台南青春學苑 - Lane 475

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Contact 台南青春學苑

地址 :

71085, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yongkang District, Lane 475, Fuguoyi Rd, 28號台南青春學苑

電話 : 📞 +8898788
城市 : Fuguoyi Rd

71085, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yongkang District, Lane 475, Fuguoyi Rd, 28號台南青春學苑
洪博修 on Google

以5000多塊不含水電來說 這邊空間比其他地方小很多 大概就是6平跟12平的差別 管理員基本上沒辦法幫你解決甚麼 不要抱太大期望去找管理員就對了 網路有時候會斷線在重連 飲水機只有一樓有 水電照著台電走但是有額外公共電費 總之 除了這邊是新房子+樓中樓的新鮮感之外 還是再看看其他地方吧 來自住了一年的房客心得
For more than 5000 pieces of water-free electricity The space here is much smaller than other places, probably the difference between 6 level and 12 level Administrators basically can’t help you solve anything. Don’t expect too much to find an administrator. Sometimes the network is disconnected and reconnecting The water dispenser is only on the first floor Water and electricity follow Taipower but have additional public electricity charges In short, besides the new house + the freshness of the building in the building Let's look at other places Experience from tenants who have lived for one year
亂停車的應該是你們這些留正評的人吧 on Google

亂七八糟的,亂停車,鄰居都在抱怨 還是留言的這些人你們認為你們都停的很好沒有影響到別人?還是你們是管理員討拍派來留正評的?麻煩請改善吧,不然乖乖請里長來規劃紅線,都不會有爭議了,還親眼看到鄰居為了你們亂停車打電話請警察查詢車牌號碼聯絡車主的只因為沒有留下聯絡方式,做管理員的應該要告知房客或是來訪客人吧,而不是請人家來幫妳洗評論,恕我直言!
In a mess, parking, neighbors are complaining Those who are still leaving a message, do you think that you have stopped very well and have not affected others? Or are you an administrator who wants to shoot the party to stay positive? Please improve if you have trouble, otherwise please ask the lieutenant to plan the red line. There will be no disputes. I also see the neighbors calling you for parking. Please ask the police to check the license plate number and contact the owner only because there is no contact information. Members should tell the tenants or come to the visitors, instead of asking others to help wash the comments, IMHO!
桃園市私立何嘉仁風禾日光幼兒園 徐瑮君 on Google

Residents and future residents, please note that all their facilities or equipment, whether they are rooms or public areas, should be particularly careful and careful ⚠️ because as long as you are the last person you encounter, if something suddenly breaks later, you want Responsible, whether you use it or not, you have to pay the original price (whether that thing is broken or a small part of it is broken), if you really want to lose money, please ask the administrator to take out the receipt and invoice to see the amount, Make sure that the amount stated by the administrator is the same~ (otherwise you may be overcharged) ? Please be careful and wish you a pleasant stay ☺️☺️
很吵 on Google

有夠吵的,幾年的房子都蓋不好是在??? 停車場還沒用好就在出租,一堆汽機車都亂停 有夠沒水準的,令人厭惡的工程,我看建商素質應該也好不到哪裡去吧。對了 尤其是房客的另一半吧 似乎開改裝現代,素質也很差,把巷子當賽車道?排氣管也很吵,唉..這樣子的人很不適合出現在安靜的巷子裡,真是辛苦我們其他住家了! 還有要求管理人員改善停車問題,好大的口氣啊,甚至語帶有恐嚇性的字眼,我記得別人跟我說過你們的地好像只到水溝蓋那邊吧!所以機車停到馬路上還停不夠是??要不要撒泡尿照照鏡子看看自己的臉有沒有腫腫的,評價請洗好洗滿,如果上爆料的話好像就沒有辦法洗了哦:)
There are enough noisy, is the house not covered for a few years? ? ? The parking lot is not ready for use, and a bunch of steam locomotives are parked. There are enough unreasonable and disgusting projects. I think the quality of the construction business should not be better. Right, especially the other half of the tenant. It seems to be modern and the quality is very poor. Take the alley as a racing track? The exhaust pipe is also very noisy, oh.. This kind of person is not suitable for appearing in a quiet alley, it is really hard for us to live in other homes! There are also requirements for managers to improve the parking problem, a big tone, and even the words with intimidation, I remember others told me that your land seems to only cover the ditch! So the locomotive stopped on the road and stopped enough? ? Do you want to sneak into the mirror to see if your face is swollen or not? Please wash it and wash it. If it breaks, it seems that there is no way to wash it :)
Mark L on Google

