立強鐘錶名店 - Zuoying District

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Contact 立強鐘錶名店

地址 :

804, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Zuoying District, Yucheng Rd, 295號立強鐘錶名店

網站 : https://zh-tw.facebook.com/%25E7%25AB%258B%25E5%25BC%25B7%25E9%2590%2598%25E9%258C%25B6%25E5%2590%258D%25E5%25BA%2597-162083737246680/
城市 : Yucheng Rd

804, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Zuoying District, Yucheng Rd, 295號立強鐘錶名店
林媛蛉 on Google

When you return to a different battery, the watch will be fogged with water, and the button has no function. @@. Hello?
蘇柏文 on Google

小姐漂亮 服務態度好 介紹手錶也是依個人特色去介紹 讚讚讚 人生第一支最貴的錶 也是我最喜歡的一支錶 好店
The lady is beautiful and the service attitude is good The introduction of watches is also based on personal characteristics. Like like like The first most expensive watch in life It is also my favorite watch Good shop
討燕妮 on Google

以前在左營大路的時候買過幾次 有買的話 店員態度都很好 上次拿在那邊買的錶要去換錶帶 店員態度就差了 而且才買一個多月 送媽媽的錶 我忘記還有幹嘛 也是什麼都要收錢 之後就都不想去那裏了 不推薦
I bought it a few times when I was on Zuoyingda Road. The watch I bought last time was going to change the strap. The attitude of the clerk was bad, and I only bought a watch for my mother for more than a month.
周翔 on Google

第一次買東西 遇到這種惡劣商家 買貴當下不喜歡 不能退換貨 敘述事實 評論文章 再來還威脅要提告 竟然在乎自己店家名譽 卻不願意把事情了當處理 還要恐嚇提告 真的惡劣 事隔多年 回想起來 這店家還是真的差勁
It’s the first time to buy something and encounter such a bad business I don’t like it at the moment. I can’t return or exchange it. Narrate the facts, comment on the article, and threaten to sue again I even care about my store’s reputation, but I don’t want to deal with it. But also intimidate and sue, it's really bad After so many years, in retrospect, this store is still really bad
進財吳 on Google

通常來講價錢很親民老闆待客人很親切而且 有意想不到的寶貝 尤其是很有創意的太陽眼鏡讓消費者 多 哪些是很有創意的太陽眼鏡與消費者 用途 意想不到的驚奇
Generally speaking, the price is very close to the owner. The guests are very kind and unexpected. Especially the most creative sunglasses make consumers more creative sunglasses and consumers. Use unexpected surprises.
chen i Lee on Google

The beautiful boss is super nice and has very clever hands. He helped me connect a 20-year-old watch strap! Awesome!
CHIU CHIU on Google

剛剛 幾個月前送修JJ陶瓷錶,被告知原廠斷貨無法修復 因為戴很多年也是很喜歡的錶,捨不得就這樣封箱 想說去JJ的官網問問是否有修復的可能 如果不是抱著試試看的想法也不會發現 原來保卡上面的型號一直都是錯的 還好原廠願意幫忙調貨修復 保卡型號寫錯真的是有點.... 希望以後可以謹慎點,送修無門或原廠不認 消費者該怎麼辦呢?
just JJ ceramic watch was sent for repair a few months ago and was told that the original factory is out of stock and cannot be repaired Because I have been a favorite watch for many years, I am reluctant to seal it like this I want to go to JJ's official website to ask if it is possible to repair I wouldn’t find it if I didn’t try it It turns out that the model on the warranty card is always wrong Fortunately, the original factory is willing to help transfer and repair It is really a bit wrong to write the warranty card model... I hope you can be cautious in the future, no repair or repair What should consumers do?
郭靜芳 on Google


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