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Contact 龍錪冷氣工坊

地址 :

708, Taiwan, Tainan City, Anping District, Pingtong Rd, 47號龍錪冷氣工坊

電話 : 📞 +8899
網站 : https://062959322.tw66.com.tw/
城市 : Pingtong Rd

708, Taiwan, Tainan City, Anping District, Pingtong Rd, 47號龍錪冷氣工坊
連寧萍 on Google

This is a professional service, the boss is a very hard-working person
蕭丞雯 on Google

The boss is very professional, the proprietress is very caring, and serves the good faith business!
家家 on Google

老闆人很好 員工也服務的很周到 下次冷氣有問題還會再光顧
The boss is very nice The staff is also very attentive Next time there is a problem with the air conditioner, I will visit again
林雅琪 on Google

The boss service is super good, the price is fair and big, and it is awesome! I will definitely buy it again next time喔?
卓重義 on Google

The boss is very professional and will provide customers with a lot of great knowledge. Installing air-conditioning will not cost you extra money, and the price is fair and real.
林證 on Google

買冷氣買到一肚子氣。 原本預定一台中古分離式冷氣。問幾日可安裝。店家回說一星期內,要安裝會先前一日通知。 結果一星期過去了,還沒消息。 我再打電話問。店家說,因忙排滿,要等下星期。 到了下星期,因我套房房客即將入住,需冷氣。所以我再催請店家能盡快來安裝。店家就派一工人先來評估看看。 我帶那位工人看安裝地點,在開門還沒看前,就跟他說,是這間要安裝,隔壁那一間上月才裝一台,你可以叁考看看。結果工人就回說: 那你就一起請那家來安裝就好了。 我說: 那一家已沒中古冷氣。 工人再回說: 他們沒冷氣,我們公司冷氣也有限。 工人看看安裝地點,拍照。 傳回公司。 後來店家電話回覆說,安裝地點是危險施工,以工會規定,不可施工。所以不做。 店家評估不做自有其考量,可以體諒。 但問題是,白白耽誤客人一二星期的時間,店家若是有地點安全選擇性安裝,則應早在客人預約時,就先評估,確定可以安裝後,再來排時日。 可是現店家做法剛好相反,讓客人等了一二星期才來評估,一句危險施工不符工會規定,就推掉了。 我查政府發佈的冷氣安裝規定,對於危險施工,可以加價,沒有規定不可施工。 再來,我房子在2樓,這一樓已有5間 同樣格局的房子,都已在外牆裝分離式冷氣。 怎麼 別家冷氣 就能安裝, 你龍錪就無法安裝? 可見 安裝技術不如人。 三流水準 ! 以後再也不敢找龍錪了。 拜拜, 誠如那工人說的: 你就找原家來安裝就好了。 是的,我找原家冷氣來安裝,需等二星期。我寧願等二星期,給會安裝的人來安裝。也不會給三流的龍錪做。 奉勸你們龍錪生意還是要做得厚道點,像這樣耍客戶,簡直是混蛋。 若只想撿容易施工的做,也要盡早跟客戶說明拒絕施工。 像這樣給客戶定了機子,拖了一二星期來看後,才跟客戶說危險施工,不做。 讓客戶原本安排好的事,一下打亂,遭受莫明損失。 何況,你們所謂的"危險施工",那有什麼危險? 安裝地點是在2樓,一樓有搭鐵皮屋。 等於只是爬出窗外,剛好160公分的落差,就踏到突台了,又有鐵皮屋頂可踩,萬一不小心踩空也是跌在鐵皮屋頂上,怎會有危險可言? 何況我都曾親自爬下去到鐵皮屋頂撿東西。我隔壁幾家,2樓同樣格局,也都是在同樣外牆裝冷氣,為何別家冷氣行可以裝,你們龍錪就不能裝? 無非就是想撿容易做的做,不好做的找借口推掉。那也是你們公司的自由選擇,不過要事先跟客戶說明及確認。怎可給客戶拖了一二星期才來挑撿工作,不僅耽誤到客戶的時間及損失,還使你們公司信譽受損。 施工都尚且如此挑選工作,那後續保固維修? 會不會也挑容易的維修,較花時間的就推說不能修? 如此作為,要客戶怎麼相信你們龍錪? ==>回應 業主回答: 業主說:工會有發文:保障本業安裝技師的安全:冷氣機外機最底部不能低於牆面 30 公分外牆上方離天花板需留 20 公分才能維修,有鐵籠長和寬 60 公分,高盡量不超過 60 公分的範圍 ==>回應: 我要安裝之處,無裝鐵籠。而外牆是在 窗戶下,剛好160公分高,底部為突台,可站人。連接着一樓的鐵皮屋頂。而業主說,冷氣機外機最低部不能低於牆面30公分,上方離天花板需留20公分才能維修。 這在我房外窗戶下面之外牆,就有此等符合業主說的空間,無天花板,可將冷氣裝在窗下30公分內。 只是要爬出窗戶,安裝較花時間。 業主所提出無法安裝的理由,在電話中告知是,安裝外機地點高度超過160公分,依公會規定是危險施工,不能施工。 我也沒指定外機一定要裝在窗下160公分。業主你可以選符合公會規定(不超過30公分內)之地點安裝。我房窗下是有符合規定的空間。 業主所說法規,外機最低部不能低於牆面30公分,應該是指在高處,無法從外面站着施工,只能從上趴著往下,此時外機最低部需於下30公分內,方便手能勾到而施工。 可是我那情況不同。 而是可以爬出窗外,踏實地站在窗外下方160公分處,外牆隨處都可方便雙手施工。 所以業主所說的理由,令人覺得是錯誤引用一條法規來搪塞。 完全無法令人理解及不能接受。 外牆那麼大空間,底下也有踩實的地方,別家冷氣行都能安裝,無安全顧慮。 你們龍錪很忙很累,可以理解。為了減輕負荷,要挑選容易做的,也可理解,那也是你們的自由選擇。 但你們要事先盡早告訴客戶,不想接單或不能接單的,就要盡早告訴客戶,以免客戶信任你們而傻傻的等,最後才告知不裝。 即然接單了,就算安裝地點不好裝,也要想辦法完成。要加價都可提出,客戶都可諒解接受。 可是我現在感覺到的,是你們龍錪接單了,拖延時日後,來看現場,不好安裝,需花較多時間安裝,就不想安裝,然後就隨便找一條公會規定,似是而非,來搪塞而拒絕安裝。所提拒絕安裝理由亦與現場不相干,無法讓人信服。簡直是為掩飾而找理由。 從你們龍錪派工人來查看時,工人一付不想安裝就表現在言語。 在未看到外牆前,工人的答話。 我說:"是這一間要安裝,隔壁那一間上月已請別家冷氣行來裝了,你可以叁考看看"。工人竟然回答:"那你就再找原家冷氣行來安裝就好了", 我說:"他們沒有機子了,所以找你們"。 工人再回答:"那我們公司機子也是有限"。 不是我喜歡學話,而是必須把實況說出,才知道問題出在那裡。 這些對話是在開房門時說的,還沒看到窗及外牆。這時工人對話就已明顯表現出不想安裝,希望我去找原來那家,不要來找龍錪。 我不知道工人為何會有如此態度(我猜是否工人已過度勞累,而出現的情緒反應? ) 可是在此態度下,等到工人一看到窗及外牆,不好安裝外機時,就更不想安裝了。 他拍照就選不符法規無法安裝地點拍,回報公司就說無法安裝。也不用心再找其他可以安裝地方看看。 不然別家冷氣行都可以安裝,唯獨你們龍錪無法安裝? 這不就很明顯了嗎! (找一條法規來搪塞,怎不看另一條法規可以安裝。就只有你們龍錪遵守法規,別家都不遵守? 說不過去吧!) 總之,是你們龍錪內部出了問題,我已被你們的拖延傷害了,造成的損失也只能自認倒楣。 但希望你們龍錪能確實地檢討改進,以免再誤傷了他人。
