戰鬥雞 油雞-醉雞 鮮燙蔬菜 苓雅自強店

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 戰鬥雞 油雞/醉雞 鮮燙蔬菜 苓雅自強店

802, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Lingya District, Ziqiang 3rd Rd, 134號戰鬥雞 油雞/醉雞 鮮燙蔬菜 苓雅自強店
任婕咪 on Google

不知是不是跨年生意太好, 醉雞還沒退冰就拿出來切盤了... 咬到碎冰,牙齒皮皮剉~ 常客了不跟老板計較啦! 醉雞和蔬菜都好吃, 還是祝老板生意興隆新年快樂喔!
I don’t know if the New Year’s Eve business is too good, The drunk chicken was taken out and sliced ​​before it was iced... Bite into crushed ice and cut out teeth~ Don't bother with the boss anymore! Drunk chicken and vegetables are delicious, I wish my boss a prosperous business and a happy new year!
陳睬樺 on Google

還是自強店比較好,在仁武夜市買3百多的油雞跟小菜,明明就寫有加脆筍,結果了 買回來發現沒加,上次買紅蘿蔔 竟然沒熟 …………算了,原本禮拜五仁武夜市再給第二機會 結果還是一樣
The Ziqiang store is better. I bought more than 300 fried chicken and side dishes at the Renwu Night Market. It was clearly written with crispy bamboo shoots, and it turned out. I bought it and found that I didn't add it. The carrots I bought last time were not cooked. ……Forget it, I gave Renwu Night Market a second chance on Friday, but the result is still the same
黃培培 on Google

覺得老闆的包裝非常的貼心, 因為是用紙盒!紙盒的好處,就是有時候在車上立即享用,不會被竹籤刺破塑膠袋,然後湯汁就漏出來,而且,要找自己愛吃的還要找老半天! 覺得老闆這個設計很棒,我一定要給他100分 口味濃淡還可自己調整 寧可多跑一段路,也是要來買?????
I think the packaging of the boss is very considerate. Because it's a cardboard box! The advantage of the carton is that sometimes you can enjoy it immediately in the car, you won't be punctured by a bamboo stick and the plastic bag will not leak out, and it will take a long time to find your favorite food! I think the boss's design is great, I must give him 100 points The taste can be adjusted by yourself I would rather run a little longer than come and buy it?????
葉彥辰(阿辰) on Google

有在認真經營顧好品質的老闆,吃了好幾年了 只有越做越好,不會像附近店家生意變好了之後品質沒有在顧了
陳郁環 on Google

料多味美價格俗 住幾天吃幾天? 自強夜市唯一不胖美食 必須給讚
The food is delicious and the price is vulgar. Stay for a few days and eat for a few days? The only non-fat food in Ziqiang Night Market must praise
jbmn100 on Google

雞肉很鮮嫩,青菜也新鮮,小黃瓜鮮脆多汁,油蔥胡椒醬油膏可調整,醬油膏多會比較偏甜,雞腳大隻多肉有膠質,連鎖店,但這家不錯吃 油蔥味的會加入不少脆筍片增加口感 有機會再買醉雞嚐嚐
The chicken is very tender, the greens are also fresh, the cucumbers are crisp and juicy, the onion and pepper soy sauce can be adjusted, the soy sauce is more sweet, the chicken feet are big, meaty and gelatinous, chain stores, but this is delicious The scallion flavor will add a lot of crispy bamboo shoots to increase the taste I have the opportunity to buy drunk chicken and try again
Mike TC on Google

餐點口味:5,蔥油雞太好吃? 用餐環境:只提供外帶。 服務態度:5 整潔:4 空調:沒有提供空調。 洗手間:沒有提供洗手間。 CP值:4 發票:沒有開立統一發票。 這個美食攤位於自強路跟苓雅路的十字路口,生意非常的不錯,但若是吃過了之後,其實就可以了解為什麼他們生意不錯的原因,真的就是好吃。我個人也吃過許多次了,真心推薦。
Meal taste: 5, the scallion chicken is so delicious? Dining environment: take-out only. Service attitude: 5 Neatness: 4 Air conditioning: No air conditioning is provided. Restrooms: No restrooms are provided. Value for money: 4 Invoice: No uniform invoice has been issued. This food stall is located at the crossroads of Ziqiang Road and Lingya Road. The business is very good, but after eating it, you can actually understand why their business is good. It is really delicious. I personally have eaten it many times and I really recommend it.
CWH on Google

有分油雞跟醉雞可以選 這次點油雞很好吃 還有筍片附贈 食材也都存放在冷藏櫃裡很衛生 推推~
There are oily chicken and drunken chicken to choose from The fried chicken is delicious this time Also comes with bamboo shoots Foods are also stored in the refrigerator, which is very hygienic push push~

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