中都素食麵 - Sanmin District

4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 中都素食麵

地址 :

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Zhongdou St, 67號中都素食麵

電話 : 📞 +887
城市 : Zhongdou St

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Zhongdou St, 67號中都素食麵
Sue on Google

店家的米粉是極細的那一種,水煮太久會軟爛,但店家掌握的很好,吃起來剛剛好,羹類則很有料,不會像有的店羹類很稀,看不到什麼料,香菇飯好吃,物超所值,店家只有賣香菇飯,沒有在賣所謂的素燥飯,看了評論裡的照片,跟老闆娘說要香菇飯和素燥飯各一碗,老闆娘說她們只有賣香菇飯,沒有什麼素燥飯,所以別被照片給騙了,標示素燥飯那是錯誤的資訊,正確的是叫香菇飯,滷味不錯吃,只要有入味的滷味都好吃,但店家的碗粿就不推薦了,有點硬,和一般有彈性的口感是有差的,以上分享。 PS:最近發現一個問題,不論是老闆掌攤,或者老闆在忙,換另外一位小姐都一樣,點陽春麵提回家裡,打開來吃,麵條都沒有熟,麵條裡面還有硬心,煮好到提回家,少說有10分鐘的路程,這麵條還有硬心也太奇怪,是原本就非常不熟嗎?於是,媽媽下了一個結論:小姐火侯不穩定,時好時壞,所以最近煮麵常碰到硬心,至於老闆,因為忙碌的關係,把煮麵的工作丟給小姐,疏於練習,所以功夫退步了,因此,最近煮麵常碰到硬心???,請老闆和小姐用心一點,就是喜歡你們的東西,才會特地捨近求遠跑去買,拜託?,一定要注意一下商譽,別再老是砸鍋蛤。
The store’s rice noodles are very fine. They will be soft if boiled for too long, but the store has a good grasp. They taste just right, but the soup is very rich. It’s not as thin as some stores, and you can’t see anything. Ingredients, shiitake mushroom rice is delicious and good value for money. The store only sells shiitake mushroom rice, not the so-called vegetarian rice. I read the photos in the comments and told the proprietress that he wanted a bowl of mushroom rice and vegetarian rice. The proprietress said They only sell shiitake mushroom rice, there is no vegetarian rice, so don’t be fooled by the photos. It is wrong information to label the vegetarian rice. The correct one is called shiitake mushroom rice. The lomei is good. As long as there is delicious lomei, it is delicious. But the store’s bowl kueh is not recommended. It is a bit hard and has a difference in texture from the general elasticity. Share the above. PS: I recently found a problem, whether it’s the boss who is in charge of the stall, or the boss is busy, it’s the same when changing to another lady. I ordered Yangchun noodles and brought them home and opened them to eat. The noodles were not cooked, and the noodles were still hard. It’s so good to go home. It’s a 10-minute journey. It’s weird that this noodle has a hard heart. Is it very unfamiliar at first? Therefore, my mother came to a conclusion: Miss fire is unstable, good and bad, so recently cooking noodles often encounter hard-heartedness. As for the boss, because of his busyness, the job of cooking noodles is left to the young lady and neglects practice. So kung fu has regressed. Therefore, recently cooking noodles often encounter hard-hearted ???, ask the boss and the lady to be more careful, just like your things, so they will go to buy them, please ?, be sure to pay attention to goodwill, Stop smashing clams all the time.
施慈 on Google

麻醬麵大碗40量多好吃滿意? 看他人的評論 素燥飯原來是香菇飯 口感跟一般不同 米粒會比較濕軟 期待下回:當歸湯.滷味.碗粿.羹⋯
The large bowl of sesame sauce noodles is delicious and satisfying ? See other people’s comments. Suzao rice turned out to be shiitake mushroom rice. The taste is different from normal rice grains will be softer Looking forward to the next time: Angelica soup. Lo Wei. Wan Kueh. Soup...
Lee WAN MENG on Google

料多好吃又便宜。 小碗份量就很多。
The ingredients are delicious and cheap. A small bowl is a lot.
吳君 on Google

The cheap and delicious Angelica Braised Vegetarian Noodles, a bowl of hot soup makes you feel so comfortable. Their angelica noodle soup is not oily at all, and the flavor of the Chinese medicinal materials is very good, and it will not taste light and tasteless! The lo-mei includes kelp, dried tofu, vegetarian chicken, oily tofu, and vegetarian belly. They all taste good~
亮亮 on Google

