
3.5/5 基於 8 評論

高雄招牌,招牌設計,LED燈箱,廣告招牌,看板設計,噴圖,電腦噴晝,大圖輸出,LED廣告,商標設計,帆布輸出,壓克力,指示標牌 - 鴻鎰廣告招牌 - Honyi-sign.com.tw

鴻鎰廣告招牌專營高雄招牌,看板設計,廣告招牌,LED 招牌,帆布輸出等業務,專業可靠,價格實在。

高雄招牌,招牌設計,LED燈箱,廣告招牌,看板設計,噴圖,電腦噴晝,大圖輸出,LED廣告,商標設計,帆布輸出,壓克力,指示標牌 - 鴻鎰廣告招牌 - Honyi-sign.com.tw

E-mail:[email protected]

Contact (高雄招牌-廣告招牌)鴻鎰電腦割字行

地址 :

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Shiquan 2nd Rd, 5號(高雄招牌-廣告招牌)鴻鎰電腦割字行

電話 : 📞 +88778
網站 : http://www.honyi-sign.com.tw/
城市 : nd Rd

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Shiquan 2nd Rd, 5號(高雄招牌-廣告招牌)鴻鎰電腦割字行
天下無雙 on Google

Although only a computer cut word, but the service staff of the store is very kind, not only provide my special color suggestions and fonts, but also help me make the image on the spot, so that I can immediately see the finished product effect. The service is really good, the price is fair, I can pick up the goods at the evening of this afternoon, the production speed is fast, the quality is good, and the finished product is quite satisfactory, it is worth recommending.
ilin C. on Google

It is rare that it is open on weekends, and due to urgent needs, the boss is very cooperative in rushing to work. He rushes out before 10 o’clock that night and has a very good service attitude.
K on Google

直接附對話供參考,店家也不用回覆了,沒賺頭的案件直接不讀不回 利潤低不想接真的可以直說 不用假裝檔案開不起來
The dialogue is directly attached for reference, the store does not need to reply, and the case that has not earned money will not be read directly. Low profits, don’t want to pick up, you can really just say it Don't pretend that the file can't be opened
洪憲佑 on Google

禮拜四電話詢價以及用賴傳送製作需求,跟我說下禮拜二就會好,隔週當日詢問卻跟我說板子切好了圖還沒好,我再問什麼時候會好,老闆又跟我說禮拜五傍晚,結果禮拜五我晚上八點多到場要取件,居然現場才給我把圖黏上去? 我真的搞不懂這種店家到底誠信在哪裡?我製作的東西也才小小的居然還要拖這麼久才好,價錢也沒優惠到哪裡去,真的很誇張,連一顆星都不值得給。
Inquiries on the phone on Thursday and production requirements using Lai transmission. I told me that it would be better next Tuesday. I asked every other week but said to me that the board was cut. I said that on Friday evening, I ended up at 8pm on Friday to pick up the paper. Did you stick the picture to the scene? I really don't understand where is the integrity of this store? The things I made are so small that they have to be dragged for so long, and the price is not discounted. It is really exaggerated, and even a star is not worth giving.
福丫 on Google

