白河永安宮 - Baihe District

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Contact 白河永安宮

地址 :

732, Taiwan, Tainan City, Baihe District, Guotai Rd, 145號白河永安宮

電話 : 📞 +888
城市 : Guotai Rd

732, Taiwan, Tainan City, Baihe District, Guotai Rd, 145號白河永安宮
哦哦 on Google

There will be strange blame nearby.
江偉嘉 on Google

Master Pan Lishui’s original door god
帥哥虎王 on Google

Mazu's compassionate test, super love this.
吳弘翊 on Google

【白河永安宮沿革誌】 白河永安宮主祀漳洲天上三聖母,有別於台灣宮廟所奉祀之湄洲媽祖,漳洲天上三聖母姓洪閨名杏蘭,誕生於宋朝宋太宗太平興國五年(西元九八七年),距今約有一0二六年之聖紀,祖居福建省漳洲府平和縣三圍鄉,其父洪玄公,其母蘇氏英娘,上有大姊嬋,下有弟守進(大姊認養),一家五口,聖母未誔生前,其父見背,母生聖母後又撒手西歸,自幼失恃,姊弟相依為命,少年時雖體弱多疾,但有慈悲憫世心腸,常以行善為樂,抱以「人之飢為己飢,人之苦為己苦」之精神,處處助人而屢見神異,通靈變化,得透玄機,然時年十八功成果證,歸神日恍聞空中絲管韻仙樂縹緲,仰見鸞輿翠蓋,仙仗幢旛,仙童仙子簇擁,十二條龍光蔚天,彩煥瑞騰,俄間彩雲布合,聖母已飛昇登天。 聖母羽化昇天後,玉帝褒封神職,詔承天命鎮守開基祖廟—福建漳洲府大安宮護佑漳民,蔭麻閩境,巍巍聖蹟赫赫神威而香煙弗替,先民有感於威靈,在前清期間從大安宮迎請三聖母神像,遠渡重洋拓土墾荒,靈隨先民披荊斬棘輾轉奔波,最後選定店仔口(今白河)驛駐。時台灣淪陷日人統治,在日人高壓政策之下,到處毀宮廟、燒神像,三聖母金身再度避移至水上鄉外林溪洲寄奉安座,嗣後經「田中央」角耆老吳水先生,率眾迎回家中供奉。 台灣劫後回歸祖國,自由經濟起飛,國民生活安定,「田中央」部落人口漸增,昔前先民多以農墾為業,日出而作日落而息,光復早期交通不便,醫療缺乏,瘟疫叢生,人畜雜症,求耕問事全賴神靈,由於聖母威靈赫濯,善求者必驗而物阜民康,遠近馳名,迨至民國五十年間,扶乩降示,要在紀樹木弟子家宅安壇濟世乙事,幸蒙紀弟子首肯喜受,發心義務效勞聖事,爾後加祀觀音菩薩、中壇元帥協助救世,諸神同施法力,普濟生靈而澤被三臺,恩沾萬民,致香煙繚繞店仔口各角落。 民國五十一年,欽奉玉旨敕賜宮名日:「永安宮」。民國五十二年成立三十六名贊助建設委員,推舉紀樹木先生為執事,總理廟庶籌劃建宮事宜,後經蔡福吉先生捐獻廟地,聖母感念蔡生善心仁舉,以農地四分換廟地二分,奠定了日後建宮之基石,現今本宮主殿供奉天上聖母、觀音佛祖、中壇三太子,龍旁奉祀福德正神,虎旁奉祀註生娘娘符合「神道設教」之旨,完成了敬天拜神之禮制。 民國五十八年成立初建基金會,百名成員同心協力,慨囊捐輸,共襄盛舉,經聖母擇定吉日良辰破土興建後殿,閱歷年餘而竣成,並在民國五十九年(天運庚戍年)十一月十三日入火安座,同時向政府辦理寺廟登記,正式成立管理人制委員會,推派詹金水為管理人,侯新吉先生為主任委員,配合聖神昭善之下,眾委員群策群力,廣結善緣,又鳩資 規劃興建前殿,民國六十四年由沈呈祥先生接任籌建會主任委員,擴建前殿,至民國六十六年完成前殿初型,在壁沿兩側特設安奉長生祿位,惠賜有緣人氏登錄供祀,祈求四時無災,八節有慶,民國七十四年再增設聖明堂奉祀田都元帥,神庥永佑,護境安民。民國七十五年(天運丙寅年)十月十日出香繞境十三庄社,帶來合境平安,民國七十七年奉旨舉行落成祈安清醮,後民國八十六年,正式向縣政府申請登記成立第一屆管理委員會,綜觀百餘年來,聖母靈昭店仔口,母恩浩蕩,已成萬民景仰之保護神,功著永安宮而聖蹟輝煌, 今廟貌堂皇富麗,坥豆常馨,香煙鼎盛而延綿,時至甲申聖誕佳辰,謹誌其梗云廟。
[White River Yongan Palace History] The White River Yong'an Palace is the main god of the three heavens in Pazhou, which is different from the Pazhou Mazu, which was enshrined in the Taiwan Temple. The three goddess of Hong Kong, the name of the emperor, is born in the Song Dynasty, Song Taizong, Taiping Xingguo, five years (Western 1987) ), about a hundred and sixty-six years ago, the ancestral home of Sanwei Township, Pinghe County, Fuzhou Prefecture, Fujian Province, his father Hong Xuangong, his mother Su Shiying Niang, there is a big sister, and there is a younger brother to defend (Dayu Adoption), a family of five, before the birth of the Virgin Mary, his father saw his back, the mother of the Virgin after the death of the child, lost his childhood, the younger brothers lived together, although the young and weak, but compassionate, I often take pleasure in doing good deeds, and I am cherished by the spirit of "Human hunger is my own hunger, and human suffering is my own suffering." Everywhere, helping people and seeing differences, and changing spirits, I have to pass through mystery. Return to the gods and rumors of the air, the silk tube rhyme, the fairy tales, the jade cover, the fairy tales, the fairy tales, the twelve dragons, the sky, the glory, the Russian clouds, the Virgin Flying up to heaven. After the assumption of the Immaculate Conception, the Jade Emperor smashed the priesthood, and the sacred ancestral temple guarded the Kaizu Temple. The Daan Palace in Fujian’s Pazhou Complex protected the people, and the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred ancestors. During the pre-Qing Dynasty, from the Daan Palace, I greeted the Three Madonna statues, and crossed the ocean to the land, and the spirit followed the ancestors to turn the waves, and finally chose the shop mouth (now Baihe). When Taiwan ruled the Japanese rule, under the Japanese people's high-pressure policy, the temple was destroyed everywhere, and the statue of the god was burned. The Sanctuary of the Three Virgins once again moved to Lin Xizhou, the water township, and sent to the seat of the seat. After the "Tianzhong" corner, the old Wushui