倆人鍋鏟 - Lane 1

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 倆人鍋鏟

地址 :

710, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yongkang District, Lane 1, Shengli St, 17號倆人鍋鏟

電話 : 📞 +889877
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/twospatula
城市 : Shengli St

710, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yongkang District, Lane 1, Shengli St, 17號倆人鍋鏟
Joey Tsai on Google

辣味真的不能亂點...會被辣死? 料給的很足,麵香氣十足但有點乾,下次想嘗試其他款不會辣的義大利麵
The spiciness really can't be messed up...it will be spiced to death? The ingredients are very good, the noodles are full of aroma but a bit dry, next time I want to try other types of pasta that are not spicy
You Sheng Wang on Google

The pasta is not too soft and cooked just right, the white sauce is rich, the chicken is tender, and the thick soup is very appetizing with bread.
Bowman Adaline on Google

外送 鍋鏟時蔬辣到爆 真的超爆辣 嘴都紅腫了 根本直接垃圾桶了 建議可以備註一下熊貓菜單
The vegetables are so hot when the spatula is delivered, it's really super hot, and the mouth is red and swollen.
妞波 on Google

用熊貓訂的外送,點了醬燒雞腿野菜碗160元 我覺得cp值很高,醬料很好吃,裡面有煎雞腿肉、生菜、水果還有一顆煎的荷包蛋,但我昨天點完之後,這個餐點就從熊貓下架了。 可以恢復這個餐點嗎? 我很想再買,謝謝。 - 更新 有看到野菜碗回來了??
Ordered delivery with Panda, ordered the sauce-roasted chicken drumstick bowl of wild vegetables 160 yuan I think the cp value is very high, the sauce is delicious, it contains fried chicken thigh, lettuce, fruit and a fried poached egg, but after I ordered it yesterday, this meal was taken off the shelf from Panda. Can this meal be reinstated ? I would love to buy it again, thank you. - renew I saw the wild vegetable bowl is back??
黃阿啾 on Google

特別推薦粉紅醬松阪豬 第一次吃點小辣 被奇特的辣度辣到胃在翻滾 口腔真的有噴火的感覺 打電話問老闆娘才知道店家使用的是死神辣椒?️ 從此後就愛上了 但是只敢吃微辣 現在也成為愛店之一。
Specially recommend Matsusaka pork with pink sauce It was the first time I ate a little spicy food, and my stomach was tumbling because of the peculiar spiciness. The mouth really smells like fire I called and asked the proprietress to find out that the store uses Reaper chili ?️ I've been in love since then, but only dare to eat spicy food It is now one of the favorite stores.
DP Su on Google

環境很典雅別緻 內用人不多 沒有壓力 麵包非常好吃 沙拉盤的每個部分都挺好吃的 燉飯小辣 真的就會辣 但很好吃 咖啡很不錯 早午餐店的靈魂就是一杯好咖啡
The environment is very elegant and chic, there are not many people inside, there is no pressure The bread is very tasty Every part of the salad plate is delicious The stewed rice is really spicy but delicious Good coffee The soul of a brunch shop is a good cup of coffee
Giuseppe Vitolo on Google

Very nice place with kind people! :)
yuhsi Chen on Google


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