
3.9/5 基於 8 評論
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2018.10.06 自由時報:高度近視黏3C 女大生竟視網膜分裂
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2018.09.06 自由時報:《謠言終結站》滑手機防藍光 戴墨鏡無效!
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  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2018.07.08 自由時報:近視沒追蹤 高一生視網膜退化
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2018.07.05 TVBS NEWS:打獵朝「閃爍目光」開槍 女友頭部中彈亡
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2018.06.26 自由時報:揉眼睛隱形眼鏡會跑到眼球後?醫:絕不可能
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2018.05.15 自由時報:男子睜眼只見「金光閃閃」 原是乾癬惹禍
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2018.01.11 自由時報:白內障年輕化 人工水晶體百百種 建議應依個人體質與習慣調配
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2017.11.16 自由時報:割雙眼皮 術前須接受完整評估
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2017.09.23 自由時報:白內障、黃斑部病變不再是老人病 應調整使用3C產品習慣
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2017.03.06 自由時報:視力隱形殺手!企業老董、體壇新秀因青光眼導致失明悔不當初
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2018.04.16 自由時報:抽菸導致乾眼症 輕熟女畏光視茫茫
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2018.03.25 蘋果日報:假性近視度數暴衝 運動可助恢復
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2018.02.04 蘋果日報:想擁漂亮雙眼皮 非縫愈高愈好
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2018.01.23 自由時報:視力1.0就OK?當心「睫狀肌調節」誤判度數
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2018.01.06 自由時報:《謠言終結站》3C族防乾眼症 加濕器濕度越高越好? 醫:易孳生黴菌
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2017.12.26 中時電子報:催生製近視新藥 中亞聯大獲新創獎
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2017.10.31 自由時報:霾害空氣不佳 睫毛掉、過敏性結膜炎找上門
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2017.12.09 中時電子報:《Dr.說》角膜塑型片治療 避免高度近視後果慘重
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2017.08.01 自由時報:新鮮人熬夜現「泡芙眼」 眼袋手術拉提回春
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2017.08.01 ETNEW健康雲:新鮮人拼工作「眼袋深」像大媽 手術割除填蘋果肌變美了
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2017.08.01 聯合報:除眼袋還能填補蘋果肌 這個女孩變漂亮了
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2017.08.01 中廣新聞網:新鮮人職場求表現 天天熬夜眼袋深
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2017.08.01 中國時報:求表現熬夜 職場新鮮人熬出深眼袋
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2017.01.10 自由時報:避免白內障 眼科醫生:手機亮度調降到25%以下
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2016.12.22 聯合報:老翁起床右眼看不見 原來是白內障惹禍
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2016.12.23 蘋果日報:白內障撐10年不開刀 一覺睡醒竟看不到
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2016.12.23 自由時報:「白內障」10年沒開刀 老翁「急性青光眼」險瞎
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2016.09.08 聯合報:妙手讓眼肌肉轉向 老婦不再睫毛倒插每天以淚洗面
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2016.09.09 中央社:睫毛倒插手術不留疤 老婦不再「以淚洗面」
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2016.09.09 自由時報:睫毛倒插手術不留疤 9旬嬤不再「以淚洗面」
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2014.04.29 東森新聞:發炎照戴!角膜變色片日拋當「週拋」 高中女視力剩0.1
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2016.04.23 聯合報:角膜變色片超時戴 高中女視力剩0.1
  • 賀 梁中玲院長當選高雄市醫師公會理事
  • 賀 梁中玲院長中華民國基層醫師協會理事
  • 狂賀 梁中玲院長 獲得 近視藥物治療專利
  • 恭喜梁院長獲選台灣眼整形美容重建手術醫學會理事
  • 梁中玲院長獲邀於104年10月4日在台大國際會議廳演講雙眼皮手術獲得熱烈迴響
  • 新聞媒體採訪:梁院長提醒大家注意 登革熱感染後的併發症" 黃斑部出血" 及如何保養
  • 梁院長於104年5月23日, 在[近視防治專題]演講 ,獲得全場熱烈迴響圓滿成功!
  • 本院梁院長「媒體專訪」新增:2014.08.20 蘋果日報 維他命A補過頭 變大近視
  • 梁院長受邀於陳振武教授傳記發表會​暨第一屆陳振武防盲教​育基金會國際眼科學術​研討會發表演講,講題為「近視治療」、「乾眼症治療新觀念」
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2014.04.29 聯合報:角膜變色片 8成會掉漆
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2014.05.09 中天新聞:雲霄飛車G力 害男「人工水晶體」移位
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2014.05.20 聯合報:維他命A吃太多 近視更嚴重
  • 「媒體專訪」新增:2014.06.05 TVBS: 照15分就餓! 美研究:手機藍光誘飢餓

Contact 亮晶晶眼科診所-小兒眼科.雷射白內障手術.自然雙眼皮

地址 :

800, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Xinxing District, Wufu 1st Rd, 136號亮晶晶眼科診所-小兒眼科.雷射白內障手術.自然雙眼皮

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : http://www.liangingin.com.tw/
城市 : st Rd

800, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Xinxing District, Wufu 1st Rd, 136號亮晶晶眼科診所-小兒眼科.雷射白內障手術.自然雙眼皮
薛家滎 on Google

