樺盈床業 - Lingya District

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樺盈床業 健康床墊 德國原裝AGRO床墊系統 - 健康床墊專賣店 - Huaying.business.site

樺盈床業 健康床墊
德國原裝進口Hn8健康床墊Made in Germany
德國AGRO原裝進口床墊、墊材彈簧系統Made in Germany
比利時Latexco原裝進口乳膠床墊、墊材系統Made in Belgium

Contact 樺盈床業

地址 :

802, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Lingya District, Wenshan Rd, 30號樺盈床業

電話 : 📞 +887798
網站 : http://huaying.business.site/
城市 : Wenshan Rd

802, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Lingya District, Wenshan Rd, 30號樺盈床業
Bra on Google

自己對床墊不是很懂 剛開始默默地爬文 後來覺得一般的消費者也非專業 看各種文章或聽業者說的天花亂墜好像無濟於事 於是就帶著枕邊人實際去各床店實際躺躺看 後來花了很多時間在高雄各地試躺 最遠甚至因朋友的極力推薦跑去台南另間床店躺看看 就在踏入樺盈的時候最讓我們印象深刻 老闆的個性非常直接 請我們什麼都不必多說,躺下去就知道了 真材實料正面對決 後來我和枕邊人也真的有前所未有的感受 如同一開始所說我們也非專業 但德國AGRO彈簧給我們的彈性和貼合身體的反饋 是其他多家床墊從未給過我們的 一開始還因體重過重 枕邊人又有長期腰痠的困擾 還想說只能挑個硬床 來體驗了才知道... 原來高支撐力高彈性的彈簧 就能達到又舒服又能撐住整個身體的功效 老闆也不嫌棄 我們去了好幾次 也帶了不同人 也一次就躺了一兩個小時 我們是深信床還是要躺久一點才知道 不能被一開始的舒服感騙了!! 像是飯店的那種超軟的床 其實躺久了反而腰很酸 結果每次去都不小心睡著... 起來後一樣覺得身體一切舒適正常 起床時還能感受到彈簧的支撐力把我們輕鬆的撐起來 毫不費力和傷身 老闆甚至還請我們直接睡到隔天也不要緊XD 最後因本人還是有求知的慾望和老闆多攀談了一些 也才知道樺盈老闆的堅持 就是不惜成本使用真正有價值的AGRO高階彈簧 躺下去給身體的反饋感是真的有差 不像坊間其他床 需要依靠各種泡棉、乳膠的舒適層所組成 才能讓床躺起來舒適 那還不如一塊木板給你你在上面鋪軟綿綿的不就得了!! 要買就買有價值的 不然有的床雖說價格便宜但根本就浪費錢!!! 更遑論樺盈都把經費花在用料上 沒有廣告沒有行銷 甚至店面都是自家老透天的工廠而已 像我這種注重CP值的人 更覺得錢都是花在有價值的產品上 後來陸續還是跑了幾間店嘗試 真的都沒有樺盈的床這麼有那種彈性貼合及支撐力 也正好樺盈老闆在台南有可以試躺的無人店面 我也邀請當初推薦我別間床店的朋友一起去躺看看 結果一躺下去直接就變節了哈哈哈 最後想做個結語 廣告行銷固然有其重要性 若沒看到網友的推薦 我也不會踏進樺盈這樣看起來舊舊的透天工廠 但最後決勝負的仍舊是直接的體驗 而非講的天花亂墜 樺盈老闆有我最欣賞的那種匠人精神 熱愛自己的工作 把床做到最好、對自己的作品感到驕傲 也讓消費者放心 畢竟老闆比你還龜毛太多了XD (偷偷說: 可能會有人不喜歡老闆這樣直接的態度 毫不謙虛和自大 但我認為我們就是來挑一張 可以讓自己睡好 保護身體的好床的 與其給我一大堆經過包裝的業務言語 這種直來直往認為自己的東西最好的自信 反倒讓我非常放心) 以上的推薦 希望能達到讓大家願意踏進來體驗的效果 剩下的就請自行躺上去 體驗德國AGRO彈簧帶給你身體的神奇反饋
Mita Li on Google

