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Contact 正王府

地址 :

724, Taiwan, Tainan City, Qigu District, 正王府

城市 : 臺南市 Qigu District

724, Taiwan, Tainan City, Qigu District, 正王府
許家菖 on Google

Very special temple?
星雲風 on Google

The third class has been lost, and there is a supplementary triangle point on the back hill, which is Xituchengzi.
才人平賀 on Google

蠻漂亮的廟 主祀: 正官正王 〈即溫府千歲〉 配祀:雷府三位大將,天上聖母,廣澤尊王,池府大將,三位夫人媽 福德正神 註生娘娘 黑虎將軍 溯自明永曆十五年(清順治十八年西元一六六一年),距今三百餘年,有福建省雷府三兄弟,同年夏末,自福建沿海分乘三艘帆船,滿懷壯志向台灣航行,隨行有家眷三位夫人及家丁數人,船上供奉溫府千歲神像,一路順風而來,船將進國聖港,不料東北季風突發,狂風暴雨,驚濤駭浪,幾經奮力,無奈天意難挽,船將抵港口,被大浪擊沉,一代將才、家眷及壯丁和溫府千歲金身,均遭沉沒於此。 當時在此處有一山川靈氣之地,已為一名幼女所得,其雖有心顯化濟世,然能力有限,不能善盡靈氣威力,幸逢溫府千歲-雷府三兄弟巡遊到此,遂邀共襄扶持,修善救苦救難,收納孤魂好漢歸位,溫府千歲深感未能庇祐雷府三兄弟安全進港上岸,決心留下與雷府三兄弟同甘共苦,普渡眾生,偶有沿海捕魚晚歸漁民,迷失方向,不知何處歸航,即有奇蹟出現火球紅光引航,在此住有張、黃五戶人家,及鄰近安南區什份塭幾戶居民,均以養魚討海維生,同感蒙受庇祐之恩,四時無恙,雷府三兄弟於此顯赫救世,功勳足登神界,經溫府千歲指引向上天領旨,三兄弟受勒封為雷府大將,村民首以茅草、竹桿搭蓋一草廟,稱曰:「大將爺廟」,使其暫有居所,免露宿之苦,此後神威更加赫濯。 歷經百餘年,玉皇上帝深受溫府千歲耐心所感動,能在此簡陋草廟領導雷府大將三兄弟,收納眾英靈及無依孤魂好漢,攘除災厄造福群黎,特勒令封為「正官正王」;從此神威顯赫遠播,草廟香火鼎盛,遠近村落紛紛前往膜拜,年年大演梨園酬謝神恩,老少無不感念正官正王、雷府大將深威廣大。 民國二十一年(西元一九三二年),曾文溪一場水災,使得魚塭埋沒土地流失,張、黃五戶草寮舉家遷移,惟獨草廟尚存,但廟地變成突出陡峭,隨時會崩塌,眾信徒眼看此地已岌岌可危,祈請另擇地建廟,但雷府大將不允,屈守數年,而後曾文溪屢遭水患,有一次水深淹過供桌香爐,廟祝將香爐取走,未久廟地突然崩陷草廟流失,眾信徒則請駕,擇地再以竹桿水泥瓦蓋一小廟供村民及討海漁民奉拜,後來本村人口日盛,迨民國五十年(歲次辛丑年西元一九六一年),由地方長老倡議興建公厝供奉天上聖母、觀音佛祖、廣澤尊王,但天上聖母降駕示曰:正官正王、雷府大將尚未建廟,其不宜建廟,正官正王、雷府大將認為,聖母廟應先建,其兄弟之廟延後在議,於孟秋完成建立公厝名:「慶安堂」,民國五十四年(歲次乙丑年西元一九六五年),地方長老又倡議興建大將爺廟,擇地河川堤防邊,於二月動工興建,同時雕塑正官正王、雷府大將等金身供奉參拜,同年四月二十六日落成入廟,廟名曰:「雷安宮」。 經十餘年國泰民安風調雨順,村民安居樂業生活富裕,全村信徒倡議,合建慶安堂,雷安宮成為一大廟宇,使香火集中更為鼎盛,經召開信徒大會決議通過,於民國六十九年四月初一日,備辦香案三天,祈求玉皇大帝准旨,眾信徒虔誠經數月奉請三界尊神降駕指定合建廟地,隨即組織重建委員會,各角頭推選委員,由杜等齊擔任主任委員,張登助任副主任委員,開始進行籌募資金,委請設計,辦理招標,於同年十二月二十三日動土興建,在各方善男信女熱心捐獻,本庄信徒出錢出力,工程得以順利進行,廟貌巍峨堂皇,高聳壯觀,大廟前方有曾文溪堤防圍繞,有如遊龍盤繞,吞吐洪濤,氣象萬千,地靈神顯,廟脊建有一艘王船,正視曾文溪潮水,眺望大海,汐來汐去浪捲淘沙,一座威嚴大廟屹立於曾文溪口,鎮守海陲,七十四年三月初六慶成入廟,舉行安座大典,而後繼續進行廟廂及其他工程,截至民國八十四年(歲次乙亥年)四月,整座廟宇已頗具規模,十餘年來全省各方大德襄贊,本庄信徒同心協力,重建完成玉勒正王府,供萬世奉祀
Pretty temple Main worship: Zhengguan Zhengwang (that is, Chitose of Wenfu) Matching: Three generals in Leifu, Our Lady of Heaven, King Guangze, general in Chifu, three ladies Fu Dezheng God Injecting the Birth Lady General Black Tiger It dates back to the 15th year of the Ming Yongli period (18th year of the Qing dynasty and 1661 AD), and it is more than 300 years ago. There are three brothers from Leifu in Fujian Province. At the end of the summer of the same year, they took three sailing boats from the coast of Fujian, full of ambition Sailing to Taiwan, accompanied by three wives and several family members, enshrining the Chitose Idol of Wenfu on board, the boat will enter the sacred port all the way. The will of the world is irresistible. The ship will arrive at the port and be sunk by the big waves. A generation of generals, family members, Zhuang Ding and Wen Fu Chitose golden body are all sunk here. At that time, there was a mountainous and spiritual place here, which had been acquired by a young girl. Although she had the heart to manifest her life, she had limited abilities and could not do her best. Fortunately, when the Chitose of Wenfu-the three brothers of Leifu arrived here, they invited Supporting each other, helping others, saving hardships, and receiving the lonely souls to return to their positions, Chitose of Wenfu felt deeply unable to protect the three brothers of Leifu from entering the port safely, and determined to stay with the three brothers of Leifu to share the hardships, pursuing all beings, and occasionally coastal fishing Returning to the fishermen in the night, they lost their way, and they did not know where to go back, that is, there was a miracle that led to the red light of the fireball. There are five families in Zhang and Huang, as well as several residents in the Shifenyuan neighborhood of Annan District. Born in the same sense, he was blessed by the blessings, and there was no trouble at four o'clock. The three brothers of Leifu made a distinguished salvation here. The merits were ascended to God Realm. Following the guidance of Wen Chitose, the three brothers were relegated as generals of Leifu. Thatched grass and bamboo poles overlaid a grass temple, and said, "The Temple of the Great General", so that it temporarily has a