雙寶居家保健生活館 高雄中華店-病床電動床、輪椅、氧氣機、氣墊床、血壓計、血糖機、低週波電療器、醫療器材、長照補助辦理 - Lingya District

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 雙寶居家保健生活館 高雄中華店-病床電動床、輪椅、氧氣機、氣墊床、血壓計、血糖機、低週波電療器、醫療器材、長照補助辦理

地址 :

802, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Lingya District, Zhonghua 4th Rd, 135號雙寶居家保健生活館 高雄中華店-病床電動床、輪椅、氧氣機、氣墊床、血壓計、血糖機、低週波電療器、醫療器材、長照補助辦理1樓

電話 : 📞 +8879998
Postal code : 4
網站 : http://www.bb-homecare.com/index.php
城市 : th Rd

802, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Lingya District, Zhonghua 4th Rd, 135號雙寶居家保健生活館 高雄中華店-病床電動床、輪椅、氧氣機、氣墊床、血壓計、血糖機、低週波電療器、醫療器材、長照補助辦理1樓
楊淳惠 on Google

The two girls in the store have a very good service attitude, first-rate, patient and friendly
林均珊 on Google

價格公道,服務親切,推 對小朋友也很有耐心 主動問候幫忙尋找商品 很推❤️
Fair price, friendly service, push Also very patient with children Take the initiative to greet and help find products, very recommended ❤️
pu tiffany on Google

The store staff are patient and professional. They can explain in detail the problems and subsidies for long-term photos. The prices are cheap and the gifts are also very practical, so you can buy them with confidence.
謝宜蓁 on Google

原本因為機器上的一些小刮痕 不是很開心 但在店員積極的幫忙下順利的解決了 也讓我省了很多麻煩 謝謝你們
Originally, I was not very happy because of some small scratches on the machine But with the active help of the clerk, it was resolved smoothly and saved me a lot of trouble. Thank you.
Jessica Lin on Google

