建成診所 - Sanmin District

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 建成診所

地址 :

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Wenbin Rd, 20號建成診所

電話 : 📞 +8877899
網站 : http://www.cv7809696.com.tw/
城市 : Wenbin Rd

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Wenbin Rd, 20號建成診所
メロ on Google

櫃台其實沒有評論寫得那麼糟糕, 一天要面對幾百位病患其實真的蠻忙的, 不過實際去的時候也沒有感受到櫃檯口氣差的問題就是了 診所算小間,裡面位置蠻多的,候診區有做挑高設計, 搭配鋼琴輕音樂,整體感受很舒適 葛醫師人很親切,會引導病患去說出自己的詳細症狀, 不過真的要等很久,所以建議大家要提早預約免得等到21點多還沒輪到你 對於小診所的部分,其實有些醫療或檢查項目健保並沒有給付,這點大家要留意一下, 但其實護士也會事前告知,所以就沒什麼問題,大家注意一下費用的部分就好了 旁邊有超商,附近有汽車付費停車場跟路邊停車格, 機車的部分診所前面的馬路旁有排機車停車位, 車位常常爆滿所以可能要留意一下停車的部分, 不過基本上我覺得停車還算方便。
The counter is actually not so badly written, It’s really busy to face hundreds of patients a day. But when I actually went there, I didn’t feel the problem of bad tone at the counter. The clinic is a small room with a lot of space inside. The waiting area has a high ceiling design. With soft piano music, the overall feeling is very comfortable Dr. Ge is very kind and will guide patients to tell their detailed symptoms. But it really takes a long time to wait, so I suggest you make an appointment early to avoid waiting until 21 o’clock before it’s your turn For the small clinics, some medical treatments or check-ups are not covered by health insurance. Please pay attention to this point. But in fact, the nurse will inform in advance, so there is no problem. Just pay attention to the cost. There is a supermarket next to it, and there are paid car parking lots and on-street parking spaces nearby. There are rows of parking spaces for motorcycles beside the road in front of some of the clinics. Parking spaces are often full, so you may want to pay attention to the parking part, But basically I think parking is fairly convenient.
陳佳穎 on Google

心臟科洪醫生醫術高超 我爸爸急性心肌梗塞 沒有半點延遲立刻轉送長庚醫院 且把狀況清楚交代醫護人員 真的非常謝謝洪醫生救了我爸爸!
Cardiologist Dr. Hong has superb medical skills My dad has acute myocardial infarction Immediately transferred to Chang Gung Hospital without the slightest delay and explain the situation clearly to the medical staff Thank you very much Dr. Hong for saving my dad!
香菜貢丸味噌湯 on Google

看網路來看心臟科的.. 護士人員也溫柔親切貼心 病人真的很多 長輩居多 需要更多耐心 她們都有 辛苦醫療人員了。 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 但 我的問題還是沒看好一直在(看了五個多月 一樣躺下心跳大力 難眠) 價格使我沒辦法再繼續看下去。 先用中醫調整 有比較好睡覺後 轉去永康診所看心臟科了。 最後斷定是 自律神經失調….
王洋子 on Google

醫術高超的葛醫師,精準判斷病情,心臟讓他照顧安心了,每次回診都會適時調整用藥,是一位細心,視病如親,會呵護病人的好醫生。 他也經常鼓勵病人。 而且再忙講話都很溫順又有修養,讓病人心裡踏實多了。
Physician Ge, who is highly skilled in medicine, accurately judges the condition, and his heart makes him feel at ease. Every time he returns to the clinic, he adjusts the medication in a timely manner. He also often encouraged patients. And no matter how busy he talks, he is docile and cultivated, which makes the patient feel much more at ease.
龍魂之星 on Google

醫生的專業度都很好,護理人員態度頗差。 就連後來去電詢問,確認問醫生隔天上午是否看診,也不願意幫忙看一下,只重複說網路上看就有...不知道在跩什麼!
The professionalism of the doctors is very good, and the attitude of the nurses is quite poor. Even after I called to inquire and confirmed to ask the doctor whether to see the doctor the next morning, I was unwilling to help me to see it. I only repeated that I could see it on the Internet... I don't know what I'm doing!
鄭匯馨 on Google

因為心臟這兩天常有漏ㄧ拍的感覺 又逢生產後,有打第三劑疫苗 上網爬很多文後來找葛醫師看診 雖然人很多,醫生很親切專業。 因怕打疫苗的不良反應, 醫生立即安排照心臟超音波及心電圖 讓病人感到安心,還好無大礙 環境設備乾淨,推五星。
Because the heart often has a feeling of missing beats in the past two days Every time after production, there is a third dose of vaccine After crawling a lot of articles on the Internet, I went to see Dr. Ge. Although there are many people, the doctor is very kind and professional. For fear of adverse reactions to vaccination, The doctor immediately arranges an echocardiogram and an electrocardiogram Reassure the patient that it's okay The environment and equipment are clean and five stars are recommended.
朱庭緯 on Google

剛剛去看心臟科門診。因為6.才下班。加上下班時間有時候真的很難準時,我已經很努力衝了。但是在離開的時候 一名櫃檯護士小姐 跟我說 我踩點了 叫我下次早點到。讓我覺得下次不要過去這間。換一間態度好一點的好了(應該是主管或是老鳥吧,因為看到他在跟一位年輕護士對賬 感覺很兇的樣子) 不然我覺得醫生 和 診間護士 服務和專業都很棒。可是我因為無法提早就算了吧
Just went to the cardiology clinic. I just got off work because of 6. In addition to the fact that it is sometimes really difficult to be on time after get off work, I have worked hard to rush. But when I was leaving, a nurse at the counter told me that I stepped on the spot and told me to arrive earlier next time. Makes me think not to go to this place next time. Change to another one with a better attitude (it should be a supervisor or an old bird, because seeing him reconciling with a young nurse feels very fierce) Otherwise I think the service and professionalism of the doctors and nurses are great. But I don't get it because I can't make it earlier
Inspirite Boora on Google

第一次去,平日上午去,人超級爆炸多,有嚇到 室內直接30超過了,外面也有人在等 幸好腸胃門診人比較少(幾乎都是心臟門診人比較多),但領藥是一起等所以也比較久 基本掛號$150,開了3天份的藥另收$50=$200 醫生護士人都蠻親切的
The first time I went, I went in the morning on weekdays. There were a lot of people, and I was scared. It was directly over 30 indoors, and there were people waiting outside. Fortunately, there are fewer gastrointestinal outpatients (almost all cardiac outpatients have more), but the medicines are waiting together, so it takes a long time The basic registration is $150, and the medicine for 3 days will be charged an additional $50=$200 Doctors and nurses are very kind

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