高大藝術學苑 - Nanzih District

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Contact 高大藝術學苑

地址 :

811, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Nanzih District, Daxue 23rd St, 200號高大藝術學苑

電話 : 📞 +887977
Postal code : 23
網站 : http://artistichouse.pixnet.net/blog/post/1967046-%25E5%25AE%25BF%25E8%2588%258D%25E7%2589%25B9%25E8%2589%25B2%25E5%258F%258A%25E6%2596%25B9%25E6%25A1%2588
城市 : rd St

811, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Nanzih District, Daxue 23rd St, 200號高大藝術學苑
李阿明 on Google

Simple and clean, double rooms are cheap enough, soundproofing is not good, very close to Kaohsiung University, there are glutinous rice balls to eat in the winter solstice ~ birthday cakes to eat, and cards~
Evelyn Kang on Google

Many foreign workers/students from other schools on the high floor recently? Checking in is sometimes very noisy. In addition, the famous sound insulation and the smell of smoke and perfume can easily penetrate into other rooms. Please think twice if you want to stay in a single room. The single room is $4000/month. You can live nearby in better conditions. The advantage is that the parking lot, the convenience of taking out the garbage, the person signing for the package, and the proximity to the school, the above objective suggestions. There is also something that is not objective. I secretly cut my bicycle lock during the summer vacation and provided it to short-term residents without authorization, so dumbfounded ==
Lin Henry on Google

其他的還可以,但是地下一樓的洗衣機非常非常非常非常非常的爛,而且有許多大型蟑螂,強烈建議去外面找洗衣店或是投幣洗衣店處理。 U can see many cockroach in basement floor . Because of their old and dirty washing machine,so I always go to landry . If u r a foreigner student in NUK, u better to find rent-house or go to apply dorm.
Others are ok, but the washing machine on the ground floor is very, very, very, very bad, and there are many large cockroaches. It is strongly recommended to find a laundry or coin laundry outside to deal with it. U can see many cockroach in basement floor. Because of their old and dirty washing machine, so I always go to landry. If u r a foreigner student in NUK, u better to find rent-house or go to apply dorm.
曾阿哲 on Google

雙人房一晚八百 1.房間隔音差,房外走動聲和隔壁關門聲聽的非常清楚。 2.房間有明顯霉味,房間整體空氣品質比戶外糟糕,若有鼻子過敏相關困擾,房客入住時請三思。 3.天花板漆面脫落。 4.彈簧床不清楚是不是損壞還是原本就這樣,用摸的就摸的到彈簧,我還真是第一次遇到這種床。 5.電視破洞,沒有打開來看不清楚是否能正常使用 以上是親身居住體驗分享,若以這價位似乎也不能奢求些什麼,但最基本的環境品質還是要顧一下! 唯一的優點大概就是離高雄大學很近。
800 per night in a double room 1. The room has poor sound insulation, and the sound of walking outside the room and the sound of closing the door next door are very clear. 2. The room has an obvious musty smell, and the overall air quality of the room is worse than outdoors. If you have any problems related to nose allergies, please think twice when you check in. 3. The ceiling paint is peeling off. 4. I don't know if the spring bed is damaged or it is as it is. I can feel the spring when I touch it. This is the first time I have encountered this kind of bed. 5. There is a hole in the TV, it is not clear whether it can be used normally without opening it The above is a personal living experience sharing. It seems that you can't ask for anything at this price, but the most basic environmental quality still needs to be taken care of! The only advantage is probably the proximity to Kaohsiung University.
Robin on Google

隔音超爛,爛到爆炸那種。 浴室經常會有難聞刺鼻的香水味,管線設備有問題。 4樓及5樓的外籍學生很吵,現在疫情期間,他們還時常群聚真D危險。 房間常跑進巨大蟑螂,怕蟑螂者若要租屋請再三考慮。
The soundproofing is so bad that it is so bad that it is explosive. The bathroom often has an unpleasant smell of pungent perfume, and there is a problem with the plumbing equipment. The foreign students on the 4th and 5th floors are very noisy. During the epidemic, they often gather in groups in real danger. The room often runs into huge cockroaches. Those who are afraid of cockroaches should think twice about renting a house.
知Eve on Google