4/9新增回覆業主: 您好,先謝謝貴公司願意了解情況並詳細回覆,代表貴公司也很重視客戶反應,本人針對貴公司回覆給予當時情況進一步說明,後續就不再回覆了: 1.(用餐的A小姐、看您在看商品、所以讓您自己先看一下、後續再由其他值班同仁幫您服務……)…………回應說明?當下我【沒有】在看商品,因為是B小姐告訴A小姐我要的商品是什麼、放在哪裡,我想既然B小姐能馬上說出我要的商品和位置,應該對商品有一定程度的認識,所以我站在狹窄的商品走道另一側向B小姐諮詢商品,當我看到A小姐走回去吃飯,我還反問B小姐,「啊她不是要拿東西給我嗎?」,而且我要看的東西就在等她拿,我是要看什麼? 2.(我們同仁有跟您簡單介紹商品並說到其中一款還有物體測量溫度的部分、您不是還說要拿去量水溫、我們同仁還有跟您說物體測量是觸碰物體表面、沒有辦法放進水裡量水溫)…………回應說明?正確的說法應該是:【C小姐沒有簡單介紹商品,C小姐服務過程中都是我自己看商品盒上的說明】,反而是一開始我在等A小姐拿商品給我時有向B小姐諮詢,B小姐是唯一一位有專業跟我解釋商品的人,很可惜也只是一下下她就去服務先前的客人。【是我看到盒上說明有物體模式~100度C】,【也是我主動向C小姐詢問:「那可以測水溫嗎?」】,C小姐愣了一下,我比盒上說明給她看,我說:「它盒子上有寫物體模式可以測到100度,那水也可以嗎?這頭可以碰水嗎?不會壞掉嗎?」,然後C小姐看了看盒子,手指著盒上圖片(是商品碰觸奶瓶的圖),用她那高8度的聲音回我:「水?水是物體嗎?水是物體嗎?你看它上面的圖也沒有碰到水呀,它是放在外面……」,您說,這樣的回應我哪好意思繼續說什麼?!【以上C小姐難道忘記您最初的回應嗎?您可能不自知自己不自主的高8度音回覆,會讓客人覺得被輕蔑、好像問了很愚蠢白癡的問題】 (另外您有問我們同仁要買哪支,您喜歡A款、但覺得B款蓋子比較好開,我們同仁還有教您怎麼開蓋子比較順手,但您就是一直打不開,所以我們同仁才跟您說哪一支您覺得比較順手,就可以買那一支。【以上這些您似乎忘記了,才會說我們同仁都沒作為沒跟您介紹吧】)…………回應說明?【我沒有忘記】,容我好好跟您還原當下情景:因為有一個商品蓋子開/關很緊,一開始抓不到要領,更擔心太粗魯會用壞商品,我有多次拿給C小姐,她也多次接手開/關,我在一旁觀看後自己反覆操作,操作不成功還主動諮詢:「是兩側要壓嗎?還是往上?」,C小姐不太會口語結合手勢教導,基本上她做的頂多稱為「示範」,和貴公司形容的(我們同仁還有教您怎麼開蓋子比較順手),這所謂「教、順手」程度上還是有些差異吧。到底為我好好介紹什麼?我需要的介紹是:這二種功能性相似度極高的商品,價錢也一樣,除了外觀和送外袋以外,到底還有什麼不一樣?我就是因為看外盒說明無法選擇商品,C小姐也沒介紹商品,我看得眼花撩亂,才會問:如果是妳會選哪一支?沒想到,C小姐先是笑了一聲,然後又再次提高她的語調回我:「這二支你自己都摸過了,東西是你自己要用的,要看你自己的需求,你問我我怎麼會知道,又不是我要用的……」碎念了一下,突然覺得,我是不是不應該摸您們家的產品,摸了看了就不應該問!而且開頭的笑讓我感到很不舒服,不能跟我分析商品差異性嗎?我只好告訴她我喜歡a款外型,但是不好開關,b款沒a款好看但是比較好操作,但我想除了外型和開關,身為一位專業的門市銷售人員,應該可以提供我其他的差異性讓我比較。憑良心說,在我覺得被嘲笑,只好低頭繼續自己研究商品時,C小姐有用和緩的語氣跟我說:「二種都有人買,二種也都賣的不錯,哪一支您覺得比較順手,就可以買那一支,你自己要用的還是看你的需求。」,很像原地打轉的對話,就如同「高雄要發大財,那如何才能發財?就是要發大財呀!」的意思。因為2個商品都是依相同的需求做出來的,我們要同中求異選擇適合自己的異,但是「異」在哪?我不知道,這就是我想知道的。 3.(活動的部分……,但我們同仁有跟您講發票滿299元有抽獎活動,【這個活動說明可能您也忘記了,才會說我們同仁什麼也沒說吧】…………回應說明?B小姐向其他客人介紹店辦活動,說明的時間有點長(很認真),因對象不是我,我自然沒有認真聽,但輪到我時,因已累積許多不愉快的感受,加上 C小姐對活動上並不如B小姐般花很多時間好好跟我解釋,所以或許有可能有說:「發票滿299有抽獎活動」這句話而被我忽略,我確實已想不起來,若是因我的情緒已堆積到最後,只想快點離開,而忽略C小姐說的這句話,我道歉。 …………………………………………………………………… 今日4/6約14:30至貴門市表明要買的產品,一位正在用餐的A小姐走至我要的產品前停留一下子後,又空手走回去繼續用餐?不是要拿產品給我嗎?到底是怎樣??? 另一位B小姐拿產品給我,但是,才說沒幾句話她就去服務另一組早先已在店的客人。 於是換了第三位戴眼鏡偏瘦綁馬尾的C小姐過來,這位C小姐只會跟在我身邊,幫忙收我碰過的東西,完全不會介紹,都要自己看產品盒說明,我已經事先做過功課,去到店裡才發現還有另一廠商物品功能和價位相似度極高,當下無法決定要選擇哪一款,詢問C小姐意見,回:「這二支你都摸過(我有拿出產品看),東西是你自己要用的,要看你自己的需求……」,我無法每個字都記得一模一樣,但是,這語氣、用詞大概是這樣,但是話可以好好講嗎?這樣講話真是讓人聽了非常不舒服,覺得很輕蔑,我就是看不出來差異無法決定,才詢問您們專業的意見,難道介紹適合客人的產品,幫忙客人做差異性比較,不是您們工作範圍之一?難道您們的工作只是站在客人身旁盯著客人、收好產品和結帳嗎??? 說到結帳,B小姐正在幫客人結帳還會告知店裡現在正在舉辦的活動,但輪到C小姐幫我結帳除了幫我加入會員、給我保固貼紙(B小姐更早一步已先給我了),方才我無意間聽到的活動她什麼也沒說,這是差別待遇?還是人員態度問題? 強烈建議貴公司,行動支付感應器請放在結帳櫃檯前面,讓客人自行感應,貴公司放在櫃檯後方,雖然門市人員轉個身一樣在消費者面前使用,但是,我非常不喜歡別人碰我的手機,尤其付款時還必須將手機拿離我身邊才能感應。 結帳櫃檯前放著牌子寫Google給五星評價依照購買產品的金額可以折抵5元、10元,我想這代表貴公司也很重視這裡的評價,但是我這第一顆星給貴公司小編,在我買產品前做功課時能適時給予回應,助我瞭解產品進而選擇產品,第二顆星給產品本身。
4/9 added reply to the owner: Hello, thank you in advance for your willingness to understand the situation and reply in detail. This means that your company also attaches great importance to customer responses. I will give further explanations on the situation at the time for your company’s reply. I will not reply in the future: 1. (Miss A who is dining, see you are looking at the product, so let you take a look at it first, and then other colleagues on duty will help you...).........Response explanation ?At the moment, I [none] is looking at the product, Because it was Miss B who told Miss A what the product I wanted and where to put it, I thought that since Miss B can tell me the product and location immediately, she should have a certain degree of knowledge of the product, so I stand on a narrow product. On the other side of the aisle, I asked Miss B about goods. When I saw Miss A walking back to eat, I asked Miss B, "Ah, didn’t she want to bring me something?", and the things I wanted to see were waiting for her to get them. , What am I looking at? 2. (Our colleagues have briefly introduced the products to you and mentioned that one of them also has the part to measure the temperature of the object. Didn’t you also say that you want to measure the temperature of the water, our colleagues also told you that the object measurement is to touch the surface of the object , There is no way to put the water in the water to measure the water temperature)............Response explanation ?The correct statement should be: [Miss C did not briefly introduce the product, I read the instructions on the product box during the service process of Miss C], but At the beginning, when I was waiting for Miss A to bring me the goods, I consulted Miss B. Miss B is the only one who can explain the products to me professionally. It's a pity that she just went to serve the previous customers in a short time. [I saw an object model on the box ~ 100 degrees C], [I also asked Miss C: "Can you measure the water temperature?"], Miss C was stunned, and I explained it to her Look, I said, "It has an object pattern on the box that can measure 100 degrees. Is water okay? Can this end touch water? Will it not break?" Then Miss C looked at the box and pointed her finger The picture on the box (the picture of the product touching the baby bottle), with her 8-degree high voice, replied to me: "Water? Is water an object? Is water an object? You can see that the picture on it does not touch water. It is placed outside..." You said, how am I embarrassed to continue to say such a response? ! [Ms. C above, have you forgotten your initial response? You may not know that your involuntary high-octave reply will make the guest feel contemptuous, as if asking a stupid and idiotic question] (In addition, you asked our colleagues which one to buy. You like the A model, but think that the B model lid is easier to open. Our colleagues also teach you how to open the lid more easily, but you just can’t open it, so our colleagues follow You say which one you think is more convenient, you can buy that one. [You seem to have forgotten the above, so I said that our colleagues have not done anything and did not introduce you to it])…………Response explanation?