Sir, the rate is welcome to go home and offer. After Taiwan’s robbery, it returned to the motherland, the free economy took off, and the national life was stable. The population of the “Tianzhong” tribe gradually increased. In the past, the ancestors used the farmland as their industry, and the sunset was the sunset. The early traffic was inconvenient, the medical treatment was lacking, and the plague Clumping, human and animal diseases, seeking farming and reliance on the gods, because of the Virgin of the Virgin, the benevolence of the people, and the good fortune, well-known, to the Republic of China 50 years, the Fusui show, to be in the trees The disciple’s family’s house is an altar of the world. Fortunately, the disciples of the Mongolian priests are willing to accept the heart, and they are obliged to serve the sacraments. Later, they add the Guanyin Bodhisattva and the marshal of the altar to help save the world. The gods and the gods are the same, and the Pujis are born with three sets. Encourage the people, causing cigarettes to wander around the corners of the store. In the fifty-first year of the Republic of China, the title of the palace was given to the name of the palace: "Yong'an Palace." In the 52nd year of the Republic of China, 36 members of the construction committee were established, and Mr. Ji Shu was elected as the deacon. The Prime Minister’s temple planned to build the palace. After the donation of the temple by Mr. Cai Fuji, the Virgin missed the confidence of Cai Shengshan and the farmland. For the second place of the temple, it laid the foundation stone for the construction of the palace in the future. Today, the main hall of the palace is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Goddess of Mercy, the three princes of the altar, the dragon next to the god of the gods, and the beggars of the tigers are in line with the "Shendao teaching" The purpose was to complete the ritual of worshiping the gods. In the Republic of China, the founding foundation was established in the year of the Republic of China. One hundred members joined hands and donated together, and they donated a lot of money. They were chosen by the Virgin Mary to set up the apse of the good days, and they spent the rest of the year in the Republic of China. On the 13th of November, Tianyun was in the fire, and at the same time, registered the temple with the government, formally established the management system, and sent Zhan Jinshui as the administrator. Mr. Hou Xinji was the chairman and cooperated with the holy god. The members of the committee worked together to build a good fortune. They also planned to build the front hall. In the 64th year of the Republic of China, Mr. Shen Chengxiang took over as the chairman of the preparatory committee, expanded the front hall, and completed the front hall of the Republic of China in sixty-six years. Along the two sides, there is a special place for the longevity of the sacred sacred place. The gift of the ancestor is registered for the sorrow, praying for four times without disaster, and the eight festivals are celebrated. In the Republic of China, the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred . In the seventy-fifth year of the Republic of China (the day of the Tianyun Bingyin), on the 10th of October, the Fragrance around the 13th Zhuang Society brought peace to the world. In the seventy-seventh year of the Republic of China, the ceremony was held to pray for the Qing Dynasty. Formally applied to the county government to register and establish the first management committee. Over the past 100 years, the Virgin Mary Zhaozhai mouth, the mother's grace, has become the protector of the people, and the work of the Yongan Palace is glorious. Fuli, cowpeas are always fragrant, cigarettes are prosperous and prosperous, and when it comes to Jiashen Christmas, we will be eager to see the temple.
蔡正斌 on Google

