永大聚能旗艦館【身心靈健康教育-營養-運動-網路公益聯誼】 - Section 2

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Contact 永大聚能旗艦館【身心靈健康教育/營養/運動/網路公益聯誼】

地址 :

710, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yongkang District, Section 2, Yongda Rd, 1266號永大聚能旗艦館【身心靈健康教育/營養/運動/網路公益聯誼】2樓

電話 : 📞 +8897
網站 : https://mental-health-service-566.business.site/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 8AM–10PM
Thursday 8AM–10PM
Friday 8AM–10PM
Saturday 8AM–10PM
Sunday 8AM–10PM
Monday 8AM–10PM
Tuesday 8AM–10PM
城市 : Yongda Rd

710, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yongkang District, Section 2, Yongda Rd, 1266號永大聚能旗艦館【身心靈健康教育/營養/運動/網路公益聯誼】2樓
施哲榮 on Google

A good place to learn, grow and relax
孫佳樺 on Google

Super comfortable and spacious place full of positive energy??
王淑雯 on Google

It is a charging station for body, mind and energy. There are many courses here for free learning and growth!
禾利威保健達人-美珍老師 on Google

ㄧ個充滿正能量 的地方, 置身其中 能讓人放鬆,愉悅的聚能會館
ㄧA place full of positive energy, where you can relax and enjoy the energy gathering hall
chen Mark on Google

館主是一位成功身心靈的企業家 , 致力幫助別人虛 實合一, 翻轉人生, 期待拜訪喔
The owner is a successful entrepreneur in mind and body, dedicated to helping others Reality is oneness, life is reversed, look forward to visiting
蔡麗君 on Google

正能量滿滿的會館,踏進去就能感受愉悅的氛圍.. 讓身心靈得到舒展的超療癒空間....
The hall is full of positive energy, and you can feel the pleasant atmosphere when you step in. A super-healing space that allows body, mind, and soul to be stretched...
小詹 on Google

充滿創新思維的空間,建構多元又能量滿滿的好課程! 希望疫情快快退散《《《 》》》 才能再度在這個好環境上課 大推^^
A space full of innovative thinking, to construct a good course full of diversity and energy! I hope that the epidemic will soon retreat and dissipate "《》》, so that classes can be taught in this good environment again. ^^
張洳蘭 on Google

打造靈魂團隊心得報告:張洳蘭 一個人為什麼遲遲不成就,關鍵就是心比天高,認為自己能力大於天,但又不願沉下來腳踏實地,專註做事,總是這件事情沒完成,又想著去做另一件,於是每件事情都沒有結果! 如果不能頓悟到這一點,終生難有大成就。 以上是洳蘭四天前給自己寫的劇本;劇場不同但結果都是悲劇!洳蘭一直給自己「受害者」的角色。 因著魏蒼民魏老師引導師:洳蘭學習;吸收了魏老師30年的功力,何其有幸得到靈魂伴侶及12人靈魂團隊:領航人:魏蒼民.館長:吳瑄璦.引導人:黃麟雅. 護航人:施向宇.沈師傅.依珊.博雅.威銘 洳蘭回到了家,翻轉人生,輕易豐盛;有愛又富!!!
Experience report on building a soul team: Zhang Weilan The key to why a person is so late in achieving success is that his heart is higher than the sky and he thinks his abilities are greater than the sky, but he doesn’t want to sink down and keep his feet on the ground and concentrate on doing things. Nothing came to fruition! If you can't realize this, it's hard to make a big achievement in your life. The above is the script that Wei Lan wrote to herself four days ago; the theater is different but the results are tragedy! Wei Lan has always given herself the role of "victim". Because of Wei Cangmin's teacher: Wei Lan learning; after absorbing the skills of Wei for 30 years, how fortunate to get a soul mate and a 12-person soul team: navigator: Wei Cangmin. curator: Wu Xuanya. guide: Huang Linya. Escort: Shi Xiangyu. Master Shen. Yishan. Boya. Weiming Wei Lan returned home, turned her life around, and prospered easily; there is love and richness! ! !

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