租屋體驗極差 五星根本找親友或自己洗的 以後要租的房客請三思 租約未到期就告知要提前找清潔人員來整理 剩下幾天是不用住? 還告知租約到期當天就有別組房客要入組 施壓要求提早安排讓他們方便租別組房客 隔音狀況相當差 在房間內都可以聽到走廊及別的房間的聲音 離外面的房子距離也很近 常常聽到小孩子的嬉鬧聲 管理員態度也很差 疫情期間還自己在一樓管理室都未戴口罩 還放任自己熟識的房客未戴口罩群聚 其他跟你們不熟的房客的人身安全都不用顧就是了? 房租也不便宜 房間又小 給一顆星都嫌多
The experience of renting a house is extremely poor. If you want to rent in the future, please think twice Before the lease expires, tell the cleaning staff to clean up in advance Do you not need to live for the remaining few days? Also informed that there are other groups of tenants who want to join the group on the day the lease expires Pressure to make arrangements in advance to make it easier for them to rent group tenants Sound insulation is quite poor The sound of the corridor and other rooms can be heard in the room It’s also close to the house outside I often hear the frolic of children The administrator's attitude is also very poor During the epidemic, I did not wear a mask in the management room on the first floor. Still letting the tenants whom I know acquainted with without wearing a mask Don't care about the personal safety of other tenants who are not familiar with you? The rent is not cheap, the room is small One star is too much
Xin Yum on Google

目前住戶 覺得環境很棒很新 付管理費是真的看得到管理員用心管理 環境整潔不說 有問題反應 管理員都會積極處理 隔音不好是真的 但請管理員稍作提醒就會改善 其他住戶其實也都知道所以不太會太大聲的聊天喧嘩 這兩天確診 原以為別人會避之不及 但管理員姐姐還說能幫我拿晚餐跟倒水 而且其他住戶有需要 也是請他幫忙 真的很感謝
current resident I feel that the environment is very good and I paid the management fee. I can really see that the administrators manage the environment cleanly. If there are any problems, the administrators will actively deal with the poor sound insulation. I know it, so I don't talk too loudly. I was diagnosed in the past two days. I thought that others would avoid it, but the manager sister also said that she could help me with dinner and water, and other residents also asked him for help when they needed it. Thank you very much.
王亘茹 on Google

老實說管理員把大廳打理得很漂亮,裝潢看起來也還不錯的感覺。 有子母車跟飲水機這件事也確實很方便。 但是房間的空間真的很小,而且光線不足,再來是隔音非常的差!! 樓下放音樂蹦迪樓上都聽得到!!!甚至是拖拉椅子等等的聲音都非常的清晰! 隔音差這件事本身是無法改變的!!畢竟房子建築時並沒有考慮隔音一事, 所以介意的租屋者真的要再三的考慮!! 這件事管理員是完全沒辦法幫你解決的!! 所以不要造成自己與管理員無限的困擾真的要審慎評估!!
To be honest, the administrator has taken care of the lobby very beautifully, and the decoration looks good. It’s really convenient to have a baby car and a water dispenser. But the space of the room is really small, and the light is insufficient, and the soundproofing is very poor!! Playing music downstairs and dancing upstairs can be heard!!! Even the sounds of dragging chairs and so on are very clear! Poor sound insulation cannot be changed by itself!! After all, sound insulation was not considered when building the house. So renters who mind really have to think twice!! The administrator can't help you solve this matter at all!! So don't cause unlimited troubles between yourself and the administrator, really need to evaluate carefully!!
二花花 on Google

住了二年,這裡採飯店式管理,所以一樓交誼廳寬敞舒適,附近環境地面整潔無垃圾煙蒂,走道光線明亮整潔無住戶雜物鞋子,全棟室內禁菸禁寵聞不到煙味和毛孩子叫聲,住戶有過濾只承接單純的學生或上班族,看的出管理員姐姐有在用心經營。 另外看到一星負評的很可笑,應該是鄉下來都市生活的沒常識啃老族宅宅。飯店式套房本來就會在櫃檯旁設交誼廳,提供住戶的朋友家人來訪時喝咖啡聊天用,以避免一群人在房間裏嘻哈閒聊影響其他住戶的安寧。如果這樣叫群聚的話,那上課上班幾十人在一個小空間也是群聚,餐廳吃飯也群聚,排隊結帳也群聚...。所以宅宅就只能窩在房間繼續啃老等個三五年看疫情是否會結束。北中部城市的套房五千多能租到?宅宅沒見過世面,還活在自己2D世界裡,想的真美喔!
I have lived here for two years, and it is managed like a restaurant, so the saloon on the first floor is spacious and comfortable, the surrounding environment and ground are clean and free of rubbish cigarette butts, the aisles are bright and clean, and there are no household debris shoes. The hairy child screamed, and the residents had filtered to accept only simple students or office workers. It was obvious that the manager sister was working hard. In addition, it is ridiculous to see a one-star negative review. It should be the lack of common sense of urban life in the countryside to eat the old man's house. Hotel-style suites will have a saloon next to the counter, so that friends and family members of the residents can drink coffee and chat when they visit, so as to avoid a group of people chatting in the room and affecting the peace of other residents. If this is called a gathering, then dozens of people in class and work will gather in a small space, dining in restaurants, and queuing to checkout. . . So the house can only stay in the room and continue to eat and wait for three to five years to see if the epidemic will end. Can you rent more than 5,000 suites in the north central city? Zhai Zhai has never seen the world, and is still living in his own 2D world. It's so beautiful to think!

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