Buy an air conditioner and get a stomachache. Originally scheduled for a separate air conditioner from the ancient times. Ask a few days to install. The store said that within one week, the installation will be notified the day before. As a result, a week has passed and there is no news yet. I will call again to ask. The store said that due to the busy schedule, they would have to wait next week. By next week, because the guest of my suite is about to move in, air conditioning is needed. So I urge the store to install it as soon as possible. The store sent a worker to evaluate it first. I took the worker to see the installation site. Before I opened the door, I told him that this room needs to be installed. The next room only installed one last month. You can refer to it. As a result, the worker replied: Then you can invite that company to install it together. I said: That one is no longer air-conditioned. The workers said again: They have no air-conditioning, and our company has limited air-conditioning. Workers look at the installation site and take photos. Return to the company. Later, the store replied by telephone that the installation site was dangerous construction, and the labor union stipulated that construction was not allowed. So don't do it. Store evaluation does not make its own considerations, which is considerate. But the problem is that it will delay the guests for a week or two in vain. If the store has a safe and selective installation location, it should be evaluated as early as when the guest makes an appointment, and after the installation is confirmed, the time will be arranged. However, the current store’s practice was just the opposite. Customers were asked to wait for a week or two to evaluate. A sentence of dangerous construction that did not comply with the union's regulations was rejected. I checked the air-conditioning installation regulations issued by the government. For dangerous construction, the price can be increased. There is no stipulation that construction is not allowed. Next, my house is on the second floor. There are already 5 houses of the same layout on this floor, all of which have been installed with separate air-conditioning on the outer walls. Why can it be installed with air-conditioning in other homes, but you cannot install it? It shows that the installation technology is not as good as others. Third-rate level! I will never dare to look for Long Chi again. Bye bye, just as the worker said: Just find the original home to install it. Yes, I find the original air conditioner to install it. It will take two weeks. I would rather wait two weeks for someone who can install it. It won't make it for the third-rate Long Chi. I advise you to do your business with Long Chi more kindly. It's a bastard to cheat customers like this. If you only want to pick up something that is easy to construct, you should also explain to the customer as soon as possible to refuse construction. I ordered a machine for the customer like this, and after a week or two, I told the customer that the dangerous construction would not be done. Let the customer's original arrangement be disrupted at once and suffer unforeseen losses. What's more, what are the dangers of your so-called "dangerous construction"? The installation site is on the second floor, and there is a tin house on the first floor. It's like crawling out of the window. With a drop of just 160 cm, I stepped onto the projecting platform. There is a tin roof to step on. If you accidentally step on the sky, you will fall on the tin roof. How can there be any danger? Climb down to the tin roof to pick up things. There are several shops next door