今天過去時 店家已改成全面外帶 不再提供店內用餐。疫情期間…超配合超謹慎的店家? 超愛他們家的麻醬麵及當歸湯。 麻醬麵 麻醬味超濃郁 而且 一碗麵內還附有兩種青菜及鹹香够味的小麵輪 再加入它們家的辣油 好吃又夠味。當歸湯 湯頭美味 香菇頭 素料 分量超多。 雖然是素食的 但…真的是一吃就上癮的美味哦。 等了有點久 4月7日這一天 店家終於裝潢完畢並重新營業了!我們可是搶得頭香的呦!現在的店面佈置的美侖美煥 感覺用餐環境更優了呢!4/9 第一次嚐試它們家的素燥飯 飯上舖的素肉鬆很酥 瓜仔素肉燥很鹹香 加上高麗菜 好吃 推薦。再一次到訪 嚐試它們家的素食羹 果然不負期待 湯鮮味美料實在 大大的一碗素羹 包含滿滿的素食美味 酥脆的炸皮 常常聽到人家加酥……果然名不虛傳 咔滋好吃。
Today’s past tense, the store has changed to full take-out and no longer offers in-store dining. During the epidemic...super-cooperating and super-cautious stores? I really love their sesame sauce noodles and angelica soup. Sesame sauce noodles The sesame sauce is super rich, and a bowl of noodles also contains two kinds of green vegetables and a salty noodle wheel. Add their spicy oil and it is delicious and flavourful. Angelica Soup The soup is delicious, the mushrooms are vegetarian, and the portion is overwhelming. Although it’s vegetarian, it’s really addictive. After waiting for a long time, on April 7th, the store is finally decorated and reopened! We are so popular! The current store layout of Meilun Meihuan feels that the dining environment is better! 4/9 The first time to try their vegetarian dry rice. The vegetarian pork floss on the top of the rice is very crisp, the melon vegetarian pork is very salty and the cabbage is delicious. Recommend. I visited again and tried their vegetarian soup. It really lived up to expectations. The soup is delicious and the ingredients are really big. A bowl of vegetarian soup. It contains full of vegetarian delicacy. Crispy fried skin. I often hear people add crispy... It really deserves its name. It's delicious.
Iris on Google

當歸麵線小碗量也不少,女生吃得飽 素料也很好吃!
There are also a lot of small bowls of angelica noodles, and girls are full Vegetarians are also delicious!
曾恨水 on Google

往北走不逺,是中都窯廠和百年歷史的開王廟,越過九如三路濕地公園,河對岸是約400年的龍水化龍宮。 相較於同業,味素很少或許沒有。充分發揮食材本體的味道。香菇頭好好吃,但含有蛋類, 胃口不大時,小碗的素燥飯,配上一碗素燥子餡餛飩湯,剛好。米粉會碎裂,素羹的高麗菜有股十字花科特殊的酸味,證明食材的清白。
To the north is the Zhongdu Kiln Factory and the century-old Kaiwang Temple. After passing the Jiurusan Road Wetland Park, on the other side of the river is the 400-year-old Longshui Hualong Palace. Compared with peers, there is little or no monosodium glutamate. Give full play to the taste of the ingredients. Shiitake mushroom head is delicious, but contains eggs, When you have a low appetite, a small bowl of Suzao Rice, with a bowl of Suzaozi Stuffed Wonton Soup, is just right. The rice noodles will shatter, and the cabbage of plain soup has a special cruciferous sour taste, which proves the innocence of the ingredients.
蔡湯姆 on Google

一個禮拜會去1-2兩次的店 紅麵線是早場專屬(12點去不一定有) 麻醬麵口味獨步武林不解釋必點 羹湯口味目前也還找不到領先的店 滷味和其他小點斟酌點, 因為主餐小麻醬麵份量都超多! 一般食量的人很容易 吃完撐著肚子然後 ?百元還有找錢這樣
I go to the store 1-2 times a week The red line is exclusive to the morning session (not necessarily available at 12 o'clock) The taste of sesame sauce noodles is unique in martial arts without explaining that it must be ordered The soup flavor has not been able to find a leading store yet. Lo-mei and other small points are considered, Because the main meal of small sesame sauce noodles is too much! It is easy for people with average appetite After eating, hold your stomach and then ? Hundred yuan and looking for money like this

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