我二月去看診,因為有睫毛卡在眼睛裡,醫生順便檢查我的眼睛,然後看到我紋眼線,被衛教(唸)了20分鐘左右!心裡產生畏懼! 因為自己曾經被醫生衛教過,有一種恐懼感在,所以一直不敢給醫生看,但是我六月眼睛發炎(可惡!用眼太兇!),但是我告訴自己,寧可被細心仔細的醫生唸,也不要被敷衍的醫生看診!畢竟敢唸自己的病患不怕病患不敢來的,應該就是有一定能力的醫生! 反正我是相信梁醫師的!所以我才乖乖把眼線弄掉,畢竟我想要我的眼睛健康可以用很久! 但是醫生第一個是在乎我的口罩要戴好!然後超可愛的跟我說 加油!! 還有梁醫生每看完一個病患就消毒手或是看診過程中清潔手,別人可能覺得不禮貌(?),但是我覺得這是非常重要的事情與很好的衛生觀念,因為你不知道其他病患是不是帶有病毒傳染(例如傳染性結膜炎)的風險在,如果將病毒帶給其他無辜的病患,這樣不太好吧! 覺得醫生的熱心被誤會覺得有點傷心,所以才想要幫醫生說話,我沒有被少收錢唷!跟大家一樣!
I went to see a doctor in February, because I had eyelashes stuck in my eyes, the doctor checked my eyes by the way, and then saw my eyeliner tattooed, and I was taught (read) by the guard for about 20 minutes! Fear in my heart! Because I have been taught by a doctor before, I have a sense of fear, so I have never dared to show it to the doctor, but my eyes became irritated in June (Damn it! Using my eyes is too fierce!), but I told myself that I would rather be a careful doctor Nian, don't be seen by a perfunctory doctor! After all, those who dare to say that their patients are not afraid of patients and dare not come, should be doctors with a certain ability! Anyway, I believe in Dr. Liang! That's why I obediently remove the eyeliner. After all, I want my eyes to be healthy for a long time! But the first thing the doctor cares about is that my mask should be worn well! Then it was super cute and told me, come on! ! In addition, Dr. Liang disinfects his hands every time he sees a patient or cleans his hands during the consultation. Others may find it impolite(?), but I think this is a very important thing and a good hygiene concept, because you don’t Know whether other patients are at risk of viral infection (such as infectious conjunctivitis). If the virus is brought to other innocent patients, it is not good! I felt that the doctor’s enthusiasm was misunderstood and felt a little sad, so I wanted to help the doctor. I was not underpaid! Same as everyone!
多啦啦 on Google

Keratoplasty was used here, but it was not properly treated. As soon as the contouring was put on, it became red and swollen, but the doctor recommended it to "Physique" and went to another ophthalmology department, but said that it may be that the contouring film has doubts and needs to be worn. 'S clinic asked, but in the Liangjingjing clinic, they said it was a physical problem and a cleansing problem! ! ! I have gone back to the clinic many times. Even the shaping tablets have been cleaned according to the doctor's instructions. The syrup has also been changed. Even the shiny director said that it can be worn, but the same problem is still unsolved. A pair of more than 20,000 yuan. Shaping tablets are wasted like this! Can only admit compensation! I just want to remind the parents who come here to shape with their own experience! Think twice! ! Money is something outside the body, but the eyes of a child are priceless! ! ! Protect it~~
Célestine Ernest on Google

非常特別的診所,梁醫生講話非常的快,(我朋友之前去過也這麼告訴我),我從她講我的狀況到開藥給我結束診療不到一分鐘,我不只試圖把她以飛速帶過的話釐清,還將我要問的問題提出來,結果這位梁院長竟叫旁邊的護士請下一位病患進來診間,並自己也高喊下一位病患的名字,要下一位進來⋯就在我這位病患正在諮詢我自己眼睛狀況的時候! 這是我在台灣這輩子看診以來最特別的經驗!不知道這醫生是執行兩位病患同時看診,還是前後重疊看診,亦或是看診有秒數限制! 分享這個經驗給大家,算是我開了眼界喲!不過這類型的看診模式我自然是不再敢恭維囉!
Very special clinic, Dr. Liang spoke very quickly. (My friend told me this before.) I took her from my condition to prescribe medication for less than a minute. I am not only trying to take her fast. If I took it, I will clarify the problem that I have to ask. As a result, the leader of the team asked the next nurse to ask the next patient to come to the clinic, and he also shouted the name of the next patient. One came in, when my patient was consulting my own eye condition! This is the most special experience I have seen since I was in Taiwan for the rest of my life! I don't know if this doctor is performing two patients at the same time, or seeing the doctors before or after, or there are restrictions on the number of seconds! Sharing this experience for everyone, I have opened my eyes! However, I naturally no longer dare to compliment this type of consultation mode!
Ming-Hsien Wu on Google

The doctor's consultation is very careful and experienced and the medical skills are excellent and solve my dry eye problem
Tsi-Chiang Fung on Google

Dean Liang has superb medical skills, clear and professional explanations, and innovative and advanced clinic equipment. The optometrist is very professional, and the nurses and counter staff are very kind. It is a great medical experience and highly recommended.
ruth Lin on Google

Nice clinic
Lily Lee on Google

Very detailed Doctor Liang! Thank you!
James Hung on Google

Dr. Liang and the nurses are all really considerate and pays maximum attention to your needs. Would 100% recommend this clinic to those in Kaohsiung!

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