residence, avoiding the pain of sleeping, and since then the divine power is even more magnificent. After more than a hundred years, the Jade God was deeply moved by the patience of Wenfu Chitose. Here he can lead the three brothers of the general Leifu in the humble grass temple, gather all the heroes and the lonely souls, remove the disasters and benefit the group, and the order is sealed. It is the "regal official and king"; from then on, the dignity and prestige spread far and wide, the incense of the grass temple was prosperous, and the villages near and far went to worship. Every year, the pear garden was rewarded with gratitude to the gods. In the twenty-one year of the Republic of China (1932 AD), a flood in Zengwenxi caused the loss of the buried land of the Yuyao, and the family of Zhang and Huanghu Caoliao moved, but the only grass temple remained, but the temple land became prominent and steep. It will collapse, and the believers see this place as precarious, and pray for another place to build a temple, but General Lei Fu refused to do so and succumbed to it for several years. Then Zeng Wenxi was repeatedly flooded. Once the water was deeply flooded for the table incense burner, Miao wished to take the incense burner away , The temple land suddenly collapsed and the Cao Temple was lost. The believers asked to drive and choose a place to build a small temple with bamboo poles and cement tiles to worship the villagers and sea fishermen. Later, the village ’s population was prosperous for 50 years. (In the year of Xin Chou, 1961 AD), the local elders proposed to build a public house to worship the Virgin Mary, Guanyin Buddha, and King Guangze, but the Virgin Mary said: The official king, the general Leifu have not yet built a temple It is not suitable to build a temple. The official, the king and the generals of Leifu believe that the Temple of Our Lady should be built first, and the temple of his brother is being postponed, and the establishment of the public name was completed in Mengqiu: "Qing'an Church", 54 years of the Republic of China ( Year B, Ugly Year, 1965), Elder Fang also proposed the construction of the Temple of the Admiral General, choosing the site of the river embankment, and construction began in February. At the same time, sculptures such as the official and the king, Leifu General and other golden bodies were worshipped for worship. On April 26 of the same year, the temple was built into the temple. The name is: "Lei An Palace". After more than ten years of peaceful weather in Cathay Pacific, the villagers lived happily and lived happily, the village ’s believers proposed the joint construction of Qing’an Church and Lei’an Palace as a large temple, which made the incense concentration more prosperous. On the first day of the month, prepare the incense case for three days, and pray for the imperial jade emperor ’s purpose. After several months, the devout devotees asked the three realm gods to surrender and appoint a joint temple site, and then organized a reconstruction committee. Each corner head elected members, with Du et al. As the director. Committee member, Zhang Deng assisted as deputy chairman, began fundraising, commissioned the design, handled the bidding, started construction on December 23 of the same year, enthusiastically donated money from all sides, male and female believers, the local believers contributed money, and the project proceeded smoothly. The temple is majestic and majestic, and the towering and magnificent temple is surrounded by the Zengwenxi embankment in front of the temple. Go to Langwan Taosha, a majestic temple stands at the mouth of Zeng Wenxi, guards the sea, and enters the temple on the sixth day of March in March 1974 Held a grand ceremony of the seat, and then continued to carry out temples and other projects. As of April of the 84th year of the Republic of China (year-old Yihai year), the entire temple has been quite large. For more than ten years, all parties in the province have praised and the believers of this village have worked together. The reconstruction of Yule Zhengwang Mansion is completed for the worship of all ages
HUNG MING on Google

