溫氏現代針灸-安平聯和中醫診所 ?清冠一號?台南中醫推薦-針灸-減重-中風-眼睛疾患-坐骨神經-自律神經-老人失智-帕金森氏症-免疫力失調-痠痛

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Contact 溫氏現代針灸-安平聯和中醫診所 ?清冠一號?台南中醫推薦/針灸/減重/中風/眼睛疾患/坐骨神經/自律神經/老人失智/帕金森氏症/免疫力失調/痠痛

地址 :

70848, Taiwan, Tainan City, Anping District, Section 2, Yonghua Rd, 709號溫氏現代針灸-安平聯和中醫診所 ?清冠一號?台南中醫推薦/針灸/減重/中風/眼睛疾患/坐骨神經/自律神經/老人失智/帕金森氏症/免疫力失調/痠痛

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : https://chinese-medicine-clinic-1232.business.site/
城市 : Yonghua Rd

70848, Taiwan, Tainan City, Anping District, Section 2, Yonghua Rd, 709號溫氏現代針灸-安平聯和中醫診所 ?清冠一號?台南中醫推薦/針灸/減重/中風/眼睛疾患/坐骨神經/自律神經/老人失智/帕金森氏症/免疫力失調/痠痛
鄭雅 on Google

醫師常會推銷自費針灸,不然就說健保局無法做那麼多治療??? 一位長髮肥胖的工作人員態度很差!當患者要拆針時都會假裝沒看到沒聽到,拆針速度超快常常流血,聽了隔壁患者說才知道原來被他拆針都會這樣,其他工作人員都很細心。
Physicians often sell acupuncture at their own expense, otherwise they say that the National Health Insurance Bureau cannot do so many treatments? ? ? A staff member with long hair and fat has a bad attitude! When the patient wanted to remove the needle, he would pretend that he didn't see or hear it. The speed of removing the needle was super fast and he often bleeds. After listening to the patient next door, he realized that it was the same when he removed the needle. The other staff were very careful.
海青工商吳俊璋 on Google

Johnny Yang on Google

因為長期工作關係 頸肩僵硬痠痛 已經感覺到自己 是不是要中風了 經介紹來找柯醫師針灸 我被安排到針灸床 柯醫師在聽我簡單的 說明後若有所思 隨即在我耳朵針了10多針 說也奇怪柯醫師針完 我都還沒回神醒來 我的肩頸立馬鬆掉 我曾經在別的診所 通常頂多扎了5-6針 我想也不會有效 原本還以為柯醫師 會像其他診所這樣 望聞問切我都痛死了 真的是完全符合我的需求 柯醫師不囉嗦 應該是他的病人太多吧? 如果每個人都要像別的診所一樣望聞問切沒有做到半夜 應該是看不完 只能說完全符合 我個人需求 另外用眼過度眼睛的問題 也問了柯醫師 柯醫師也二話不說 馬上針完我眼睛四周圍 柯醫師真是佛心來著 生來就是大醫王 要來救我們這些難纏的病人 我很感恩所以要推薦他 給大家知道
Because of long-term working relationship Stiff neck and shoulder pain already feel myself Are you going to have a stroke? Introduced to Dr. Ke for acupuncture I was placed in an acupuncture bed Dr. Ke is listening to my simple Thoughtful after explaining Immediately, more than 10 stitches were stitched in my ear. It's strange that Dr. Ke finished acupuncture I haven't woken up yet My shoulders and neck came loose I used to be in another clinic Usually 5-6 stitches at most I don't think it will work either I thought that Dr. Ko will be like other clinics I'm dying of pain It really suits my needs exactly Dr. Ke is not verbose Should he have too many patients? If everyone has to look and hear like other clinics, it's not done in the middle of the night Probably can't finish I can only say that it fits perfectly my personal needs In addition, the problem of overuse of the eyes I also asked Dr. Ko Dr. Ke said nothing. Immediately finish stitching around my eyes Dr. Ke is really Buddhist Born to be the Great Doctor to come to the rescue of our difficult patients I am so grateful that I recommend him let everyone know
林子薇 on Google

因右手手指疼痛脹痛快3個月了 看了骨科一直擦藥吃藥都無感 每天持續疼痛 無法握拳 甚至影響到不太能用手綁頭髮 都要忍受疼痛 因看評論推薦而來試看看 柯醫師幫我針灸好幾下 當下痛感真的將近快消失了。能握拳頭了 讓我感到非常不可思議 我還會持續回診治療完善的 值得推薦給大家參考看骨科看不好的可以來試看看哦☺️
It has been almost 3 months because of the pain and swelling of the right finger. I have been rubbing and taking medicine after seeing the orthopedic department. The pain persists every day. I can't make a fist. It even affects my ability to tie my hair with my hands. I have to endure the pain. Dr. Ke helped me with acupuncture and moxibustion several times, and the pain was almost gone. It makes me feel very incredible that I can make a fist. I will continue to return to the clinic for perfect treatment. It is worth recommending to everyone for reference. If the orthopedics is not good, you can try it out☺️
Jane. on Google