to me, the same layout on the second floor, and they are all equipped with air-conditioning on the same exterior wall. Why can they install air-conditioning in other homes, but you can’t install them? It’s nothing more than trying to do things that are easy to do and make excuses for those that are not easy to do. Push away. That is also your company's free choice, but you must explain and confirm with customers in advance. How can you delay your customers for a week or two before picking up jobs? Not only will you delay your time and loss, but it will also damage your company's reputation. The construction work is still selected in this way, what about the follow-up warranty repair? Would you also choose easy repairs, and say that repairs are not possible if it takes more time? If you do this, how can customers trust your Long Chi? ==> Response The owner answered: The owner said: The trade union has issued a document: To ensure the safety of the installation technicians in the industry: The bottom of the air-conditioner should not be lower than 30 cm from the wall. The outer wall above the wall and the ceiling need to be left 20 cm for repairs. The iron cage is 60 cm long and 60 cm wide, and the height is as high as possible. No more than 60 cm ==>Response: There is no iron cage where I want to install it. The outer wall is under the window, just 160 cm high, with a protruding platform at the bottom for people to stand on. The tin roof is connected to the first floor. The owner said that the lowest part of the outside of the air-conditioner should not be lower than 30 cm from the wall, and the upper part must be left 20 cm from the ceiling for maintenance. This is on the outer wall below the window outside of my room. There is such a space that meets the owner's statement. There is no ceiling, and the air-conditioning can be installed within 30 cm under the window. It just has to climb out of the window, it takes more time to install. The owner put forward the reason for the inability to install, and told in the phone that the height of the installation site exceeds 160 cm. According to the association's regulations, it is a dangerous construction and cannot be constructed. I also did not specify that the outside machine must be installed 160 cm under the window. The owner can choose a location that meets the requirements of the association (no more than 30 cm) to install. There is a compliant space under the window of my room. According to the regulations by the owner, the lowest part of the outdoor unit should not be lower than 30 cm from the wall. It should mean that it is at a high place and cannot be constructed from the outside. It can only be lowered from the top. At this time, the lowest part of the outdoor unit must be lower than 30 cm. Within centimeters, it is convenient for hand to hook and construct. But my situation is different. Instead, you can climb out of the window and stand down to 160 cm below the window. The exterior wall can be easily constructed with both hands everywhere. Therefore, the reason stated by the owner seems to be a prevarication by misquoting a regulation. It is totally unintelligible and unacceptable. With such a large space on the outer wall, there is also a place to step on it. Other air-conditioners can be installed without safety concerns. You Long Chi is very busy and tired, understandable. In order to reduce the load, you should choose something that is easy to do and understandable. It is also your free choice. But you must tell the customer as early