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Contact 遠東雞肉飯

地址 :

744, Taiwan, Tainan City, Xinshi District, Zhonghua Rd, 256號遠東雞肉飯

電話 : 📞 +88987
網站 : https://blog.xuite.net/haber_hui/blog/40381135-%25E5%258D%2597%25E7%25A7%2591%25E7%25BE%258E%25E9%25A3%259F%252814%2529%2B%25E9%259B%259E%25E8%2582%2589%25E9%25A3%25AF%25E3%2580%2582%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%25B8%2582%2B%25E9%2581%25A0%25E6%259D%25B1%25E3%2580%2582
Opening hours :
Wednesday 10:30AM–7PM
Thursday 10:30AM–7PM
Friday 10:30AM–7PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 10:30AM–7PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–7PM
城市 : Zhōnghuá Rd

744, Taiwan, Tainan City, Xinshi District, Zhonghua Rd, 256號遠東雞肉飯
yahan Chang on Google

吃的當下就覺得口味不如網評,便宜但就普普通通 自訂晚上7點打烊,6:20前幾乎賣光你們很厲害 但我6:05點餐你們告知要等五分鐘,約6:12上雞肉飯,6:30阿婆先來收我的碗就一直對邊看手機邊吃飯的我的小孩投射不友善眼光,6:40剩兩口阿婆直接來說:小姐~我們明天還要早起,賣完我們就是要休息了餒!我說:好~不好意思剩兩口我盡快,阿婆:不是阿!妳小孩就一邊看手機又沒在專心吃飯…我都已經說了剩兩口,整碗飯2y小孩吃半小時很過份嗎?想休息也不是用言語或直接關燈這些動作趕客人吧?我可以直接餵完或是外帶,不會刻意拖延,但你們如果沒辦法等客人可以提早告知只提供外帶,或告知幾分鐘後準備休息 但甚至我離打烊時間還有20分鐘還要這樣受氣真的很莫名奇妙!要客人體諒店家要早起還順道批評別人小孩真的是長眼睛還沒遇過~ 晚餐時間要帶小孩去吃飯的請三思!!心臟夠大就去吧~
Right now I feel that the taste is not as good as the online reviews, cheap but ordinary Customized to close at 7 pm, almost sold out before 6:20, you are very good But you told me to wait five minutes for my order at 6:05, about 6:12 for the chicken rice, 6:30, grandma came to collect my bowl first, and kept casting unfriendly eyes on my child who was eating while looking at the phone. 6. : There are two grandmothers left and say directly: Miss~We have to get up early tomorrow, we just have to rest when we sell out! I said: OK~ I'm sorry I have two mouthfuls left as soon as possible. Granny: No! Your child is looking at the phone without paying attention to the meal...I have already said that there are two bites left, the whole bowl of rice is too much for a 2y child to eat for half an hour? Don’t you want to take a break to drive guests away with words or just turn off the lights? I can feed it directly or take it out without any delay, but if you can’t wait for the guest, you can tell me in advance to only provide take-out, or tell me to rest in a few minutes But even if I have 20 minutes before closing time, it is really inexplicable to be so angry! Customers should be considerate of the store, have to get up early and criticize others by the way. Children really have long eyes and have not met yet~ Please think twice if you want to take children to dinner during dinner time! ! Go if your heart is big enough~
flighter on Google

55塊可以吃到這樣我覺得相當不錯~ 餐廳是室內 環境感覺也蠻舒適的 有點後悔沒有早點發現這家www
55 yuan can be eaten like this I think it is quite good~ The restaurant is indoor and the environment feels quite comfortable. I regret it and did not find this www early
黃毛毛 on Google

Best chicken rice I've ever eaten. Like it ?
Shirley on Google

From snacks to large chicken rice, delicious and big bowls of real ingredients, push!
tracy zeng on Google

便宜又好吃 只是如果口味跟我一樣清淡的 這算稍微有點油,可以請老闆娘汁淋少一點 她們態度也都很親切善良??
Cheap and delicious, but if the taste is as light as mine This is a bit oily, you can ask the lady boss to drizzle less juice Their attitudes are also very kind and kind??
林米娜 on Google

There are many chickens and rice sold in the new city. There are not many cheap and delicious foods. This is too far from the urban area of ​​the city. It is not too close to the lively area of ​​the Far East. The appearance is not too eye-catching, and the doorway is not good. However, the real material is always hidden in the lane. This house is absolutely cheap and delicious, and the price is the heart of the Buddha. It also points to the Gongmao and the fish balls. The soup is not too good, but the dining environment is one. Downstairs renovation will inevitably give people a sense of mess, just because the cost of decoration is saved, the relative things can be so cheap, the clerk is mostly a mother-level figure, the speed of serving is not sloppy, and will ask if you want sauerkraut and cucumber, I I feel that it is delicious to add a plate. The color of the dried rice is too beautiful. When you look at the mouth, the mouth of the meat is simmering. The entrance of the meat is also melted. Then the air-conditioning in the store is very cool. The bean noodles seem to be hot goods. At the time of eating, there was always a reply from the customer who was named to buy but was sold out. Not only did it evoke my curiosity, it seemed that the next time I came early, I had a chance to taste how powerful the bean noodles were.
Feng on Google

吃了好幾年了 還是我心中的TOP1? 便宜又大碗 建議尖峰時段前購買不然會賣光
I have eaten it for several years, and it is still the TOP1 in my heart? Cheap and big bowl, it is recommended to buy before peak hours or it will be sold out
樂爆均Ljebaw均 on Google

【優點】:便宜又大碗、熱情禮貌、雞肉飯好吃(酸菜/醃黃瓜 不要主動告知)、辣椒好吃。 【缺點】:不好停車、一樓凌亂。
[Advantages]: Cheap and big bowl, warm and polite, chicken rice is delicious (sauerkraut/pickled cucumber don't take the initiative to inform), chili is delicious. [Disadvantages]: It is not easy to park, and the first floor is messy.

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