I have tried many mattresses, but Huaying’s is the most comfortable one. It adjusts to the curve of the body. The boss carefully teaches us to distinguish the quality of the mattress, and the delivery elder brother keeps telling us the details. I feel it's worth buying
Yi on Google

我的新床墊來了~試躺了好多家,之後看ptt網友推薦這間,樺盈健康床墊,是老店床墊工廠,獨立筒是德國大廠AGRO的,老闆對自家生產的產品有一定堅持,第一次去老闆就用心解釋,床墊的結構,市場分析,討論了大概兩小時跟我分享,還讓我試躺他們的獨立筒!超級神奇!很舒服,QQ的,身體很像被人扶著!就像老闆說的,真正的床墊只需要一副好的獨立筒不需要過多的墊料去呈現它。我拜訪了四次,之後選擇了適合我的床墊。 市面上大多販售床墊的同業,把錢投資在廣告行銷上,沒有實質的用在床的結構上,用滿滿的墊料,去讓消費者感受的舒適感假象,那消費者花大錢買的是那一層又一層的泡棉?還是良好鋼材的獨立筒?有些無良商人還打著同樣品牌的獨立筒做廣告!但卻不是用同樣材料做床墊!可消費者沒有辨識能力,只能任無良商人任它宰割,無良商人可以賺錢就好,管你消費者睡眠品質與健康有什麼相關。 老闆沒在打廣告,都是靠口碑經營,這麼用專業知識與技術再用心製作床墊的店家~當然一定要幫忙推薦分享給更多人知道!
My new mattress is here~ I tried a lot of them, and then I watched ptt netizens recommend this one. Huaying Health Mattress is an old mattress factory, and the independent tube is made by the German manufacturer AGRO. The boss is concerned about the products produced by his own. I have a certain insistence. I explained carefully the structure of the mattress, market analysis, discussed the structure of the mattress, and the market analysis for about two hours. I also asked me to try their free-standing tube! Super amazing! Very comfortable, QQ, the body looks like being held by someone! Just like the boss said, a real mattress only needs a good independent cylinder and does not require too much bedding to present it. I visited four times and chose the mattress that suits me. Most of the industry that sells mattresses in the market invest their money in advertising and marketing instead of actually using it on the structure of the bed. They use a lot of padding to give consumers the illusion of comfort, and consumers spend a lot of money. Which layer after layer of foam did you buy? Or is it an independent cylinder of good steel? Some unscrupulous businessmen also advertise with independent tubes of the same brand! But it's not a mattress made of the same material! However, consumers do not have the ability to identify, and can only be left to unscrupulous merchants. Unscrupulous merchants can make money, regardless of the relationship between your consumer's sleep quality and health. The boss is not advertising, they are all operating by word of mouth. This is a store that uses professional knowledge and technology to make mattresses~ Of course, we must help recommend and share it with more people!
antelope on Google

透天住家就是工廠,但隔壁就有一二樓共十幾張床可以試躺。老闆忙時會放你在隔壁自己躺床,有空再進來介紹聊天 主打德國Argo獨立筒,較有彈性符合人體工學。聊天中也可以感受的到老闆對自己家產品的堅持,躺一躺感覺真的好像樺盈的床大部分比較有支撐到腰部 訂完之後一個禮拜就來了,現在已經睡了一個禮拜左右,的確腰酸背痛有比較改善了,感人~
Tootian’s home is a factory, but there are more than a dozen beds on the first and second floors next door to try to lie down. When the boss is busy, he will put you in bed next door by yourself, and come in when you have time to introduce and chat The main product is the independent German Argo cylinder, which is more flexible and ergonomic. During the chat, you can also feel the boss’ insistence on his own products. Lying down really feels like Huaying’s bed is mostly supported to the waist. I came one week after booking, and I have been asleep for about a week now. It is true that the backache and back pain have improved, which is touching~
黃柏棠 on Google

