仙人指路 咖啡甜點店

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 仙人指路 咖啡甜點店

地址 :

724, Taiwan, Tainan City, Qigu District, 十份45號仙人指路 咖啡甜點店

電話 : 📞 +88788
網站 : https://ice-cream-and-drink-shop-6187.business.site/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 9:30AM–6PM
Thursday 9:30AM–6PM
Friday 9:30AM–6PM
Saturday 9:30AM–6PM
Sunday 9:30AM–6PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9:30AM–6PM
城市 : 臺南市 Qigu District

724, Taiwan, Tainan City, Qigu District, 十份45號仙人指路 咖啡甜點店
Estelle Chen on Google

親子寵物友善,座落在什麼都沒有的鄉間小路上,停車容易。 戶外座位不多但都很別緻,大部份客人都外帶,週日午後人潮仍然洶湧,除了咖啡茶飲以外也提供無咖啡因飲品。 點了西西里咖啡、拿鐵,檸檬納多跟瑪薩拉紅茶,其中最滿意的是就是紅茶,香料的層次感十分明顯,咖啡部份都覺得太淡(個人口味) 也有提供蛋糕,鳳梨球跟燕麥葡萄餅乾 可惜週末午後大部分都賣完了,聽說蛋糕相當可口,下次會來試試看。 拜訪完仙人指路也可以去六孔碼頭拍拍夕陽,美得不像話✨
Parents and pets are friendly, located on a country road with nothing, parking is easy. There are not many outdoor seats but they are very unique. Most of the guests are taken out. The crowds are still crowded on Sunday afternoons. In addition to coffee and tea, they also provide decaffeinated drinks. I ordered Sicilian coffee, latte, lemon nardo and masala black tea. The most satisfying is black tea. The layers of spices are very obvious, and the coffee part feels too light (personal taste) There are also cakes, pineapple balls and oatmeal grape biscuits It's a pity that most of the cakes are sold out in the afternoon on weekends. I heard that the cakes are quite delicious. I will try it next time. After visiting the fairy and giving directions, you can also go to Liukong Pier to take pictures of the sunset, which is so beautiful ✨
亮亮兒 on Google

裝潢蠻有特色的小店 地點不太好找 停車空間也有限 雖然有聞到茶香與咖啡香 但飲料喝起來的口感…就~蠻普通的 下午到訪已經沒有珍珠了? 想喝的上上籤也售罄 若有路過或朋友想去還是會再訪
Nicely decorated shop The location is not easy to find and the parking space is limited Although there is a smell of tea and coffee But the taste of the drink...it's pretty ordinary There are no pearls in the afternoon visit? Want to drink on the sign is also sold out I will visit again if I pass by or if my friends want to go
Jixi An on Google

阿良兄推薦而跑來~吹風享受茶品、咖啡、甜點。20220320 感謝招待? #西西里冰咖啡 #台灣琥珀莊園紅茶 #抹茶戚風蛋糕 老闆茶葉都是親自挑選配好煮,飲品很好喝,蛋糕甜點很好吃? 值得推薦~很愜意樂活,鄉間小路裡面感覺很舒服。 會依照蒜頭 或 小蕃茄的產季產地直購~便宜品質又好,很棒。
Brother A Liang recommended it and came here to enjoy tea, coffee, and desserts. 20220320 Thanks for the hospitality ? #SicilianIced Coffee #Taiwan Amber Manor Black Tea #matcha chiffon cake The tea leaves are selected and cooked by the boss, the drinks are delicious, and the cakes and desserts are delicious ? It is worth recommending ~ very comfortable and happy, and it feels very comfortable in the country road. Will buy directly according to the production season of garlic or small tomatoes ~ cheap and good quality, great.
羅文呈 on Google

The very novel Net Beauty Cafe is located in a very leisurely village. It is recommended to come here on weekdays to enjoy the tranquility and relaxation. If you come during the holidays, it may be crowded with people~
姚美惠 on Google

去年剛剛起步階段來過一次 一間開在鄉村小路的小路的小路裡 會有人來嗎? 有呀 我不是也找尋了嘛? 想等老闆把他的夢想慢慢完成之後再來。 一年后 很高興看到板板漸漸成為網紅店了 不過路還很長 繼續加油。
I visited once last year at the beginning stage Will anyone come in a small road that runs on a country road? Yes, I looked for it too ? I want to wait until the boss finishes his dream slowly. One year later, I am very happy to see Banban gradually becoming an online celebrity shop. However, there is still a long way to go. Keep going.
陳喬攝夫 on Google

仙人指路座落在台南七股區十份的鄉村咖啡店,如果沒有特別繞進來,很容易會錯過這麼可愛的小店。 從國姓橋繞下往七股的路上,在十份村落裡,三合院的旁邊搭了一間咖啡廳,多數人會騎機車過來,比較方便些。 因為地點很特別,所以在這邊喝咖啡別有一番風情!咖啡也很好喝,當天點了兩杯拿鐵咖啡,坐在旁邊看著天空邊喝邊欣賞,很愜意啊! 要去賞鳥賞日落的路程中,不妨停下來喝杯咖啡再繼續旅程,很不錯哦?! P.S. 如果喜歡我的分享,請別吝嗇給個讚+追蹤,我會繼續分享台南的各個小店或景點哦! IG:a2552200
Xianrenzhilu is located in a rural coffee shop in Shifen, Qigu District, Tainan. If you don't make a special detour, you will easily miss such a cute little shop. On the way from Guoxing Bridge to Qigu, in Shifen Village, there is a cafe next to the Sanheyuan. Most people come here by motorcycle, which is more convenient. Because the location is very special, drinking coffee here is unique! The coffee is also very good. I ordered two cups of latte that day, and I sat beside and looked at the sky while drinking and admiring it. It was very pleasant! On the way to watch the birds and watch the sunset, you might as well stop for a cup of coffee before continuing the journey, it's very good ?! P.S. If you like my sharing, please don't hesitate to give a like + follow, I will continue to share various small shops or attractions in Tainan! IG: a2552200
餵魚 on Google

已經第二次來了 第一次來時遇到颱風天~老闆娘提早下班? 第二次大晴天終於喝到了? 今天試喝了馬薩拉紅茶?年限定! 真的很有印度風的韻味~ 但是口味真的是有的人喜歡有的人不喜歡? 像同行3人有2人愛但其中一人怕那個味道! 另外點了西西里咖啡、餘波拿鐵 兩杯都很對味~回甘餘味無窮∞ 然後老闆娘很好聊?㊗️老闆娘平安順產? 期待下次見
It's the second time The first time I came here, I encountered a typhoon~ The lady boss got off work early ? The second sunny day finally got it ? Today I tried masala black tea ? year limited! It really has an Indian flavor. But the taste really is that some people like it and some people don't like it ? Like 3 people in the same group, 2 people love it, but one of them is afraid of the smell! Also ordered Sicilian coffee and aftermath latte The two cups are very delicious ~ the aftertaste is endless ∞ Then the lady boss was nice to chat ?㊗️The lady boss gave birth safely? look forward to seeing you next time
Lingchun Liu on Google

A charmy and peaceful spot to enjoy a cup of tea or fresh brew coffee.

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