連婦產科 - Yongkang District

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Contact 連婦產科

地址 :

710, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yongkang District, Zhongshan S Rd, 29號連婦產科

電話 : 📞 +88
城市 : Zhongshan S Rd

710, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yongkang District, Zhongshan S Rd, 29號連婦產科
張同慶 on Google

(  ̄▽ ̄)σ在這裡很放鬆。
( ̄▽ ̄)σ is very relaxing here.
營造業社畜 on Google

問病因 都不回答的醫生= =還轉移話題
Ask the doctor who did not answer the question = = also transfer the topic
蔡紫媖 on Google

I went to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department today. The doctor is very good, Xiong Du is very kind, and the nurses are very kind. The service is very good and attentive.
張君如 on Google

I have been talking to the doctor for no sexual behavior. He still insists on internal medicine. The internal diagnosis can be very rude. I don’t know what it’s really painful to get in. It’s really painful to go to the nurse to ignore the chat. Obviously no one came to see the doctor's internal medicine nurse called me trousers underwear to lay down, wait for the doctor to wait for 10 minutes before the doctor appeared
Honey Kim on Google

有次腹部疼痛,看診時,醫生說要內診,我表示我現在是經期中耶。醫生不理我,護士叫我去旁邊脱褲子內褲,然後我被叫上躺平後,醫生直接拿不知道什麼東西直接督進來,左督督右督督往左一橫往右一深,我痛到說「我月經來可以不要這樣嗎?!」 醫生充耳不聞「看起來子宮是沒問題」 我痛到哭出來,覺得很無助。護士也不想理我,醫生抽出不知道什麼東西,擦了擦上頭的血,護士給我幾張衛生紙要我擦乾淨。 我覺得整場經驗很噁心也極度不舒服,我問醫生「非得要內診?不能用照的看嗎?」他一邊將看診紀錄key進電腦,一邊冷冷回我「對,一定要內診才知道」 我隔天打電話去詢問護士,她們也只是覺得我很煩的口氣冷淡回我說「一切以醫生判斷為準」 這已經是2年半前的事情,我經過好幾次他們都還在,一直到現在那間都是我的陰影,分享出來,希望大家若是真的覺得不舒服,不要像我一樣只能一直哭然後從此對此烙下陰影。也希望不要再有女孩再去看診了。
There was a pain in the abdomen. When I was at the doctor, the doctor said that I had to be diagnosed. I said that I am now in the mid-term. The doctor ignored me. The nurse told me to go to the pants and pants. Then I was called to lie flat. The doctor directly did not know what was directly supervised. The left supervisor, the right supervisor, went to the left and went to the right. It hurts to say, "Can I not do this during menstruation?!" The doctor turned a deaf ear. "It looks like the uterus is ok." I felt so sad that I felt so helpless. The nurse didn't want to care about me. The doctor took out what I didn't know, wiped the blood on my head, and the nurse gave me some toilet paper to clean me. I feel that the whole experience is very disgusting and extremely uncomfortable. I asked the doctor, "Is it necessary to have an internal diagnosis? Can't you look at it?" He took the medical record key into the computer and coldly returned to me. "Yes, it must be inside." I know only when I see it." I called the nurse the next day, and they just felt that I was annoyed with a cold tone and said that "everything is judged by the doctor." This is already two and a half years ago. I have been there for several times. I have been shadowing since then. I hope that if you really feel uncomfortable, don’t just cry like me. Then it is branded with this. I also hope that no more girls will go to see a doctor.
游雅雯 on Google

Physicians and nurses are very diligent. Originally, they went to the doctor for menstrual pain. Doctors used consultations, internal consultations, and ultrasonic examinations to differentiate and diagnose the cause of menstrual pain. Compared with other clinics directly prescribing painkillers or menstrual regulators Solve the fundamental problem.
邱曉波 on Google

A very medically ethical company president. Very careful consultation and explanation. Therefore, the latter patients will always wait some time. Although they have to wait, when it is their turn to see a doctor, they can get very careful consultation and explanation. Moreover, there is a sense of privacy in the consultation desk for one person and one compartment.
李紀箴 on Google

