
4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 惠馨動物醫院

地址 :

741, Taiwan, Tainan City, Shanhua District, Minsheng Rd, 397號惠馨動物醫院

電話 : 📞 +8889
網站 : https://animal-hospital-2943.business.site/
Opening hours :
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 9AM–12PM
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
城市 : Minsheng Rd

741, Taiwan, Tainan City, Shanhua District, Minsheng Rd, 397號惠馨動物醫院
505 33賴玟妘 on Google

Because the dog burst into a sudden heart disease on the journey, I urgently sent it to Huixin Zoology Hospital to save my family's hair. The hospital's doctor is very professional. When they go to the hospital, they are right to die, I really thank my doctor!
MuYun Liu on Google

第一次帶小毛孩去,不知道疫情需要先預約?還好護士都很親切說可以看沒關係❤️ 填寫好資料後也是稍等片刻就有醫生能夠幫忙看,診療期間,醫生的回答跟指導都很有耐心,一點都不敷衍,而且超體貼,有求必應,讚爆? 真的推薦來這間動物醫院看?? 千萬別被一些負評影響??
It's the first time to take a little baby, I don't know that the epidemic needs to make an appointment in advance? Fortunately, the nurses are very kind and said that it's okay to watch ❤️ After filling in the information, there is a doctor who can help you after a while. During the diagnosis and treatment, the doctor's answers and guidance are very patient, not perfunctory at all, and super considerate, responsive to requests, praise ? Really recommend coming to this animal hospital?? Don't be influenced by some negative reviews??
陳品潔 on Google

一顆星都不想給但沒給無法評價 完全無法接受這樣的動物醫院 當初找這家是因為醫療設施好,看評價感覺不錯,年輕醫生服務態度也很好,有年紀的醫生很有主見講話很機車,毛孩有狀況開完藥我要求要診斷證明書也說要等通知,我付了100$看診費+300$藥錢 X2次 加一份診斷證明書 300$一共 1100$,好多天等不到診斷證明 後來去拿的時候發現裡面沒有用藥明細 (根本不知道給的透明藥包到底是什麼成分) 我要求護士小姐幫我付上不願意還冷笑,我不懂欸收費比別人貴要賺錢我能夠理解,但我付錢了我的毛孩吃了什麼我總得要知道吧 藥物無法透明化到底是什麼心態 人類看醫生都有用藥明細了我不但多付錢我還得不到我要的用藥明細? 別人家動物醫院不用我說就自動附上也才100$,如果只要賺錢沒有同理心真的不懂為什麼要做這份工作,反正也不缺我這個客人,無法接受這樣的態度感受很差把人當盤子就算了服務態度也不好 很後悔讓那個護士小姐摸我家毛孩欸,如果不夠專業真的不用做這份工作只會讓人覺得很反感,如果作為一個護士還沒同理心真的考慮一下換一位欸☺️ 還有我家毛孩當初醫生說局部有問題,診斷證明開全身全部都有? 是我理解能力不好還是打字的人在睡覺?
周周 on Google

醫生講話很沒建設性還一直插嘴 很難溝通也很沒禮貌 - 回覆醫院: 孩子都已因未進食引發黃疸,你們卻堅持救援人表示毛孩送醫前一天有進食,都已經住院三天了!你們仍堅持鼻胃管再緩 請問你們身為獸醫沒辦法判斷孩子吃的食物夠不夠嗎?把責任都推到對方身上 住院三天狀況沒有更好甚至急速下降 本來已經快好的口腔潰瘍甚至惡化到舌頭口腔你們都沒發現嗎!花了那麼多錢讓他住院就是想要給他最好的治療 結果卻引發更致命的傷害 無法溝通甚至甩頭就走請問耐心長在哪裡 貴院的醫術與醫德真是令人不敢恭維 無法體諒也就算了 連貓都治療成這樣 還有辦法理直氣壯指責別人只看網路說明 有能力不怕別人說嘴 因為相信你們才把貓交給你們 獸醫師前一天沒上班不是飼主的錯,你們醫院有責任要將貓咪的狀況搞清楚並及時治療對症下藥 不然住院要幹嘛
The doctor speaks very unconstructively and keeps interrupting, it is difficult to communicate and very rude - Reply to the hospital: The children have jaundice caused by not eating, but you insist that the rescuer said that the fur child had eaten the day before he was sent to the hospital, and he has been hospitalized for three days! You still insist on nasogastric tube and then slow down. As a veterinarian, can't you judge whether your child is eating enough food? put the blame on the other After three days of hospitalization, the condition did not get better or even declined rapidly. The oral ulcers that were already getting better even worsened to the tongue and mouth, didn't you find it! I spent so much money to put him in the hospital because I wanted to give him the best treatment, but it resulted in more fatal injuries. I couldn't communicate and even shook my head and left. Where is the patience? The medical skills and medical ethics of your hospital are really uncompromising Even if the cat is treated like this, there is still a way to confidently accuse others of just looking at the Internet's instructions, and have the ability not to be afraid of others talking It's not the owner's fault that the veterinarian didn't go to work the day before. Your hospital is responsible for clarifying the cat's condition and treating the cat accordingly. Otherwise, why would you be hospitalized?
李守頁 on Google

非常感謝陳醫師的專業及愛心,公園撿到的鴿子得了波納病毒PDD,從3/19~5/19 至今,已經恢復的差不多了,從斜頸歪頭、無法行走、繞圈自轉喪失視力及聽力,至今恢復了80%,現在是可愛的寵物鴿。 感謝惠馨動物醫院 體會生命的價值及可貴!
coco on Google

感謝你們在狗狗病危時提供最即時且最正確的救援,不管是主治醫生和院長的努力,護士們的耐心也是體現在對動物的關心及對飼主的感同深受,現在都和別人介紹他是‘大難不死 必有後福的來福’‘???再次感謝?惠馨全體人員???
Thank you for providing the most immediate and correct rescue when the dog is critically ill. Whether it is the efforts of the attending doctor and the dean, the patience of the nurses is also reflected in the care for the animals and the deep empathy for the owner. Now I will introduce it to others. He is a 'Laifu who will have good luck if you don't die' ???Thank you again ? to all the staff of Huixin???
Li-Ting Fang on Google

Thank you Huixin Animal Hospital for visiting a doctor during the Chinese New Year. He helped me see cats and cats who were sick every year. Dr. Chen is very professional, very patient with animals, and gentle in seeing the doctor. I highly recommend it!
Wu Katrina on Google

很感謝第一次帶寶貝去洗牙的我,讓很放心的動物醫院,也感謝願意讓我看一下寶貝的過程 謝謝當天協助的醫師們~當時從評估到執行時間排到正值中午休息時間,一路執行狗狗洗牙的療程,都沒休息也謝謝主要執行的醫師看到狗狗麻醉退到完全恢復正常走路到我們離開才放心去休息,真的很感謝

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