高雄聖羅雅婚紗攝影 品牌禮服出租

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 高雄聖羅雅婚紗攝影 品牌禮服出租

地址 :

800, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Xinxing District, Zhongzheng 3rd Rd, 144號高雄聖羅雅婚紗攝影 品牌禮服出租

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : http://www.sanroyal.com.tw/
城市 : rd Rd.

800, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Xinxing District, Zhongzheng 3rd Rd, 144號高雄聖羅雅婚紗攝影 品牌禮服出租
Kathleen on Google

整體上很棒!!! 惠如姐、大婷用心耐心接待服務,有任何問題都會幫我們解決,也會提醒我們沒注意的地方!!在造型上Amy老師真的是很厲害,每個造型都讓我很喜歡!攝影師阿布絲也是很用心耐心指導每個姿勢動作,拍出了我們想要的照片,整體讓我們很滿意???
Overall great! ! ! Sister Hui Ru and Dating received the service patiently and attentively. If there is any problem, they will help us solve it, and also remind us of the places we didn't pay attention to! ! Teacher Amy is really amazing in styling, and I like every styling! The photographer Abus is also very attentive and patient to guide each pose and action, and took the photos we wanted, and we are very satisfied overall ???
Yun Yang on Google

謝謝大婷熱心的服務 人親切又專業 細心的講解又詳細 也讓我試婚紗時 不會感到不自在 喜歡~ 也很幸運的簽約是老闆娘接待 人很啊莎哩 實在又豪邁 謝謝老闆娘 禮服的部份也有蠻多可做選擇 總而言之 在聖羅雅的體驗 我很喜歡 推薦大家!
Thank you Dating for your kind and professional service Careful explanation and detailed, also let me try the wedding dress I don't feel uncomfortable. I like it~ Fortunately, the contract is also received by the lady boss. She's very kind, Sally, she's really heroic, thank you, lady boss There are also quite a few options for the part of the dress. All in all I enjoyed the experience in Santa Roja and I recommend it to everyone!
Chi Chi on Google

從婚紗照片到婚禮舉行~ 多虧有聖羅雅團隊幫忙? 大家都非常的熱情~ 而且都不會有被推銷的感覺,非常的尊重新人的想法 極推新秘老師Amy和攝影阿布絲 交給他們完全只有放心~
From wedding photos to weddings Thanks to the Santa Roja team for help ? Everyone is very enthusiastic And there will be no feeling of being sold, very respect for the ideas of newcomers Highly recommended new secret teacher Amy and photographer Abus Just leave it to them, just rest assured~
Vi Vi (WeiWei) on Google

