明正汽車保養廠 - Gushan District

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Contact 明正汽車保養廠

地址 :

804, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Gushan District, Hexi 1st Rd, 109號明正汽車保養廠

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 1
網站 : https://zh-tw.facebook.com/pages/%25E6%2598%258E%25E6%25AD%25A3%25E6%25B1%25BD%25E8%25BB%258A%25E4%25BF%259D%25E9%25A4%258A%25E5%25BB%25A0/223501527666079
城市 : st Rd

804, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Gushan District, Hexi 1st Rd, 109號明正汽車保養廠
Tac Tai on Google

The boss is very skilled, he immediately found the problem with the car and prescribed the right medicine. The quote was very real, which made my car become alive again.
Jimmy Jimmy on Google

Kaohsiung's famous auto repair factory, the favorite of taxi drivers, the technology is in place and the price is fair. Because of the large number of people, it has to wait, but it is worth it
周玲蓉 on Google

老闆在找車子問題超迅速,幾乎只要聽完敘述就能馬上找到問題! 去維修的車輛很多,建議先預約再去才不會等太久!
The boss is looking for car problems super fast, almost as soon as you listen to the narrative, you can find the problem right away! There are many vehicles to be repaired, it is recommended to make an appointment before going there so that you won't have to wait too long!
河鼓 on Google

保養十年了 技術ok,無奈老闆態度越來越不友善 日前在附近拋錨打電話過去被罵了 :(
maintenance for ten years The technology is ok, but the boss's attitude is getting more and more unfriendly A few days ago, I broke down on the phone and got scolded in the past :(
鍾偉偉 on Google

老闆判斷問題很準確又專業, new corolla車子的機油燈待速時會亮起,別的保養廠說是機油幫浦壞了,修理需要拆引擎。 開去找明正老闆一眼就判斷出是機油壓力開關在漏油只要更換開關就處理好了。
牧羊犬 on Google

老闆不多話,回答很簡潔,感覺問太多會被白眼!牽車時有點自豪,對自己的技術專業有信心! 老實說,有技術、專業CP值又高的, 明正果然名不虛傳! 如果很在意服務態度, 建議還是回原廠或是金弘笙、八百屋等等...
The boss doesn't talk much, and the answer is very concise. I feel that if you ask too much, you will be scorned! Be a little proud when pulling a car and have confidence in your technical expertise! To be honest, those with technical and professional CP values ​​and high CP value are indeed well-deserved! If you are very concerned about the service attitude, it is recommended to go back to the original factory or Jin Hongsheng, Babaiwu, etc...
簡嘉嫻 on Google

生意熱絡!第一次去給老闆進行定期保養,老闆很認真檢查車況,會先詢問得到允許才更換用品,不會推銷東西。 整個過程體驗都很好,要跳槽給這間汽車廠定期保養了!謝謝老闆給不懂車的我一個安心感!
Business is booming! The first time I went to the boss for regular maintenance, the boss checked the condition of the car very carefully. The whole process experience is very good, I have to change jobs to regularly maintain this car factory! Thank you boss for giving me a sense of peace of mind who don't understand cars!
Daniel Wu on Google

The fee of maintenance and repair is OK.

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