馬維爾異國餐廳 - Yongkang District

4.2/5 基於 8 評論

致穩人文商旅 JustWin Grand Hotel - Justwin-hotel.com.tw


The most comfortable lodging for business travelers
in TSP.

Contact 馬維爾異國餐廳

地址 :

710, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yongkang District, Zhongzheng 7th St, 69號馬維爾異國餐廳

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 7
網站 : https://www.justwin-hotel.com.tw/
城市 : th St

710, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yongkang District, Zhongzheng 7th St, 69號馬維爾異國餐廳
黃小兔 on Google

在台南的鬧區中停車是很頭大的問題,這家buffet在致穩人文商旅一樓,車子可以直接停到飯店的地下室停車場免費停車。 平日午餐費用一個人520元,加上一成服務費。 當日壽星本日,可享獨7折優惠,記得要帶身份証喔。 午餐用餐時間是11:30-14:00,餐廳沒限制吃到飽的時間,真的很適合慢活~慢慢享受美食。 取餐區的餐點補齊的速度很快,孔雀蛤、白蝦、各類的生魚片讓人吃到撐 百香果口味的螺肉片、小章魚配上喝到飽的啤酒真的超爽快的~ 中午喝著涼涼的啤酒感覺真的挺優的~ 台南現燙牛肉湯,鮮魚湯,沒吃飽還能煮個臺南油麵擔仔麵~想加蛋的記得魯肉燥裡多撈兩個~ 現做餐點蝦手捲,蒸鱈魚豬五國,香煎雞肉也超推薦的 明治的冰淇淋小朋友的最愛 蛋糕櫃裡面有基本的巧克力、抹茶、起司蛋糕還有藍莓奶酪、咖啡凍 最特別的有黑糖木耳凍有興趣可以試試看 府城豆花有花生紅豆杏仁愛玉可以添加,主廚推薦豆花加糖加檸檬,甜甜蜜蜜酸酸很好吃~ 吃的太開心地,很多菜忘記拍了,很多特色菜真的很好吃,超推 很超高CP值的一家餐廳,停車便利,服務人員很用心,海鮮又新鮮,這價錢再扣除停車費,懂得算的人都知道這划算的???
Parking in the downtown area of ​​Tainan is a big problem. This buffet is on the first floor of Zhiwen Wenren Business Hotel. Cars can be parked directly in the hotel's basement parking lot for free parking. Weekday lunch costs 520 yuan per person, plus 10% service charge. On the day of birthday today, you can enjoy a 30% discount, remember to bring your ID card. The lunch time is 11:30-14:00. The restaurant does not limit the all-you-can-eat time. It is really suitable for slow life ~ slowly enjoy the food. The food in the pick-up area is replenished very quickly. Peacock clams, white shrimp, and various sashimi are so satisfying. Passion fruit flavored snail meat slices, small octopus and all-you-can-drink beer are really refreshing~ It feels really good to drink a cold beer at noon~ Tainan's hot beef soup, fresh fish soup, if you are not full, you can cook a Tainan oil noodles Danzai noodles~ If you want to add eggs, remember to get two more in Lurouzao~ Freshly made shrimp hand rolls, steamed cod and pig five countries, and pan-fried chicken are also highly recommended Meiji's Ice Cream Children's Favorite The cake cabinet has basic chocolate, matcha, cheese cake, blueberry cheese, coffee jelly The most special is the black sugar fungus jelly. If you are interested, you can try it Fucheng Douhua has peanuts, red beans, almonds and love jade that can be added. The chef recommends Douhua with sugar and lemon. It is sweet and sour and delicious~ I was so happy to eat, many dishes forgot to take pictures, many special dishes are really delicious, super recommended A restaurant with a very high CP value, with convenient parking, attentive service staff, and fresh seafood. This price is deducted from the parking fee. Anyone who knows how to calculate knows that this is a good deal???
Bao Bao on Google

價格平實 大約是東區一客套餐的價位 品項不多 很意外的生魚片應該是吃到飽的精華 卻乏人問津 菜色檔次中等 無驚喜的料理 只是 不期待太高 就沒有傷害
The price is reasonable, about the price of a one-pack meal in the East District Not many items. Surprisingly, sashimi should be the essence of all you can eat, but few people care about it. The dishes are of medium grade, and there are no surprises. Just don't expect too much, it doesn't hurt
DoraYeh on Google

In terms of all-you-can-eat buffet Parkway, the price of lunch is quite cost-effective, especially the local Tainan beef soup, fish soup, danzi noodles ? beancurd, sashimi, sushi ?, stir-fried vegetables, beer ?, etc. , there are discounts for birthday stars, and you can also swipe your card ? (some credit cards can be free of service fee)
shan Hun on Google

於4/9星期六中午用餐,車可停飯店對面的空地。吃完向櫃檯取磁卡即可免費。 二人有三個夾子,煎牛排很嫩很好吃,,續點超多次,完全不怕客人吃,我丟完夾子再去逛一下,回來時牛排已送達!(當天坐約8成滿) 螃蟹比阿力海、漢來还新鮮!而且不用搶,会一直補出來。 外場人員不多,但每個都服務勤快笑容可掬又親切,工作能力從容有序,就算後面一小時吃不下了,坐在位置上耍廢,也依然覺得很舒適。 他們的五味醬調的極佳,像是用番茄打出來的而非番茄醬,任何海鮮沾了它都好吃爆表,一定得嚐嚐!!! 另一個好吃的是梅汁漬番茄,酸甜度調的很好,剛好中和掉吃到飽的膩感。 看似很平凡的豆花,竟是我喜歡的口感,滑順柔嫩!不会有吉利丁加太多的膠感也沒有豆腐渣沒撈乾淨的顆粒感。 可惜當天沒有鲑魚生魚片。飲料区也是比較選擇不多又普通。
At noon on Saturday 4/9, the car can park in the open space opposite the hotel. After eating, you can get a magnetic card at the counter for free. The two of them have three clips. The fried steak is very tender and delicious. I have reordered it many times, and I am not afraid of the guests eating. I will go shopping after throwing the clips. (About 80% of the seats are full on the day) Crabs are fresher than Alihai and Hailai! And you don't have to grab it, it will always be replenished. There are not many people in the field, but everyone is diligent in service, smiling and kind, and their work ability is calm and orderly. Even if they can't eat for an hour later, they still feel very comfortable sitting in their seats. Their five-flavor sauce is excellent, like it's made from tomato instead of ketchup, it's delicious with any seafood dipped in it, you must try it! ! ! Another delicacy is plum juice pickled tomatoes, the sweetness and sourness is well adjusted, just to neutralize the all-you-can-eat greasy feeling. The seemingly ordinary bean curd is actually my favorite taste, smooth and tender! There will not be too much gelatin added to the gelatin, nor the graininess of the tofu dregs. Too bad there was no salmon sashimi that day. The beverage area is also relatively limited and ordinary.
Yunita Han on Google

very good...
Patrick Ou on Google

Nice meal
Vash Vash on Google

Good food and helpful staff!
懷念的Asgard on Google


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