經過婚紗展的洗禮對婚紗公司是存在著恐懼的 但從踏進聖羅雅的那一刻一顆懸著的心就放下了 接待:蕙如姐 完全不急著介紹方案不急著要你掏錢,帶著你繞了一圈看看環境看看禮服像朋友一樣閒話家常,聊著家鄉名產哪間最道地,逛完後確定了我們真的有喜歡禮服才回到正題開始講解方案,依照我們的需求跟預算幫我們搭配出讓我們很驚艷的包套組合,符合預算以外還多了很多我們認為要加價才有的服務,過程中有問題只要傳個訊息都能很快得到回覆,也會幫我們注意並提醒我們挑禮服挑西裝的時間,像姊姊一樣的協助我們籌備整個過程,讓我們可以毫無壓力每次都像去朋友家聊天一樣輕鬆自在 禮服秘書:玟玟 第一眼是,怎麼那麼可愛?很細心的幫我挑禮服,把一堆禮服扛過來扛過去也不嫌累,而拍照最經典的白紗也是在我們反反覆覆猶豫時,她突然說了一句等我一下,有一件很適合你然後匆匆忙忙的跑出去又扛著一件白紗回來,當簾布打開的瞬間老公馬上決定就是它了,也幫我們決定好了最重要的白紗 西服秘書:Emma 好活潑有朝氣的女孩子,不得不說眼光真的很好,搭配出來的西服每一套都那麼的好看,全程也都有說有笑整個氣氛好像處在跟朋友在逛街的試衣間一樣,也不會刻意挑選要加價的西服讓我們試穿,完全是以他專業的角度覺得比較適合怎麽搭而去做試穿 造型師:萱萱 我真的有夠愛她!個性爽朗大剌剌的但在化妝的時候細心的要命,反差萌真的有夠可愛,那雙像魔術師一樣的手讓我四套衣服的妝髮完完全全正中紅心的喜歡跟適合,拍照過程寸步不離的幫我補髮膠,喬髮飾,讓我每一張照片的造型幾乎是完美,真的可以給滿分 燈光師:芝芝 不說話看起來很嚴肅但一口台語說出來超級有親切感,當天笑到僵的時候就開始搞怪讓我們放鬆了很多,整個人超瘦一隻還一整天扛著我們的家當幫我們保管著貴重物品跟道具,這不給10個讚真的對不起自己的良心 攝影師:阿布絲 拜託大家指定她指定到爆,在他身上真的體會到什麼叫做好的攝影師帶你上天堂,當天外拍天氣很冷,人也很多,時間也小趕(因為我們很任性的明明三套禮服硬是加了一套差點沒把整個攝影團隊累死的那種)但阿布絲完全快狠準一個場景一個動作一次快門結束,換下一個動作,即使時間緊湊卻也沒有催促我們,讓我們能安心換裝,一路下來比較像是去玩一整天拍拍網美照的那種,過程有夠開心快樂,結束後終於到了看照片的日子,前一晚緊張到睡不著,因為其實自己心裡明白當天的天氣狀況真的不好(還飄雨)附近人又多,加上時間上有限制,所以即便成品不盡人意也是正常的,畢竟整體條件真的太差,但!!!看到照片的當下我徹底的發現那些所有擔心全是多餘的,太美太好看了!完全比我預期的還要好的太多太多了,挑照片挑到最後處在一個還有80幾張但在刪下去會捨不得到哭的狀態,最後阿布絲跟蕙如姐也幫我們爭取到很優惠的價格,讓我不必淚灑現場? 只能說,選對婚紗公司真的很重要 而聖羅雅是一個準新娘很正確的決定? 附上成品照片❤️❤️❤️
After the baptism of the wedding show, there is a fear for the wedding company But from the moment I stepped into Saint Roja, my hanging heart was let go Reception: Sister Hui Ru I’m not in a rush to introduce the plan. I’m not rushing to ask you to pay for it. I will take you around to see the environment and look at the dress like a friend. I talk about the most authentic and famous products in my hometown. Someone likes the dress before returning to the topic and starting to explain the plan. According to our needs and budget, we can help us match with our amazing package combination. It meets the budget and there are many more services that we think we need to increase the price. There are problems in the process. As long as we send a message, we can get a reply quickly. It will also help us pay attention to and remind us of the time to choose a dress and a suit, and help us prepare the whole process like a sister, so that we can go to a friend's house without pressure every time. As easy as chatting Dress Secretary: Min Wen At first glance, why is it so cute ? helped me choose the dress very carefully, and it was not too tiring to carry a bunch of dresses over, and the most classic white gauze for taking pictures was also when we repeatedly hesitated, she suddenly said Just wait for me, there is one that suits you in a hurry, and then ran out and came back with a piece of white yarn. When the curtain was opened, my husband immediately decided that it was it, and helped us decide the most important white yarn. Suit secretary: Emma Very lively and energetic girl, I have to say that the eyesight is really good. The suits that match each other are so good-looking, and there are talks and laughs throughout the process. The whole atmosphere seems to be in a fitting room with friends shopping. , And will not deliberately choose the suits that will increase the price for us to try on. It is completely based on how he thinks it is more suitable from a professional point of view. Stylist: Xuan Xuan I really love her enough! I have a hearty personality, but I am very careful when I make up. The contrast is really cute. Those hands like a magician make my four sets of clothes make up and hair completely. The red heart likes and fits. Take pictures In the process, he helped me refill my hair gel and Qiao’s hair accessories, which made every photo of me look almost perfect, which really gave me full marks. Lighting engineer: Zhizhi It looks serious if you don’t speak, but speaking in Taiwanese is super intimacy. When we laughed stiff that day, we started to be funny and relaxed a lot. The whole person was super thin and one was carrying our belongings all day to help us keep it. With valuables and props, I’m really sorry for my conscience if I don’t give 10 praises. Photographer: Abs Please designate her to appoint her to explode. He really understands what it means to be a good photographer to take you to heaven. The weather was very cold outside that day, there were many people, and the time was short (because we are very self-willed. The dress just added a set that almost didn’t exhaust the entire photography team) but Abs was completely accurate for one scene, one action and one shutter end, changing to the next action, even if the time was tight, it didn’t urge us, so that we could Feel at ease to change clothes. It’s like going all day to take pictures on the Internet. The process is fun enough. After the end, it’s finally time to look at the photos. I was so nervous that I couldn’t fall asleep the night before. I understand that the weather conditions on that day are really bad (still raining) and there are many people nearby, and there are time constraints, so even if the finished product is not satisfactory, it is normal. After all, the overall conditions are really bad, but! ! ! When I saw the photos, I thoroughly discovered that all those worries were superfluous, so beautiful and so beautiful! It’s totally better than I expected. It’s so much better than I expected. I picked the photos until the last one was one and there were more than 80, but when I deleted it, I wouldn’t be crying. In the end, Abusi and Hui Ru also helped us get it. Very favorable price, so I don’t have to cry on the scene? I can only say that choosing a wedding company is really important And Saint Roja is a right decision for a bride-to-be ? Attach a photo of the finished product ❤️❤️❤️
Kanan Lin on Google

Leo Lee on Google

Exceptional service!!! So much patience in explaining and bringing in multiple dresses for my wife to try on. Highly recommend 迺晴 for her assistance and service!!!
Chase Cho on Google

Exceptional service. Given our reception’s schedule close to Christmas Day, employees who were supposed to go on vacation stayed back to help us with my wife’s dress fitting. We highly recommend Sanroyal!
Kelly Lin on Google

We are very happy we decided to work with Sanroyal for our wedding banquet in Taiwan! They made everything so much easier for us and was very accommodating to our hectic schedule. We only had 4 days to choose our photography outfits and day-of gowns, shoot our photos, choose our photographs, and to prepare our bouquets, photo prints, gown adjustments, and all that jazz. A huge thanks to all the staff members including FiFi (who came in on her off day to help with finishing touches on the gowns), Da Ting (for styling my hubby), JiaLing and Debbie (for their fantastic hair and makeup skills), Ah Bing, Susan, and our photographer (who took us to so many destinations for other photos). Everyone at Sanroyal put in so much effort to help us with our big day. They are very personable and lovely to work with while remaining professional relationship. We would highly recommend their services!

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