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Contact 順美牙醫診所

地址 :

804, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Gushan District, Dashun 1st Rd, 1013號順美牙醫診所

電話 : 📞 +88798
網站 : http://www.sunflower-dental.com.tw/medical-team.htm
城市 : st Rd

804, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Gushan District, Dashun 1st Rd, 1013號順美牙醫診所
黃素卿 on Google

到順美牙醫處理牙口問題已好多年了,每次都是指定黃院長處理牙齒,服務態度真的無話可說,而且又細心,雖說每次予約看診都要排好久,但這也可能是因為大家都相信院長的專業技術所以常指定看診的原因吧,這是可以認同的。 再來現在的醫師高傲自我沒同理心的比比皆是,診間那些僅僅是掛名的助理護士無理至極的也一樣比比皆是,非常的令人無語。 順美牙醫診所的醫師及護士們你們真的都很nice,謝謝你們的細心。
I have been to Shunmei Dentist to deal with oral problems for many years. Every time I have appointed Dean Huang to deal with the teeth, the service attitude is really nothing to say, and he is attentive. Although it takes a long time for each appointment, it is also possible. It’s because everyone believes in the dean’s expertise, so he often appoints a doctor. This is acceptable. Nowadays, there are many doctors who are proud of themselves and have no empathy, and those who are just named assistant nurses in the clinic are also very unreasonable. They are very speechless. The doctors and nurses of Shunmei Dental Clinic are really nice, thank you for your care.
Fan Huang on Google

從以前到現在,看過很多牙醫,在牙科能夠好好的幫你治療的醫師真的很少了,在順美醫師們有耐心又有風趣,他們並不像有些診所已經走向商業化要求的只是快速的治療,要求的只是自費⋯ 雖然有時預約約診時間會較久,但牙科並不是內兒科、耳鼻喉科,牙科需要的是治療時間,簡單的牙齒蛀牙及洗牙也都是需要時間讓醫師好好處理,所以每次牙齒有問題時或檢查時間到時,一定提早打電話過去診所預約,希望的就是醫師能夠好好的幫我處理好牙齒, 真的很謝謝院長的治療,讓我已經要被拔掉的牙齒,還能夠留下來, 好的牙醫,還被亂寫負評,真的太令人生氣了⋯ 真心覺得,牙科真的不是內兒科,醫師看一眼就可以開藥回家,牙科需要的是時間讓醫師好好幫你做治療⋯ 再次謝謝順美團隊們,你們真的很棒
From before to now, I have seen many dentists. There are really very few doctors who can treat you well in dentistry. The doctors in Shunmei are patient and funny. They are not like some clinics that have moved towards commercialization. They only require fast The treatment is only at your own expense... Although sometimes it takes a long time to make an appointment, dentistry is not an internal medicine or otolaryngology department. What dentistry needs is treatment time. Simple tooth decay and tooth cleaning also require time for the doctor to deal with it. When there is a problem or when the examination time is up, I must call the clinic to make an appointment in advance. The hope is that the doctor can take care of my teeth. Thank you very much for the treatment of the dean, so that my teeth that are about to be extracted can still stay. A good dentist, who has been scribbled negatively, is really irritating... I really feel that dentistry is really not an internal medicine and pediatrics. The doctor can prescribe medicine and go home at a glance. What dentistry needs is time for the doctor to help you treat it... Thanks again to the Shunmei team, you are really great
4柯宗佑 on Google

The doctor is attentive and the environment is clean and comfortable.
翁惟靖 on Google

第一次來洗牙 服務態度真的很好 醫生也很有耐心的跟我說明牙齒狀況 而且幫忙評估牙齒的未來 真的很感謝 讚讚
Teeth cleaning for the first time Service attitude is really good The doctor was very patient and explained the condition of the teeth to me. and help assess the future of teeth deeply appreciated Like Like
芯榕葉 on Google

第一次不害怕看牙科❤️ 張旖,張醫師跟護理師們每個都好細心、 好有耐心、好溫柔、很替患者著想????????
Don't be afraid to see the dentist for the first time ❤️ Zhang Yan, Dr. Zhang and the nurses are all very attentive, So patient, so gentle, so considerate of patients????????
Elise Park on Google

黃醫師很親切又有耐心!超優的牙醫!! 自從來這裡看牙醫後才發現原來有人很好的牙醫(以前看過的真的都超粗魯?)
Dr. Huang is very kind and patient! Excellent dentist! ! I only found out that there are some good dentists after I saw the dentist here (the ones I have seen before are really super rude ?)
簡伊廷 on Google

雖然已經是一年前,但仍然記得小學四年級的女兒晚上玩鬧時突然撞到地板,門牙斷掉的驚慌與無助⋯⋯ 還好在朋友推薦下,隔早電話聯絡後,馬上帶著小女及泡在生理食鹽水中的一半門牙找黃彥豪院長求診,經過院長的神手天衣無縫的黏回門牙,黃院長的幽默與溫暖也安撫了我們慌亂的心! 雖然黏回門牙只是暫時的處置,以後還需要做進一步的處理,但讓女兒至少在這段時間可以有心理準備,也完全不影響到外觀,真的超感謝黃院長和護理人員的幫忙?
Although it was a year ago, I still remember the panic and helplessness of my daughter in fourth grade when she suddenly hit the floor and broke her front teeth... Fortunately, at the recommendation of a friend, after making a phone call every morning, I immediately brought my little daughter and half of the incisors soaked in physiological saline to see Dean Huang Yanhao for consultation. Soothe our panicked hearts! Although sticking back to the front teeth is only a temporary treatment, and further treatment is needed in the future, but at least during this time, my daughter can be psychologically prepared, and it will not affect the appearance at all. I really thank Dean Huang and the nursing staff for their help??
Amy Livingston on Google

This was NOT open on Sunday

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