噠啵呿啃 棧貳庫店/必吃美式炸雞

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Contact 噠啵呿啃 棧貳庫店/必吃美式炸雞

地址 :

804, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Gushan District, Penglai Rd, 17號噠啵呿啃 棧貳庫店/必吃美式炸雞

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : https://lin.ee/0JC8dQU
Opening hours :
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
城市 : Penglai Rd

804, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Gushan District, Penglai Rd, 17號噠啵呿啃 棧貳庫店/必吃美式炸雞
Webber Hsieh (Webber) on Google

無骨雞腿排炸的非常香脆 熱熱的一口咬下酥炸脆皮和紮實雞腿肉 完美!
Boneless chicken thighs are fried very crispy Deep-fried crispy skin and solid chicken thighs with a hot bite perfect!
Matthew鄧 on Google

The fried chicken is very delicious! One bite after another, I forgot to take a photo of this food first ??, it really goes well with homemade honey mustard sauce?? next time I go to Kaohsiung, I will definitely come back to taste it?
yi ting Chen on Google

After I checked out, I told me that I couldn’t get a refund and asked me to wait 2-30 minutes. In that case, why don’t you tell me first and let those who are willing to wait to buy? Does it deceive consumers?
mavis wu on Google

東西很好吃,最愛雞球,每次來棧二庫都會來買 但女店員太小氣,問要兩包番茄醬都不願給,說只給一包第二包要收錢,明明就叫了好幾樣吃的,我就喜歡配蕃茄醬不行嗎?說是規定,一家店這麼小氣的規定還是改改吧~
The food is delicious, I love chicken balls, I will buy it every time I come to Zhan Erku But the female clerk was too stingy. She asked if she wanted two packets of ketchup and she didn't want to give it. She said that she would charge money for only one bag of the second one. She clearly ordered several things to eat. Can I just like to go with ketchup? Said it is a regulation, but the stingy regulation of a store should be changed~
劉育澤 on Google

The boneless leg steak of the signature C meal is really juicy and delicious! The chicken balls and French fries are above the standard...
凃宥群 on Google

點c套餐 整體很美味 無骨腿排很好吃 有到他79元的價值 但是上面寫無骨還是有小骨頭 雞球的部分也是 有些有小骨頭 吃的時候要小心
Order C package, the whole is delicious, the boneless leg steak is delicious, it is worth 79 yuan, but it says boneless and still has small bones, and the chicken ball part also has small bones, be careful when eating
Bear on Google

