安平小舖-安平形象店 | 台南伴手禮 | 台南名產 | 蝦餅 | 台南蝦餅 | 安平蝦餅 | 台南宅配美食 | 台南團購美食 | 附近美食 | 台南厚 蝦餅

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Contact 安平小舖-安平形象店 | 台南伴手禮 | 台南名產 | 蝦餅 | 台南蝦餅 | 安平蝦餅 | 台南宅配美食 | 台南團購美食 | 附近美食 | 台南厚 蝦餅

地址 :

708, Taiwan, Tainan City, Anping District, Anping Rd

電話 : 📞 +8877
網站 : http://www.062285821.com.tw/
城市 : Anping District

708, Taiwan, Tainan City, Anping District, Anping Rd
achiu gau on Google

產品真的很普通 餅是很大 但咬下口中有類似細沙的顆粒感 可能是蝦蟹的外殼碎粒 前往購買時 店員強調店家免開發票 也不能刷卡 還好因為如此 身上現金不足也就沒買太多 可喜可賀
The product is really ordinary Pie is very big But there is a grainy feeling similar to fine sand in the bite Probably shell fragments of shrimp and crab Go to the time of purchase The clerk emphasized that the store is exempt from invoicing Can't swipe card Okay because of this I didn’t buy too much if I didn’t have enough cash. congratulations
Rosie Su on Google

原味蝦餅一包$100,看起來大包但裡面大概只有八片左右的大蝦餅,要分享給辦公室同事們的話一包肯定不夠。 非油炸吃起來很清爽,雖然蝦味相對比某家稍淡一點,但還是很涮嘴,添加物相對也少了許多,熱量不高。如果包裝再美一點會更有購買意願哈哈
A pack of original shrimp cakes is $100. It looks like a big bag but there are only about eight slices of big shrimp cakes. If you want to share it with colleagues in the office, one pack is definitely not enough. It tastes refreshing if it is not fried. Although the prawn taste is slightly lighter than that of a certain company, it is still very tasty, and the additives are relatively small, and the calories are not high. If the packaging is more beautiful, there will be more willingness to buy haha
Cyrus Guo on Google

20220411壬寅年大甲媽繞境in新港奉天宮,勇闖368把愛傳出去,兼具事業、公益及愛的傳播的安平小舖,創意心型蝦餅冰淇淋好好吃,大推? #cyrus呷透透
20220411 Renyin Year Dajia Ma went around the border in Fengtian Palace, Xingang, bravely entered 368 to spread love, Anping Xiaopu, which combines career, public welfare and love, creative heart-shaped shrimp cake ice cream is delicious, big push? #cyrus sipping through
Jeff Peng on Google

Andrew Chou on Google

陳立中 on Google

Tan Koo on Google

Phoebe Shao on Google

Throughout Anping old street you can find little chain stores. The chips are not oily at all! The sales suggested I purchase their most popular flavour -original. If you want one with a little kick, pepper flavor is delish too. They also have crab and milkfish (a local popular tainan fish) chips. They offer a great discount of Buy 3 get 1 free or Buy 5 get 3 free. Each bag is 100NT.

Write some of your reviews for the company 安平小舖-安平形象店 | 台南伴手禮 | 台南名產 | 蝦餅 | 台南蝦餅 | 安平蝦餅 | 台南宅配美食 | 台南團購美食 | 附近美食 | 台南厚 蝦餅


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