as possible in advance, if you do not want to take the order or cannot take the order, you must tell the customer as soon as possible, lest the customer trusts you and waits foolishly, and finally tells not to install. Now that the order is received, even if the installation location is not easy to install, we must find a way to complete it. Any price increase can be proposed, and customers can understand and accept it. But what I feel right now is that you Long Chi took the order. After the delay, I will visit the site. It is not easy to install. It takes more time to install. I don’t want to install it. Then I just find a guild regulation. And refused to install. The reasons for refusal to install are also irrelevant to the site and cannot be convinced. It is simply to find a reason to cover up. When you sent workers from Long Chi to check it out, the workers showed up in words as soon as they didn't want to install it. Before seeing the outer wall, the worker's answer. I said: "This is the room to be installed, and the next room has been installed with air-conditioning from another house last month. You can refer to it." The worker actually replied: "Then you can find the original air-conditioner to install it." I said: "They don't have a machine, so they are looking for you." The worker replied: "Then our company has limited machines." It's not that I like to learn, but I have to tell the truth to know where the problem is. These conversations were made when the door was opened, and the windows and outer walls have not yet been seen. At this time, the worker dialogue had clearly expressed that they did not want to install it, and hoped that I would find the original one instead of Long Chi. I don’t know why the workers have such an attitude (I guess if the workers are overworked and have an emotional reaction?) However, with this attitude, when workers see the windows and exterior walls, it is not easy to install the external machine, and they do not want to install it. He chose a location that did not comply with the laws and regulations and could not be installed. He reported that the company could not install it. Don't bother to find other places to install it. Otherwise, other air conditioners can be installed, but your Long Chi cannot install it? Isn’t that obvious! (Look for a law to prevaricate, why not look at another law to install it. Only you Long Chi obeys the law, others don’t do it? No way!) In short, it is your internal problem with Long Chi, I have been hurt by your delay, and the losses caused can only be regarded as bad luck. But I hope you Long Chi can review and improve it, so as not to accidentally hurt others.
劉明珠 on Google

The boss and his wife are very real. In addition to professional services, the prices are fair, and the after-sales service is also very good. The boss is honest and honest. The boss is beautiful and generous and will help people. Observed from the side), located in Anping, Tainan, I think it is a rare good store.
陳煒智 on Google

I bought a window-type air conditioner the year before last year. Before the warranty expired last year, the wired remote control function would jump around on its own as soon as the power was turned on, and it kept dripping and dripping all night. At that time, there was no call for repairs. I just tried it on after a year. It's still the same as DiDi continues. Now that it's out of warranty, I want to try calling to see if it will come faster than the out-of-warranty.

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