[I don’t have it Forget], let me restore the current situation with you: because there is a product with a tight opening/closing lid, I can’t grasp the essentials at the beginning, and I am more worried that the product will be damaged if it is too rude. I have given it to Miss C many times, and she also I took over the on/off many times. After watching from the side, I repeated the operation by myself. When the operation was unsuccessful, I took the initiative to consult: "Is it necessary to press on both sides? Or go up?", Miss C is not very good at verbal teaching combined with gestures. Basically, she What you do is called "demonstration" at most, and what your company describes (our colleagues also teach you how to open the lid more easily), there is still some difference in the degree of so-called "teaching and smoothing". What exactly do you introduce for me? What I need to introduce is: These two products with extremely similar functions have the same price. In addition to the appearance and delivery of the outer bag, what are the differences? I couldn't choose the product because I looked at the description of the outer box, and Miss C did not introduce the product. I was dazzled, so I asked: If it were you, which one would you choose? Unexpectedly, Miss C laughed first, then raised her tone of voice again and returned to me: "You have touched these two by yourself. You need to use the things yourself. It depends on your own needs. You ask me. How would I know that it's not what I want to use..." After a bit of thought, I suddenly felt that if I should not touch your products, I shouldn't ask if I touched it! And the laugh at the beginning makes me feel very uncomfortable, can't you analyze the difference of products with me? I had to tell her that I like the appearance of model a, but it is not easy to switch, model b is not as good-looking as model a but is easier to operate, but I think in addition to the appearance and switch, as a professional salesperson, I should be able to provide me Let me compare other differences. According to my conscience, when I felt ridiculed and had to lower my head to continue researching the product by myself, Miss C said to me in a useful and gentle tone: "There are two kinds of products, and both are sold well. Which one do you think is more comfortable. , You can buy that one. What you want to use depends on your needs.” It's like a conversation in place, like "Kaohsiung wants to get rich, how can you get rich? Just to get rich!" "the meaning of. Because the two products are made according to the same needs, we have to seek differences from the same and choose the one that suits us, but where is the "difference"? I don't know, this is what I want to know. 3. (Part of the event..., but our colleagues have told you that there is a lottery event for invoices over 299 yuan. [This event indicates that you may have forgotten, so we said that our colleagues didn't say anything]... Response Explain ?Ms. B introduced the store to other guests. The explanation was a bit long (very serious). Because the target was not me, I naturally did not listen carefully, but when it was my turn, I had accumulated a lot of unpleasant feelings, so I added C Miss B did not spend as much time on the event as Miss B did to explain to me, so perhaps it is possible that the sentence "there is a lottery event for invoices over 299" was ignored by me. I really can't remember it anymore. If it's because of me My emotions have accumulated to the end, I just want to leave quickly, and I apologize for ignoring Miss C's words. ……………………………………………………………… Today 4/6 about 14:30 to your store to indicate the product you want to buy, a lady A who was dining came to the product I wanted and stopped for a while, then walked back empty-handed to continue the meal? Don’t you want to bring me the product? What's the matter? ? ? Another Miss B gave me the product, but before saying a few words she went to serve another group of customers who were already in the store earlier. So I changed to a third Miss C who was wearing glasses and a thin ponytail. This Miss C would only follow me to help collect the things I touched. I would not introduce them at all. I had to read the product box instructions myself. I have done my homework in advance, and I found that there is another manufacturer whose items are very similar in function and price. I can’t decide which one to choose at the moment. I asked Miss C for her opinion and said, "You have touched both of these. (I took out the product to see), things are what you want to use, it depends on your own needs...", I can’t remember every word exactly the same, but the tone and wording are probably like this, but the words are fine. Speak well? This kind of speech is really uncomfortable and contemptuous. I just can’t see the difference and I can’t decide, so I asked your professional opinions. Is it not your job to introduce products suitable for customers and help customers make difference comparisons? One of the scope? Is your job just to stand by your side and stare at them, collect products and check out? ? ? Speaking of checkout, Miss B is helping the guests to check out and will also inform about the activities that are currently being held in the store, but it is Miss C’s turn to help me check out besides helping me join the membership and give me warranty stickers (Miss B has already started Give it to me), she didn't say anything about the activity I overheard just now. Is this differential treatment? Or is it a matter of staff attitude? It is strongly recommended that your company place the mobile payment sensor in front of the checkout counter so that guests can sense it on their own. Your company puts it behind the counter. Although the salesperson turns around and uses it in front of consumers, I don’t like it when people touch it. My mobile phone, especially when I pay, must be moved away from my side to sense it. There is a sign in front of the checkout counter that says Google gives a five-star evaluation. According to the amount of the product purchased, it can be converted into 5 yuan or 10 yuan. I think this means that your company also attaches great importance to the evaluation here, but my first star is given to your company. Edit, I can give a timely response when I do my homework before buying the product, and help me understand the product and choose the product. The second star is given to the product itself.
蔡欣璇 on Google