Bring kids to learn to ride a bicycle
陳柏璁 on Google

下著大雨 上個廁所 涼亭有很多狗 7隻 躲雨
It's raining heavily Go to the toilet There are 7 dogs in the pavilion Shelter from the rain
陳明禾 on Google

正王府王爺,第一次看到有廟宇有供王船的,而且還有王船大王呢? 每年一度的慶祝大典,很多人來朝拜,祈求健康!因為王爺會起駕幫忙處理身體喔!
Lord Zhengwangfu, for the first time I saw a temple and a ship for the king, and what about the king of the ship? In the annual celebration ceremony, many people come to worship and pray for health! Because the prince will start driving to help deal with the body!
Timer Dio Ryu on Google

A very comfortable environment, the wind is big and cool, the space is spacious, the top of the temple is carved and unique, it is worthy of careful appreciation. Guanyin is very kind.
田舍夫 on Google

正王府創立於民國54年(1965)廟名曰「雷安宮」。民國74年3月6日重建慶成舉行入火安座大典,而後繼續進行廟廂及其他工程,至民國84年(歲次乙亥年)4月,整座廟宇重建完成玉勒「正王府」,供萬世奉祀。 正王府主祀正官正王(溫府千歲),奉祀神明有天上聖母、雷府三位大將、廣澤尊王、池府千歲、三名夫人、福德正神、註生娘娘、黑虎將軍等。現今正王府除了作為金德豐聚落的信仰、活動與交流的中心以外,由於緊鄰十份里聯外道路南173市道,交通方便且腹地廣大,因此也成為往返黑面琵鷺中心與潟湖過境遊客中途休憩的據點。
Zhengwangfu was founded in 1965 in the Republic of China. The temple is called "Lei'an Palace". On March 6, Republic of China, Qingcheng was rebuilt on March 6, 1974. The ceremony was held for the entrance to the fire, and then the temple and other projects continued. In April of the Republic of China (Yihai), the entire temple was rebuilt and completed the Yule "Zhengwangfu". For the worship of all ages. Zhengwang Mansion worships Zhengwang Zheng (Wen Mansion Chitose), and enshrines the gods of the Heavenly Madonna, Lei Mansion Three Generals, Guangze Zun Wang, Chi Mansion Chitose, Three Wives, Fude Zhengshen, Zhusheng Empress, Black Tiger General, etc. . In addition to being the center of faith, activities and exchanges in the Jindefeng settlement, Zhengwang’s Mansion is now close to Shifenli Lianwai Road South 173 City Road, with convenient transportation and vast hinterland. Therefore, it has also become a halfway visitor to and from the Black-faced Spoonbill Center and the lagoon. A resting place.

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