我在白河暫居時,發現永安宮飛出聖潔蓮華菩薩。 這間永安宮是按照古制的宮殿所打造的。這在聖經上有記載。 是最標準的道宮。三媽在那留下很多德澤。 我在那逛了很多寺院,宮殿。都有天池,靈山之地。最重要惡魔撒旦道濟李修緣在那根本活不了。一出現就死。
When I was temporarily living in Baihe, I found the Holy Lotus Bodhisattva flying out of Yongan Palace. This Yong'an Palace was built according to the ancient palace. This is recorded in the Bible. It is the most standard Taoist palace. The third mother left a lot of Deze there. I visited many temples and palaces there. There are Tianchi, the land of Lingshan. The most important demon Satan Daoji Li Xiuyuan couldn't live there at all. Die as soon as it appears.
張玉珠 on Google

1.潘麗水六幅門神彩繪,保持尚屬完整。 2.神龕藻井木雕值得紀錄。 3.主祀神漳州媽祖,是臺灣唯一嗎?真的是孤陋寡聞,媽祖論文平台可以討論嗎?
1. Pan Lishui's six paintings of door gods are kept intact. 2. The alcove alcove wood carving is worthy of record. 3. Is it the only one in Taiwan to worship the god Zhangzhou Mazu? It's really ignorant, can I discuss it on the Mazu thesis platform?
張賜定 on Google

Large rooms in the temple provide restrooms and seats for people to rest
哲榮_Roger on Google

The local Mazu temple can calm people's hearts

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