上週到貴門市詢問補助相關事宜 店內僅一位服務人員,又同時來了多組客人 不過服務人員忙錄中解釋詳細,且有禮貌的請我們稍等,忙完另組客人變馬上過來跟我們介紹商品,還送我的小孩無糖軟糖,孩子非常開心,服務真棒? 評論有折10塊唷!
Last week I went to your store to inquire about the subsidy related matters There is only one service staff in the store, and many groups of guests came at the same time However, the service staff explained the details in the busy record, and politely asked us to wait a moment. Another group of guests will come over to introduce the products to us as soon as they are busy, and they will also send my child sugar-free jelly. The child is very happy and the service is awesome The comment is 10 yuan off!
慧誼戴 on Google

At first I saw the goods in Xiaopi, and then I learned that Kaohsiung has a store after the customer service explained, so that you can get the crutches for grandma to buy ?Whether it is Xiaopi or the store staff are very patient, superb and caring Store!
侯麗月 on Google

親臨高雄雙寶中華店接洽購買輪椅相關業務時, 是由一位許小姐負責接洽….. 解說介紹的非常清楚! 特別親切專業的服務態度讓我們購買者好安心! 真的是人美心更美的專業人員! 謝謝您! 值得推薦的優質商家&專業服務人員!
When visiting Kaohsiung Shuangbao Zhonghua Store for business related to purchasing wheelchairs, It was a Miss Xu who was in charge of contacting... The explanation is very clear! The special kind and professional service attitude makes our buyers feel at ease! Really a more beautiful professional! thank you! Recommended high-quality merchants & professional service personnel!

Write some of your reviews for the company 雙寶居家保健生活館 高雄中華店-病床電動床、輪椅、氧氣機、氣墊床、血壓計、血糖機、低週波電療器、醫療器材、長照補助辦理


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