高雄的夕陽很美?用著放假心情去棧貳庫吹著春天不燥熱的海風,吃吃這家高雄渡船頭邊最美炸雞店如何?‍♂️?‍♀️ —————?????? ??————— 用著度假好心情前往棧貳庫尋找最懂台灣人胃口的炸雞店如何,噠啵呿啃棧貳庫店就在棧貳庫一樓美食街內,面對著高雄港,吹著春天不燥熱的海風,賞海景賞夕陽,一旁就是棧貳庫KW2白色旋轉木馬,全家人用著好放鬆的氛圍享受著台灣本土品牌-噠啵呿啃以高品質耐高溫葵花油油炸的當天現宰殺台灣雞肉的炸雞與小點心,走吧~安排高雄午後小旅行,在有冷氣的舒適空間內吃吃這家高雄渡船頭邊最美炸雞店如何? ----------------------- 噠啵熱選點心派對組(140元) 泰式淋醬(5元) 特濃起司醬(10元) 蜂蜜芥末醬(5元) 特調糖醋醬(5元) 1號:黃金脆薯 洋蔥圈 曲奇薯球花 對於不會炸薯條的店員,熊曾經有恐懼感,油溫不夠導致吸油多或者太過軟爛,太硬的焦掉的都有!! 但是又很愛黃金脆薯怎麼辦?幸好當天在噠啵呿啃棧貳庫店吃到這份美國進口的黃金脆薯,剛剛好的金黃色隨著咬下後外酥內軟的馬鈴薯口感很OK! 如果喜歡沾番茄醬,可以跟櫃台妹妹說,會附贈,但是熊建議可以加購噠啵呿啃自己做的4款醬汁,例如有著蜂蜜甜甜而不嗆的蜂蜜芥末醬,或者沾雞塊、薯條超Match的特調糖醋醬都很搭喔。 洋蔥圈 酥炸成金黃色的外表有著新鮮洋蔥的甜美,不油膩的口感飄著洋蔥的香氣,當下老公覺得很可以下次買一瓶啤酒去搭配,坐在堤防邊,一口冰啤酒一口洋蔥圈和好友聚會聊天呢。 曲奇薯球花 吃完又再加點的魅力到底是啥呀!! 這一朵朵可愛小花是馬鈴薯喔,一口咬下香酥綿密鬆軟的口感中,散發濃郁的馬鈴薯香氣,馬上變成全家大小都搶著吃必吃推薦。 ----------------------- 2號:波浪薯條 麥克雞塊 熱狗球 波浪薯條酥香好吃又不油膩、或許是選用的美國馬鈴薯吧,吃得出馬鈴薯的細緻、趁熱新鮮吃,散發滿滿馬鈴薯的香氣,真是一種邪惡的點心美食XD 單純的吃原味,還是沾上特濃起司醬,媽呀~熱量破表也想繼續吃,整個無敵令人難以抗拒。 雖然都是雞塊,但是含肉率的高低可是會影響口感的喔,從外表來看,噠啵呿啃可以看到一絲絲的雞肉,比起廉價品摻了太多粉的雞塊來說,它的雞塊肉感比較紮實些,咬起來不顯單調,而香氣也夠。 加點醬汁可以選擇泰式淋醬或者特調糖醋醬搭配,更顯好吃欸。 逛街拿著一根大熱狗不方便吃齁?? 一口大小方便吃的熱狗球,誰發明的呀??內裹紮實的熱狗球有夠適合一口一個優雅的吃耶! ----------------------- 招牌C餐(195元) 整個無骨腿排相當金黃,咔滋咔滋的脆口爽度一百分,咬開的腿肉嫩度迷人,雞汁飽滿的誇張(看動態影片就知道啦),選用當天宰殺的台灣雞肉,難怪新鮮感就是夠,剛炸出來相當燙口,熊熊小叮嚀(小心吃不要被燙到了啦!) 可以選擇特調胡椒鹽/美式經典/椒麻嗆辣/甘梅椒鹽搭配,覺得一咪咪的胡椒鹽就能襯托出滿滿透出雞汁的甜味了。 前往電影院看電影,很愛買肯XX雞米花,一口一顆配著電影吃剛剛好,只是略小的雞米花比較難以滿足咬肉的快感,而且吃到的幾乎都是炸粉比較多,嗚~說好的肉肉哩??? 噠啵呿啃的噠啵雞球就像放大版的雞米花,但是粉漿少了點,肉汁也多了些,終於找到不會令人桑心,一整個很暢懷吃的大大塊雞米花啦(開心) 一根根散發出誘人香酥狀態的黃金脆薯,讓熊不免先吞下貪吃的口水(笑) 美國來的馬鈴薯本身甜味與綿密就很不錯,配上甘梅椒鹽粉,更有涮嘴的口感。 適合2~3人歡樂分享餐的飲料可以選擇可樂或雪碧,兒子認為吃炸雞配可樂是天作之合的絕配啦。 ----------------------- QQ球(60元) 雙色QQ地瓜球,一次滿足吃到番薯與芋頭的樂趣,最平民的呆丸小吃,QQ蛋肯定榜上有名,只要逛夜市,看到地瓜球攤,幾乎都會買一包來邊走邊吃(哈) 圓滾滾的QQ球剛起鍋的熱氣與香氣很誘人,趁熱吃還能吃得到外殼的薄香酥感,咀嚼內餡的口感則是紮實耐嚼又不會太甜膩喔。 ----------------------- 拉絲起司棒(65元) 94喜歡獨特奶香風味莫札瑞拉起司啦,起司棒香酥的外皮,包裹著濃郁起司,隨便一咬就拉絲(好邪惡喔),香Q軟綿,天呀!完全是令人無法抗拒的誘惑。 —————?????? ??————— 店家資訊? 噠啵呿啃棧-貳庫店 電話☎️ 07-531 3805 地址? 高雄市鼓山區蓬萊路17號 營業時間⌚️ 10:00-21:00(平日) 10:00-22:00(週五.週六,以及連假前一天)
The sunset in Kaohsiung is very beautiful?With a holiday mood, go to Zhankuo to blow the sea breeze that is not hot in spring. How about eating this most beautiful fried chicken restaurant at the head of Kaohsiung ferry?♂️?‍♀️ —————?????? ??————— In a good mood for a holiday, go to Zhan Erku to find the fried chicken shop that understands the appetites of Taiwanese people. The Da Biao Ni Zhan Erku store is located on the first floor of the Zhan Erku Food Street, facing Kaohsiung Harbor, blowing spring time. The hot sea breeze, the sea view and the sunset, there is a KW2 white merry-go-round in the second library. The whole family enjoys the local Taiwanese brand in a relaxing atmosphere-Da Bing Bing, fried with high-quality heat-resistant sunflower oil, is killed on the same day. Taiwanese chicken fried chicken and snacks, let’s go~ Arrange a short afternoon trip to Kaohsiung, how about the most beautiful fried chicken restaurant at the head of Kaohsiung ferry in an air-conditioned and comfortable space? ----------------------- Da Bo Hot Selection Dim Sum Party Group (140 yuan) Thai style sauce (RMB 5) Extra thick cheese sauce (RMB 10) Honey mustard sauce (RMB 5) Special sweet and sour sauce (RMB 5) No. 1: Golden Crispy Potatoes, Onion Rings, Cookie Potato Balls For shop assistants who don’t know how to fries, the bear once had a sense of fear. The lack of oil temperature leads to excessive oil absorption or too soft, too hard and scorched! ! But what should I do if I love golden crispy potatoes? Fortunately, I ate this golden crispy potato imported from the United States at the Da Bing Bing Zhan Erku store on the same day. The golden yellow was just right after the bite, the crispy outside and the soft inside of the potato tasted very OK! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? If you like to dip in ketchup, you can tell the sister at the counter that it will be a gift, but Xiong suggests that you can add 4 sauces made by yourself, such as honey mustard sauce with honey sweet and not choking, or dip chicken The special sweet and sour sauce with super-Mach and chips are very good. Onion rings The crispy golden brown appearance has the sweetness of fresh onions, and the non-greasy taste is filled with the aroma of onions. Now my husband thinks it’s good to buy a bottle of beer next time to match, sit on the edge of the embankment, take a bite of cold beer and onion rings to party with friends Chat. Cookies and Potato Balls What's the charm of adding a little more after eating! ! These cute little flowers are potatoes. With one bite, the crispy, soft and soft taste is exuding