強烈建議別浪費時間在這間店。 雖然不是第一次給他做,但是一次比一次扯。一次比一次會拖,態度真的很不可取。 當場預約談件說星期五,星期五改星期一下午,等到傍晚才說沒空..從那天已經過了一個禮拜,價還沒估??一個禮拜後的中午打電話催,根本忘的一乾二凈,又改口晚點再晚點還是晚點,現在已經是隔天的半夜凌晨了。 我已經懶得給評價,但是要讓很多看到這篇的人有個最實際的參考價值。 我不是請你看風水,估個價還別提還沒實際丈量,都要選時看日。打電話是敷衍說馬上回..然後又等了一天。 Line,的訊息要看心情回,能已讀已經很偷笑了。 拿錢請你做事還要看心情,這些被裝肖維的時間其實都能找這些代工的廠商了。 收錢倒是很準時。 以後絕對不會找這間,而且會在我們的商業群公開這種沒有商業道德的惡劣行徑,我們沒仇怨,但是延誤別人的時間影響開市時機,就是戲謔別人的飯碗。 還好意思回覆給尺寸....,第一天你就有說明確定給你們做的話會幫我們安排丈量時間(不是第一次給你做過,規矩我自然知道)。 大概的尺寸和樣式也給你了。要不要把訊息都po上來? 看你的回答就知道,都是顧客的錯,只想凹免費的,絲毫沒檢討的意思。 也不用多說多解釋什麼,你開店你最大,要接不接看你心情。我們小顧客而已,不敢再勞駕,感謝。
It is strongly recommended not to waste time in this shop. Although it's not the first time to do it for him, but it is more and more tugging. Every time I procrastinate, the attitude is really undesirable. I made an appointment on the spot and talked about Friday. Friday was changed to Monday afternoon. I said that I was not available until the evening.. It has been a week since that day, and the price has not been estimated? ? A week later, I called at noon, but I completely forgot, and changed my words to be late or late. Now it is midnight the next day. I'm too lazy to give an evaluation, but I want many people who read this article to have the most practical reference value. I'm not asking you to look at Feng Shui, don't mention that the price has not been actually measured yet. The call was perfunctory and I would return immediately... and then waited another day. Line,’s message depends on the mood, I can already read it and laugh. Asking you to do things depends on your mood. In fact, you can find these OEM manufacturers for the time when Xiao Wei is pretended to be. The money is collected on time. I will never look for this one in the future, and we will expose this kind of bad behavior without business ethics in our business group. We have no grudges, but delaying others' time and affecting the timing of market opening is a mockery of others' jobs. I'm so embarrassed to reply to the size..., on the first day you have explained that if you are sure to do it for you, you will help us arrange the measurement time (not the first time for you, I naturally know the rules). The approximate size and style are also given to you. Do you want to post all the messages? You can tell by looking at your answer that it's all the customer's fault, and I just want to pay for it for free, and I don't mean to review it at all. There is no need to say more and explain more, you are the biggest when you open a store, and it depends on your mood. We are only small customers, so I don't dare to excuse me, thank you.
CHE CHIA HSU on Google

真的非常不推這間店 請了這間店,老闆各種推託是我們沒有給檔案,殊不知檔案早已給了…各種拖時間 前面的不說後面來施工 當天店裡忙 直接自行施工 完全無和現場或負責的人對過做招牌的位置… 我完全懷疑老闆是否為本行業的人員 事後找老闆討論要如何處理 老闆表示還有再付多少錢… 於是我們就將錯就錯也不想和這種店蝦攪和 大家都出來賺錢不容易 最後老闆還有一些大圖輸出尚未完成 一直瘋狂要請款… 到底做完了沒? 老闆還瘋狂跳針表示要立馬請款 深怕我們跑掉… 目前錢已結清 絕對不推這家
Really don't push this store Invited to this shop, the owner did not give the file for all kinds of dodges, but I don’t know that the file has already been given... all kinds of delays Do not talk about the front and the construction will be done later The shop was busy that day Directly construct on your own. There is no need to check the location of the signboard with the site or the person in charge... I completely doubt whether the boss is a member of the industry Talk to the boss afterwards to discuss how to deal with it The boss said how much more money... So we just went wrong and didn’t want to mess with this kind of shop shrimp It’s not easy for everyone to come out to make money Finally, the boss still has some big picture output that has not yet been completed Always crazy to ask for money... Have you finished it yet? The boss also jumped wildly and said he wanted to ask for money immediately I'm afraid we will run away... The money has been settled now Never push this
閩小芳 on Google

I bought a car sticker on the Internet, but it was too big and my hands were too clumsy to stick it by myself. I googled this Hongyi sign and asked the boss if there is a valet sticker service. The boss is very attentive and considerate! Sure enough, a professional is a professional, super amazing!
Ryan Snyman on Google

Poor service. Bad workmanship. Also wasted my time. I was not satisfied with the final product even after several opportunities given to the boss to fix.

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