陳老闆人很熱情有趣,對床墊的介紹完全顛覆了我對床墊的認知,使用德國AGRO彈簧僅搭配2cm舒適層就能創造比外面以較厚的舒適層還敏銳的躺感 試躺了5、6間床墊只有樺盈的AGRO獨立筒床墊可以讓我在翻身時很順暢完全不會卡頓,重點是價格很實在!! 床墊用說的不準,親自去躺一趟會顛覆大家的三觀,用你的身體去感受體會才是真的
Boss Chen is very enthusiastic and interesting. The introduction of the mattress completely subverted my understanding of the mattress. Using the German AGRO spring with only 2cm comfort layer can create a more sensitive lying feeling than the thicker comfort layer outside. After trying 5 or 6 mattresses, only Huaying's AGRO independent tube mattress can make me turn over smoothly and will not get stuck at all. The point is that the price is very reasonable! ! It’s hard to say what the mattress is used for. Going to lie down in person will subvert everyone’s three views. It’s true to use your body to feel the experience.
方miguel on Google

109年8月交屋開始找床墊、從百貨公司、家具精品店、網路名墊、沙發工廠….尋尋覓覓最後鎖定德國彈簧AGRO,前後不知跑了幾趟試睡後終於在1月10日下單買了四張不同型號不同價格的AGRO床墊+床架。別於大多數商家都強調自家是中鋼彈簧堅固、耐用,沒有LOGO只有口說+粗糙影印紙為證,再加5-10幾層舒適層+乳膠才能讓身體感到舒適,讓外行的我一直尋找舒適層材質、乳膠產地、厚度為目標,都忘了床墊的結構主體其實是~彈簧。 年輕老闆應該是家族企業第二代,強調他們的床只有德國AGRO彈簧+一層隔離層+一層表布,外觀都一樣!差別在於彈簧型號!讓我購買最大的動機其實是試躺店內那張只有舖一層表布摸得到彈簧的半成(非賣)品,還有老闆的專業解說與對於品質的要求與堅持,所以家人N次試躺後投票一致通過,買床很主觀,個人建議全部先試躺找到喜愛的床之後,再到其他店家試躺就會發現德國AGRO彈簧是Q彈有支撐(放鬆一覺到天亮)與其他床墊是軟、服貼包覆性十足(感覺悶熱)的差異性,如果一張床需要堆疊那麼多舒適層我想彈簧的功能也不大了,所以簡單、Q彈有支撐、舒適、耐用就是我想要的床墊,睡了幾個月後的心得只能說~值得。
In August 109, the house was handed over and began to look for mattresses, from department stores, furniture boutiques, Internet brand cushions, sofa factories.... Xun Xun Mi finally locked in German spring AGRO. After running a few trial sleeps, it finally came in January. I placed an order on the 10th and bought four AGRO mattresses + bed frames of different models and prices. Unlike most businesses, they emphasize that their own steel springs are sturdy and durable. No LOGO can only be said by the mouth + rough photocopying paper, plus 5-10 layers of comfort layer + latex to make the body feel comfortable, so that I am a layman Looking for the comfort layer material, latex production area, and thickness as the goal, I forgot that the main structure of the mattress is actually a spring. The young boss should be the second generation of the family business. It is emphasized that their bed only has German AGRO spring + one layer of isolation layer + one layer of table cloth. The appearance is the same! The difference lies in the spring model! The biggest motivation for me to buy is actually the one in the store. Only spread a layer of cloth to get a half-percent (not for sale) product of the spring, as well as the professional explanation of the boss and the quality requirements and persistence. Therefore, the family members voted unanimously after N trial lying down. Buying a bed is very subjective, and I suggest all After you first try to lie down and find your favorite bed, you will find that German AGRO springs are supported by Q springs (relax until dawn) and other mattresses are soft and comfortable (feeling stuffy) The difference is that if a bed needs to stack so many comfortable layers, I think the function of the spring is not great, so simple, Q-elastic support, comfort, and durability are the mattresses I want. After sleeping for a few months The experience can only be said ~ worth it.
蘇阿祺 on Google