就住附近,想說就近打hpv 疫苗,結果殊不知打疫苗過程非常雷。 {第一劑施打}, 因為擔心,對疫苗問了比較多問題,施打的護理師回答完後,突然來一句風涼話,也許她自認有趣,但實際上一點也不好笑(ex : 小姐妳問題太多了吧,我從沒遇到像你這麼多問題的人),整體施打有點小痛,但尚可。 {第二劑施打} 來電提醒預約時,我人當下發生車禍擦撞事故,正在跟員警肇事者處理事情,看到來電後秒掛,但當時不知為何 一直連續打四五次進來,我最後只好接起來(口氣是請他不要來電,現在很忙 ) 到診所施打時,櫃檯人員直接向我說明電話事件,說她們好意提醒我但是我的態度很糟糕,當下我敷衍了事直接快速道歉。 跟上次同一位人員施打,因為怕痛,拿新冠疫苗的施打詢問比較疼痛度(新冠不是在此診所) 護理師回答完後,依舊小風涼話(ex:沒必要擔心啦!你太誇張了,施打不會痛,是推藥才會痛)施打跟第一次一樣,小痛。她下針第一下就非常明顯的刺痛感(比任何我有記憶的疫苗都還痛) {第三劑施打} 提醒預約電話這次我有順利接到,直接預約施打的日期了。 施打依舊同一位護理師,我只有說我怕痛,請她提醒一下,她仍然覺得我太誇張(…) 結果下針超痛!推藥更痛!!! 我直接大叫起來,施打當下我沒移動,因為很痛忙著喘氣,她可能嚇到了,叫我順氣的同時整個動作都很大力。尤其是施打完後她棉花壓得很大力還壓超過30秒! 等我終於喘到一陣子後 ,請她不要再壓我了很痛,她有小力一點(同時整個抓住我手臂) 過了再一小段時間,我真的不爽了覺得她聽不懂人話,請她不要再壓了,她才說幫我把棉花貼起來 。她放手那一刻,被壓的痛感全消失了,正常多了。 最後她疑似被嚇到了,沒那麼風涼話,但聽到當下感依舊不舒服(小姐你真的很怕痛欸,你大叫太誇張了,針不會痛啦,是推藥痛)我最後怒叱:很痛,你不是我! 我在其他間醫院針抽血都不會那麼痛 。她最後默默的說喔好吧那抱歉了。叫我休息後就離開了。 昨天終於打完第三劑了,終於不用再被雷了第一劑都打了(頭都洗下去了),中途沒有換診所施打,結果居然昨天大雷! 醫生和其它護理人員整體態度我覺得普普偏下,施打疫苗的護理人員超糟糕! 分享出來給各位參考。這間診所應該固定是同一位人員打針。
I live nearby, and I want to say that the hpv vaccine is nearby, but the result is that the vaccination process is very shocking. {first dose administered}, Because of worry, I asked a lot of questions about the vaccine. After answering the answer, the nurse who gave the shot suddenly made a sarcastic remark. Maybe she thought it was funny, but in fact it was not funny at all (ex: Miss, you have too many questions, I'm from I haven't encountered people with as many problems as you), the overall treatment is a little painful, but it's okay. {second dose administered} When I called to remind you to make an appointment, I was in a car accident and was dealing with the perpetrator. I hung up in seconds after seeing the call, but I kept calling four or five times in a row, so I finally had to pick it up. Please don't call him, he's busy now ) When I arrived at the clinic, the staff at the counter directly explained the phone call incident to me, saying that they kindly reminded me but my attitude was very bad, and I immediately apologized perfunctorily. The same person gave the same treatment as last time, because I was afraid of pain, I asked about the pain degree of the new crown vaccine (the new crown is not in this clinic). Now, the beating won't hurt, it's just pushing the medicine.) The beating is the same as the first time, a little pain. She had a very noticeable tingling sensation the first time she got the needle (more painful than any vaccine I can remember) {Third dose delivered} Reminder to make an appointment call this time, I successfully received it and made an appointment directly for the date of the call. Shi Da is still the same nurse, I only said that I am afraid of pain, please remind her, she still thinks I am exaggerating (…) As a result, the needle was extremely painful! Pushing medicine is more painful! ! ! I screamed out loud, and I didn't move when I was beating, because it was very painful and I was gasping for breath. She might have been frightened. She told me to go with my breath and the whole movement was very vigorous. Especially after the beating, she pressed the cotton very hard and pressed it for more than 30 seconds! When I finally gasped for a while, I asked her to stop pressing me. It hurts a little, she has a little strength (while grabbing my arm all the time) After a short while, I was really upset and felt that she didn't understand people. Then, please stop pressing it, and she said to help me stick the cotton. The moment she let go, the pain of being crushed disappeared and became much more normal. In the end, she seemed to be frightened, and she was not so sarcastic, but she still felt uncomfortable when she heard the moment (Miss, you are really afraid of pain. It hurts, you are not me! In other hospitals, the needles and blood draws are not as painful. She finally said silently, "Okay, sorry." After calling me to rest, I left. Yesterday I finally finished the third dose, and finally I don't have to be hit by the first dose again (the head was washed down), and I didn't change the clinic in the middle to give it. I think the overall attitude of doctors and other nursing staff is poor, and the nursing staff who administer the vaccine are super bad! Share it for your reference. This clinic should be fixed by the same person for injection.

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