the rich aroma of potatoes. It will immediately become a must-eat for the whole family. ----------------------- No. 2: Wave French Fries, Mike's Chicken Nuggets, Hot Dog Balls The wavy French fries are crispy, delicious and not greasy. Perhaps it is the American potato bar of choice. You can taste the delicate potatoes, eat fresh while hot, and exude the aroma of potatoes. It is really a kind of evil dessert delicacy. XD Simply eating the original flavor, or dipped in extra-rich cheese sauce, damn~ I want to continue eating even after the calorie breaks, the whole invincibility is irresistible. Although they are all chicken nuggets, the level of meat content will affect the taste. From the appearance, you can see a trace of chicken, compared to cheap chicken nuggets with too much powder. , Its chicken nuggets are more solid, not monotonous when biting, and the aroma is enough. Add some sauces, you can choose Thai-style drenching sauce or special sweet and sour sauce to match, it is even more delicious. Is it not convenient to go shopping with a big hot dog? ? Who invented a bite-sized hot dog ball? ? The well-wrapped hot dog balls are good enough for a bite and an elegant meal! ----------------------- Signature C Meal (195 yuan) The whole boneless thigh steak is quite golden, the crispness of the sizzle is 100% refreshing, the tenderness of the bitten leg is charming, and the chicken juice is full of exaggeration (see the movie to know). The Taiwanese chicken slaughtered that day is used. No wonder that the freshness is enough, it is quite hot after being fried, flaming little warning (be careful not to be burned!) You can choose the special salt and pepper/American classic/pepper and chili pepper/Ganmei pepper and salt to match. I think a Mimi's salt and pepper can bring out the sweetness of chicken juice. When I go to the cinema to watch a movie, I love buying Ken XX chicken rice crackers. One bite is just right to go with the movie, but the slightly smaller chicken rice crackers are more difficult to satisfy the pleasure of biting meat, and almost all you eat are fried powder. ~ Say good meaty? ? ? The chicken balls are just like the enlarged version of chicken rice noodles, but the syrup is less and the gravy is a little bit more. Finally, I found a large piece of chicken noodles that will not be irritating and can be eaten very well. (Happy) The golden crispy potatoes exuding a tempting and crisp state make the bear inevitably swallow the gluttonous saliva first (laughs) The sweetness and consistency of the potato from the United States is very good, and when it is paired with sweet plum, salt and pepper powder, it has a mouth-watering taste. The drink suitable for 2~3 people to share a meal can choose Coke or Sprite. My son thinks that eating fried chicken with Coke is a perfect match made in heaven. ----------------------- QQ ball (60 yuan) Two-color QQ sweet potato balls, satisfying the fun of eating sweet potatoes and taro at one time, the most common people’s dull snack, QQ eggs must be on the list, as long as you visit the night market and see the sweet potato stalls, you will almost always buy a pack to eat while walking (ha ) The warm and scent of the round QQ balls just after the pan is very attractive, you can still eat the thin and crispy texture of the shell when eaten while it is hot, and the texture of the filling is firm and chewy without being too sweet. ----------------------- Brushed cheese sticks (65 yuan) 94 I like the unique milk-flavored mozzarella cheese. The crispy skin of the cheese stick is wrapped in rich cheese. It can be drawn with just one bite (so evil). The fragrance is soft, oh my god! The temptation is totally irresistible. —————?????? ??————— Store Information Tel ☎️ 07-531 3805 Address? No. 17, Penglai Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City Business hours⌚️ 10:00-21:00 (weekdays) 10:00-22:00 (Friday, Saturday, and the day before consecutive holidays)
伍玖玖 on Google

點招牌A餐,中間有公共座位區,叫號取餐。 餐點都是現炸,薯條還有灑一些胡椒鹽微微鹹很好吃。 雞球就比較普通,比較像是肯德基的雞球…. 公共區可以看到海景,環境舒適,很放鬆。
Order the signature meal A, there is a public seating area in the middle, call the number to pick up the meal. The meals are freshly fried, and the fries are sprinkled with some salt and pepper and slightly salty, which is delicious. Chicken balls are more ordinary, more like KFC chicken balls... You can see the sea in the public area, and the environment is comfortable and relaxing.

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