柯院長醫術真的精湛高超,鄭醫師專業的醫療服務,二位醫師無不讓人讚嘆,眩暈甲亢困擾許多年也一直尋覓良醫,看到柯醫師臉書患者成功案例增加了我的信心,首次由柯醫師看診,耐心又專業的解說病情也分析自費療程與健保的差異,雖然很怕針灸,但因為相信柯院長所以願意克服害怕勇敢自費治療。 前日眩暈突然發作又暈又吐,到達診所時二位護理人員小心翼翼的扶著我躺上診療床,鄭醫師馬上過來問診,用紅外線給我熱源,此時把脈後脈相微弱上了穩住心脈針灸,睡了一會精神好很多,在診療床休息了七個小時鄭醫師與護理師期間不時的觀察、關心著。 今日柯醫師進行第二次療程,問診得知前日眩暈嘔吐發作,立刻幫我止暈,神奇的醫術幾分鐘後完全不暈了⋯繼續治療耳鳴甲亢眼突,有了這次立刻止住眩暈的信心,我相信困擾多年的甲亢、眩暈、頭痛一定能完全康復。 再次感謝柯院長、鄭醫師及所有的護理人員,不管有多忙碌都能細心、耐心的視病猶親,祈願大家都能健康平安!
Dr. Ke's medical skills are really superb, and Dr. Zheng's professional medical services are both admirable. I have been looking for a good doctor for many years because of dizziness and hyperthyroidism. Seeing Dr. Ke's successful cases on Facebook has boosted my confidence. It was the first time for Dr. Ke to see a doctor. He patiently and professionally explained his condition and also analyzed the difference between self-paid treatment and health insurance. Although he was afraid of acupuncture, he was willing to overcome fear and bravely pay for treatment because he believed in Director Ke. The day before yesterday, I had a sudden onset of dizziness, dizziness and vomiting. When I arrived at the clinic, the two nurses carefully helped me to lie down on the diagnosis and treatment bed. Dr. Zheng came over immediately for consultation and gave me a heat source with infrared rays. Pulse acupuncture, I slept for a while, and my spirit was much better. During the seven-hour rest in the diagnosis and treatment bed, Dr. Zheng and the nurses observed and cared from time to time. Today, Dr. Ke has a second course of treatment. He found out that the dizziness and vomiting attacked the day before yesterday. He immediately helped me to stop the dizziness. After a few minutes, the dizziness was completely gone. He continued to treat tinnitus, hyperthyroidism and exophthalmos. This time, I have the confidence to stop the dizziness immediately. , I believe that the hyperthyroidism, dizziness and headache that have been bothering me for many years will definitely be fully recovered. Thanks again to Dean Ke, Physician Zheng and all the nursing staff, no matter how busy they are, they can be careful and patient to see the disease and stay close to each other. I hope everyone can be healthy and safe!
鹿仙貝 on Google

我是給鄭醫師看的,針灸技術好人又親切和藹,可以感受到視病如親,是會想回診的好診所。(櫃檯人員也都非常親切) 今天看的是肩頸問題以及健康調理,在針灸後肩頸疼痛立即改善,期待回家吃藥也對健康有助益。
林佑丞 on Google

生活點滴回饋,看了一下過往回覆,看來我遇到的事情都是陳年舊習,貴診所的處理風格原來就是放牛吃草阿?看來再大的嘉南平原都快被牛吃到變成戈壁沙漠了,以下的事項不曉得大家是否有共鳴? 1.櫃檯長頭髮身形嬌小的小姐態度真的非常"獨特",說話語氣差、可能求學時沒有聽過禮記這本書籍,病人初來乍到貴診就先吃了頓粗飽,這當門紅真是非尋常。 2.醫師看診次次遲到,掛號後等候時間長到我家野草都快比我人還高了,況且已經遲到還經常與其他病患高談闊論,讓其他人家裡的青苔都快爬滿院牆了,醫師您的時間非常寶貴,但我們每個人一天都是24小時,我們都希望把時間浪費在等候更值得的人身上。 3.因家人行動不便,都乘坐復康巴士,原先的預約已經因醫師個人"特色"多次延誤,最近櫃檯的嬌小優質人員告知不能預約,那請問病患該什麼時候去掛號才能看診?我需要拔我家門口新發芽的草測風向占卜嗎?
Feedback from life bits and pieces, I looked at the past replies, it seems that the things I have encountered are old habits. The handling style of your clinic turned out to be cattle grazing? It seems that no matter how big the Jianan Plain is, it will be eaten by cattle. It has become the Gobi Desert. I wonder if the following matters resonate with everyone? 1. The attitude of the lady with long hair and petite body at the counter is really "unique". She speaks in a bad manner and may not have heard of the book The Book of Rites when she was in school. When the patient first came to your clinic, he had a rough meal first, which was really popular. is unusual. 2. The doctor is late for many visits. The waiting time after registration is so long that the weeds in my house are almost taller than mine. Besides, I am late and I often talk with other patients. , Physician Your time is precious, but each of us is 24 hours a day, and we all want to waste our time waiting for someone more worthy. 3. Because of the inconvenience of family members, they all take the rehabilitation bus. The original appointment has been delayed many times due to the doctor's personal "characteristics". Recently, the petite and high-quality staff at the counter told me that the appointment cannot be made. So when should the patient go to register to see the doctor? Do I need to pull up the newly sprouted grass in front of my house to take wind direction divination?
台南小哥哥 on Google

The shoulder and neck pain has not improved after visiting many clinics. I wanted to find Chinese medicine and acupuncture for treatment. I didn't expect that I just said that many clinics were not good. Dr. Ke said impatiently, just tell me where you are uncomfortable. Well, this is his attitude towards newly diagnosed patients! After that, I didn’t take the pulse, and even the basic traditional Chinese medicine of watching, hearing, asking, and cutting was omitted, and 17 needles were directly inserted into my ear. At the moment, I only felt that the needle was very painful, but I did not feel that the shoulder and neck were improved immediately, and the whole treatment process can only be said to be sloppy. The consultation was not in the consultation room but on the massage bed outside. Later, the nurse asked me to go home and pull out the needle. They said that the longer the needle, the better the effect. I believed it and pulled it after three hours after returning home. The result was that the shoulder and neck did not improve the next day, and the pain was even worse, so I didn’t dare to do it again. The second time I went to acupuncture, this kind of medical skills and medical ethics is really annoying!

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