在這裡外宿超過四年,僅以個人感受評論? (單人房,房租$4000/月,年繳清優惠11個月,水電另計,會有公電費;這裡還有雙人房跟四人房,不太清楚細節) ------- ?優點: 1.住戶在地下室能夠停機車,並設有垃圾集中處不用自己等垃圾車。(汽車格可另承租) 2.停車場前往電梯的空地還有公用的桌球臺與撞球桌設施可免費使用。(用具可跟櫃台借用,但建議自備) 3.一樓櫃檯提供郵件收發的服務,且各層樓都有飲水機,地下室還有投幣式的洗衣機與烘衣機(洗、烘一次$20)。 4.全部工作人員都很親切,住客有任何問題都很願意解決(換燈泡、修管線等)半夜也會有工讀值班。 5.一樓有戶外花園公共空間,室內大廳有自動販賣機,半夜餓肚子很方便。 6.某些節慶極具有人情味(例如冬至會送住戶吃湯圓)異地遊子特別溫馨。 7.公共區域會有阿姨定期打掃,走廊乾淨。 8.每間都有專屬的小陽台可以曬衣服,享有個人的隱私空間。 9.三樓有公共空間(交誼廳、會議室)但目前因疫情所以停止開放。 10.每間都有提供書桌、桌上置物櫃、方形小冰箱跟衣櫃(衣櫃形式會不太一樣)也有提供ADSL寬頻網路上網,牆上還有緊急警報器按鈕。 ?缺點: 1.房內潮濕,不確定是不是每間都這樣,但我住過兩間都有濕氣重的問題(有一間浴室外側的牆面壁癌滿嚴重) 2.隔音較差,走廊跟隔壁鄰居的說話聲都聽得滿清楚,不過只要鄰居不是大聲吵鬧,習慣後都在還能接受的範圍。 3.天氣熱的時候房內蚊子頗多(我住在二樓)已經關紗門跟落地窗,不知道一次七、八隻是從哪裡入侵的...窗型冷氣機的孔洞或排水孔嗎? ------- 以上,個人覺得雖然缺點很明顯,但在整體居住上真的滿方便的。僅供高雄大學的學弟妹們參考,若有想到會再補充更新。
I have stayed here for more than four years, and I only comment on my personal feelings? (Single room, rent $4000/month, 11 months discount for annual payment, water and electricity are extra, there will be public electricity charges; there are double rooms and quadruple rooms here, not sure the details) ------- ?Advantages: 1. Residents can park their cars in the basement, and there is a garbage collection place without waiting for the garbage truck. (Car space can be rented separately) 2. From the parking lot to the elevator, there are also public billiard tables and pool table facilities that can be used free of charge. (Utensils can be borrowed from the counter, but it is recommended to bring your own) 3. The counter on the first floor provides mail sending and receiving services, and there are water dispensers on each floor. There are also coin-operated washing machines and dryers in the basement ($20 for each wash and dry). 4. All the staff are very kind, and the residents are willing to solve any problems (changing light bulbs, repairing pipelines, etc.) and there will be work-study on duty in the middle of the night. 5. There is an outdoor garden public space on the first floor, and there are vending machines in the indoor hall, which is very convenient for hungry people in the middle of the night. 6. Some festivals are very human (for example, the winter solstice will send residents to eat dumplings). 7. There will be aunties regularly cleaning the public areas and the corridors are clean. 8. Each room has its own small balcony to dry clothes and enjoy personal privacy. 9. There are public spaces (social hall, meeting room) on the third floor, but they are currently closed due to the epidemic. 10. Each room has a desk, a table locker, a small square refrigerator and a wardrobe (the form of the wardrobe will be different) and also provides ADSL broadband Internet access, and there is an emergency alarm button on the wall. ?Cons: 1. The room is damp, not sure if it is like this in every room, but I have lived in two rooms that have problems with heavy humidity (one of the bathrooms has a serious cancer on the wall outside the bathroom) 2. The sound insulation is poor, and the voices of the corridor and the neighbors next door can be heard clearly, but as long as the neighbors are not loud and noisy, they are still acceptable after getting used to it. 3. When the weather is hot, there are a lot of mosquitoes in the room (I live on the second floor). The screen door and the floor-to-ceiling windows have been closed. I don’t know where the seven or eight intrusions came from. Are there holes or drainage holes in the window air conditioner? ------- Above, I personally feel that although the shortcomings are obvious, it is really convenient in terms of overall living. It is only for the reference of students of Kaohsiung University. If you think of it, you will add and update it.
Nissi Sagastume on Google

I love living here! The people that work in the building is super nice and warm.
Lee Eun Woo on Google

Everything is perfect, other than the not really good sound-proofing and not offering wifi to each room.

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