住的時間裡都非常的滿意,要離開也非常捨不得,希望這麼好的服務可以被更多人知道。
The confinement center is located in the alleys of the downtown area. It is very convenient to take a quiet function. The hardware of the center has a spacious room equipped with an independent kitchen set. The baby room is on the same floor as the house. It is very convenient. The second floor is a whole-floor public space where you can invite family and friends to gather together. Families staying can use the underground plane parking lot for free, with access control and good security. In terms of software, there is a self-built kitchen with a nutritionist to provide confinement meals. The 24H counter housekeeper can provide assistance in housing at any time, and the room is cleaned by special personnel every day. In terms of nursing care, the team of nurses is very kind and professional. They always answer all kinds of questions of new parents patiently. They will take the initiative to ask questions when they try to share the room with mothers and babies. Every week, there will be pediatricians and obstetrics and gynecology doctors coming to the middle of the month. The patrol room cares about the condition of the mother and the baby. In addition, there are very diverse courses such as postpartum health conditioning, baby care, professional baby salon photography, baby swimming, breast milk soap and saliva towel hand-making classes for mothers to recuperate their bodies, In addition to taking care of the baby, you can relax and learn interesting knowledge. In conclusion, I am very satisfied with the stay time, and I am very reluctant to leave. I hope that such a good service can be known to more people.
Smile Hsieh on Google

懷孕時參觀了笙喜,但是因為剛成立沒有評價,所以當初帶著有點不安的心情下訂? 生完孩子入住後,發現我們真的選對了! 1.護理師超級有耐心,詢問問題時都能提供專業的建議,讓爸媽放心且安心的好好休息。 2. 房間舒適明亮,硬體設備齊全,浴室乾濕分離,清潔人員很貼心且服務很好,每天把環境打掃的乾乾淨淨。 3.餐點口味好吃、用料實在。 4.多元的媽媽教室,坐月子之餘還能學到照顧寶寶的技巧。 5.贈送洗髮、足浴、美容、泌乳等多項服務,紓緩媽媽的身心。 6.附設遊戲區,不怕大寶無聊、有地方玩耍。 7.明亮的交誼廳,方便跟家人朋友相聚聊天。 很幸運找到笙喜,讓我能舒服且放鬆的做好月子!
I visited Shengxi when I was pregnant, but because it was just established, there was no evaluation, so I ordered it with a little uneasy mood? After the baby was born, we found out that we really made the right choice! 1. The nurses are super patient and can provide professional advice when asking questions, so that parents can rest assured and rest assured. 2. The room is comfortable and bright, the hardware is well-equipped, the bathroom is separated from wet and dry, the cleaning staff is very considerate and the service is very good, and the environment is cleaned every day. 3. The food tastes delicious and the ingredients are real. 4. Diverse mother classrooms, you can learn the skills of taking care of your baby while confinement. 5. Gift shampoo, foot bath, beauty, lactation and other services to relieve mother's body and mind. 6. With a game area, you are not afraid that Dabao will be bored and have a place to play. 7. The bright saloon is convenient for gathering and chatting with family and friends. I am very fortunate to find Shengxi, so that I can have a good confinement comfortably and relaxedly!

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