客製小姐 - Sanmin District

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 客製小姐

地址 :

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Dexing St, 19號客製小姐7樓

電話 : 📞 +8877
網站 : https://lady-print.com/index.php%3Ftype%3Dclick
城市 : Dexing St

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Dexing St, 19號客製小姐7樓
金小語 on Google

Recommend the custom-made lady design team, professional, attentive, responsible, very thoughtful about the design, but also very patient to listen to customer needs, the quotation is very practical, and look forward to more cooperation in the future!
Mandy ᰔ on Google

The first experience ♥️ is very fun, the teacher is very beautiful with relatives ♥️ the work is finished, it is very fulfilling
王萍萍 on Google

客製小姐 美術課程 環境超喜歡 老師很有耐心又細心 對於我這初學者來說 非常有成就感 推薦推薦‼️??
Customized Miss Art Course I like the environment, the teacher is patient and attentive For me as a beginner, I have a sense of accomplishment Recommend recommendation‼ ️??
yun chi on Google

客製化所有你想做的東西!(衣服提袋帽子團體服裝 重點現在又多了類油畫的課程❤️放假沒事做就來畫畫吧!(沒經驗也可以來!) 沒有畫過也會變得像專家! 而且老師跟店員都很熱心適時給予我們救援與幫助??❤️❤️❤️ 給五顆星都不夠啦❤️❤️❤️?
Customize everything you want to do! (Clothes, bags, hats, group clothing The point is that there are more oil painting courses. ❤️ Let's paint when you have nothing to do during the holidays! (You can come without experience!) If you haven't painted, you will become like an expert! And the teacher and the clerk are very enthusiastic to give us rescue and help in time??❤️❤️❤️ Five stars is not enough ❤️❤️❤️?
Gaspard Lin on Google

The first experience of oil painting, the teacher is very honest and careful to teach, hurry up and make an appointment
Joy on Google

The clerks are very enthusiastic, and the real people are super nice 100 points ?. The goods are also very nice. Must be the thumb.
吳俊毅 on Google

完美呈現客製的一家店,任何一種東西都可以在這邊用自己的方式呈現,兩週前手忙腳亂的抱著有可能被打槍的心情,拿著一雙蛙鞋走進店裡找店員詢問,還沒找到客製小姐前其實也去過不少家店但是無論是服務還是想法都跟我不同也許是這雙蛙鞋對我來說意義非凡,也遇到了不少無言的商家 。 同樣是客製化的商品如何才能百分百的達到客製,客製小姐花時間聽了我所有想做的方式跟建議幫我完成了這雙蛙鞋,雖然只有一件但對我來說有很特別的意義,在別家店可能就只是單純的設計跟製作,但在這裡不一樣,不會因為商品件數的多寡而影響整個客製化的品質跟流程,在這裏客製的每一樣東西都意義非凡,即使像我一樣只有一件商品需要客製,店員跟老闆娘的服務跟建議也是拿出了百分百的熱情跟專業,很耐心的聽我講完所有的想法才給我建議,很尊重客戶想法也給顧客很多發揮的空間,但相對也提高了店家的工作困難度以及能力上的考驗,在現場一討論完就馬上聯絡師傅討論材質的處理方式,非常的有效率,畢竟特殊的材質有時候要客製也有一定的難度,也有失敗的可能,我直到拿到商品後才知道原來他們自己在做客製這些圖案文字時並不是直接施作,而是店家自己先找許多類似的材質做完各種測試才真正的施作在我的蛙鞋上面,真的非常用心,他們把客戶要客製的東西想成是自己想客製的東西,把每一樣產品做到最高的品質跟最好的服務。 從上色方式~找圖~選擇色調~開搞~製作~完成 每一個環節都清楚的讓客戶知道,他們不怕花時間只怕客製出來的產品不符合客戶的需求,包括可能發生的問題都會先告知我,隨時有狀況也馬上跟我聯繫真的非常感動,特別的東西要送給特別的人,他們非常清楚每一樣客製的商品都有著無可取代的意義跟情感寄託在作品上面, 有關客製的任何問題一律推薦客製小姐。 忘了說他們為了讓我提前拿到產品已經過了下班時間兩個小時還在店裡等我過去拿產品,很重視每一個商品的需求真的很感動。 最後必須跟你們說 這雙蛙鞋的主人非常感動也非常喜歡,對她來說那不只是一雙蛙鞋而是一份感動跟一種幸福,全世界唯一的一雙,只有客製小姐做的出來,也只有一個人可以擁有。
Perfect presentation of a shop customized any one thing can be presented in their own way here, two weeks ago are likely to be running around in circles holding fire a gun mood, holding a pair of flippers looking into the store clerk asked, in fact, the front passenger have not found Miss made have been to a lot of stores but whether it is related to my service or idea might be different this pair of flippers special significance for me, also encountered a lot of silent businesses. The same is customized merchandise how to achieve customized, custom made lady wanted to spend time listening to me all the way with suggestions to help me complete this pair of flippers hundred percent, although only one, but for me there are special significance, probably just a simple design with the production, but here is not the same in other stores, not because of the amount of the number of pieces of merchandise to affect the overall quality customized with process, where each of customization as things are significant, even if, like me, need only one item customization, with service clerk with the boss is also recommended to come up with professional enthusiasm, patiently listening to a hundred percent of all the ideas I finished it for me recommended, great respect for the customer idea also gives the customer a lot of space to play, but relatively also improve the test on the work of the difficulty of the store and the ability in the field a discussion finished immediately contacted master discuss handling of materials, very efficient, after all, special material sometimes also be customized with some difficulty, but also the possibility of failure, I get the goods until after they themselves know that these patterns in a guest system is not applied directly as text, but many find someone their own stores similar material was done various test facilities for real in my flippers above, really hard, they want to put things customers want to customize their own customized want something to every product to achieve the highest with the best quality of service. From the color chart to find the way ~ ~ ~ choose shades open out ~ make ~ complete every step clearly let customers know that they are not afraid to take the time out I'm afraid customized products do not meet customer needs, including problems that may occur will first tell me, any time conditions also immediately contact me really touched something special to give to special people, they are very clear as per customized goods have irreplaceable significance in the works with the emotional sustenance above, Any questions about customization of all passenger Miss recommended system. Forget that they really touched me in advance in order to get the product has been in the past to take my product, attaches great importance to each product needs time off work two hours still shop and so on. Finally, the owner must tell you this pair of flippers very touched and very fond of her, but it was not just a pair of flippers touched with a kind of happiness, the only pair of the world, only Miss customized to do out, and only a person can have.
張宣筑 on Google

妹妹的畢制需要急件,店員都很有耐心的幫忙趕工!出來的成品也都超好看??? 真的超推薦!禮拜二晚上跑過來麻煩他們結果禮拜五就拿到了真的要下跪嗚嗚
My sister's graduation system needs urgent work, and the clerks are very patient to help rush work! The finished products are also super nice ??? Really super recommended! They ran over on Tuesday night to trouble them, but they got it on Friday, I really have to kneel down.

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