有獨立筒及傳統床墊可選,品質很棒(^-^) 1.第一張四年前買,現在還是跟新的差不多 2.第二張訂了三天,今天就送來,效率很好 3.這家床墊是我非常喜歡的,且做工非常好 4.躺起很舒服,應對品質很堅持,值得讚賞
There are independent cylinders and traditional mattresses, the quality is great (^-^) 1. The first one was bought four years ago, and it is still similar to the new one now 2. The second one has been ordered for three days and will be delivered today. It is very efficient 3. I like this mattress very much, and the workmanship is very good 4. It is very comfortable to lie down, and the coping quality is very persistent, which is worthy of appreciation
楊智麟 on Google

先說結論,如果在高雄,不,甚至是全台灣,要買床墊的第一間必去的店。 如果是嫌麻煩不想浪費時間的人,那這間可以省下你寶貴時間直接讓你買到物有所值的床墊。 如果你是不知道怎麼挑床墊的人,老闆會十分有耐心告訴你真正好的床墊該怎麼挑。 在我的尋找命定床墊之旅,前前後後逛了大概有10間店,試躺過應該也有50多張床,樺盈是我在中間去的一間店,推翻了我之前以為舒服的床墊,也讓我之後再試其他間床墊的時候一直心心念念,這就是怦然心動的感覺吧。 我所試的這50多張床墊,除了樺盈以外,大多是號稱以不同規格的中鋼獨立筒加上各種泡棉、乳膠的舒適層所組成,試躺下來的感覺也不會覺得不舒服 ,但就是好像沒有真正被放鬆到的感覺。而當我試躺到樺盈的獨立筒床墊,覺得驚為天人,你會感受到你全身的重量被獨立筒所支撐住,感覺到真正的放鬆。 這就是德國AGRO高階款獨立筒的威力,不需厚厚的舒適層來創造舒服的假象,一切就是這麼簡單。 越高級的東西,越簡單,這就是所謂的大道至簡吧。 在試躺的時候,老闆一直強調的是,你究竟買到的是價格還是價值。老實說一開始的我也是價格導向的,所以我才會試完之後,仍然繼續踏上我的尋找命定床墊之旅,但繞了好大一圈後還是回來跟老闆買床了,即便離我一開始的預算有些差距,歐印啦哪次不歐印。 人生嘛,有三分之一的時間都躺在床上,用好一點的又何妨。即使你買不起德國車,那你仍然可以買張德國獨立筒系統床墊,換得一夜好眠。 你終究要睡德國AGRO獨立筒床墊的,為什麼不一開始就睡?
Let’s talk about the conclusion first, if you are in Kaohsiung, no, or even in Taiwan, the first must-go store to buy a mattress. If you don't want to waste your time, this one can save your precious time and let you buy a mattress that is worth your money. If you don't know how to choose a mattress, the boss will be very patient and tell you how to choose a really good mattress. In my journey to find the mattress of destiny, I visited about 10 stores, and there should be more than 50 beds after trying it on. Huaying is a store I went to in the middle, which overturned the comfort I thought before. The mattress also makes me think about it when I try other mattresses in the future. This is the feeling of heartbeat. Most of the more than 50 mattresses I tried, except for Huaying, were mostly composed of different specifications of Chinese steel independent cylinders and various foam and latex comfort layers. Comfortable, but it just doesn't seem to be really relaxed. And when I tried to lie down on Huaying's independent tube mattress, I felt astonished, you will feel your whole body weight supported by the independent tube, and you will feel really relaxed. This is the power of the German AGRO high-end self-contained barrel. There is no need for a thick comfort layer to create the illusion of comfort. Everything is as simple as that. The more advanced things are, the simpler they are. When trying to lie down, the boss has always emphasized that what you are buying is price or value. To be honest, I was also price-oriented at the beginning, so after I tried it, I continued to embark on my journey to find my destiny mattress, but after a long detour, I came back to buy a bed from the boss, even if it was far away from me There was some gap in the budget at the beginning. Europe and India are not Europe and India. In life, one-third of the time is spent in bed, so why not use it better. Even if you can't afford a German car, you can still buy a German independent tube system mattress for a good night's sleep. After all, you have to sleep on the German AGRO independent tube mattress, why not sleep at the beginning?

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