高雄國際學苑 參館 - Nanzih District

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Contact 高雄國際學苑 參館

地址 :

811, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Nanzih District, Gaoxiongdaxue Rd, 698號高雄國際學苑 參館

電話 : 📞 +8878
城市 : Gaoxiongdaxue Rd

811, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Nanzih District, Gaoxiongdaxue Rd, 698號高雄國際學苑 參館
小賀 on Google

隔音非常差 入住請三思
Very poor sound insulation Please think twice
lisa on Google

住宿品質不好, 1.因為使用會發出尖銳噪音的密碼鎖, 每一個套房開門都會逼逼大叫, 同一個樓層超過30個住戶之多, 進進出出逼來逼去的噪音, 真的要考慮一下, 會不會煩躁不安. 2.晚上要在房間安靜讀書不太可能, "隔音差"甚至可以聽到隔壁人家咳嗽聲音跟上廁所洗澡的聲響~3.並且沒有住滿一年, 押金兩個月全扣, 4.櫃檯服務看心情, 時好時壞,可能更年期, 以上如實分享# 另外補充 雖然有陽台, 但"經常"會聞到煙味, 也只好關門讓空氣不流通.
The quality of the accommodation is not good, 1.Because of the use of a combination lock that will make a sharp noise, every suite will be forced to yell when the door is opened. There are more than 30 residents on the same floor, and the forced noise of entering and exiting is really necessary Consider whether you will be irritable or restless. 2. It is not possible to read quietly in the room at night. "Poor soundproofing" can even hear the sound of coughing in the neighboring house and the sound of taking a bath in the toilet~ 3. And have not lived for a full year, deposit two Monthly deduction, 4. The counter service depends on the mood. It is good or bad, and may be menopausal. Share the above truthfully# In addition, although there is a balcony, you will smell smoke "often", and you have to close the door to prevent air circulation.
Chen Chen on Google

There is no signal in the room on the first floor. Just like a cave, you can’t contact important matters at all. You won’t know until you wake up the next day. You don’t even have a balcony. You have to walk outside the front and back doors. You really need to think twice about renting a house.
陳先生 on Google

After the holiday, the water pressure in the bath decreases! I don't know if it is the same as the elevator, in order to save electricity, turn off the pumping motor or the like!
小小宇 on Google

在這個資訊爆炸的時代,你在這裡就是孤兒,我來是想體驗農村生活嗎?他媽手機收不到訊號,電腦網路爛到爆,跟管理員反應,他請我們自己聯絡中華電信喔,所以請你們來是在???然後還有臉漲房租7200直接變9000喔 所以我不打算當盤子了,繼續住我就是孫子 補充一下:每個月都還要繳500元的網路費 你不想用還是得繳 還有搬走的時候不管你打掃多乾淨就是要繳2000 所以別掃了吧浪費時間
In this era of information explosion, you are an orphan here. Am I here to experience rural life? The fucking cell phone can't receive the signal, the computer network is rotten, and the administrator responded, he asked us to contact Chunghwa Telecom ourselves, so are you here? ? ? Then there is the face to increase the rent from 7200 directly to 9000 So I don't plan to be a plate anymore, I will be my grandson if I continue to live Add: 500 yuan per month to pay the Internet fee If you don't want to use it, you still have to pay And when you move out, no matter how clean you are, you will have to pay 2000 So don't scan it, waste your time
C P on Google

1. 近期不知道在省電還是怎樣? 電梯明明有兩台只開一台? 非常不方便 2. 網路爛到炸,需得自己解決,聯絡了網路廠商一樣速度超慢 到底何時會改善...
1. I don’t know how to save electricity or what? There are two elevators and only one elevator? It’s very inconvenient 2. The Internet is so bad that it needs to be solved by yourself. When I contacted the Internet manufacturer, the speed is super slow. When will it improve...
巫明俊 on Google

入住前請三思 才剛搬進來冷氣就有嚴重的霉味,要求清洗結果換來公司的所謂的流程(例如開送風一個星期、除溼一個星期、清潔劑一個星期、還有她們跑流程loss的三個星期),到現在快兩個月了都還沒處理好,而且哪時候要處理到現在還是一個未知數,所以除非你運氣爆表家電都不會壞掉才建議來。不然只是會換來漫長的等待,完全是訓練耐性的好地方! 順便附上般近來冷氣的外觀
Think twice before moving in As soon as I moved in, there was a serious musty smell in the air-conditioning, and I asked for the cleaning results in exchange for the company's so-called processes (for example, one week of ventilation, one week of dehumidification, one week of cleaning agents, and three weeks of running process loss). It has been almost two months and it has not been dealt with, and it is still unknown when it will be dealt with, so unless you are lucky, the appliances will not break. Otherwise, it will only result in a long wait, which is a good place to train patience! By the way, the appearance of the recent air-conditioning is attached
陳呆呆 on Google

1.繳了管理費然後遇到問題提出了還要自己解決2.網路爛到爆,每房密碼都一樣,網路瘋狂斷線== 3.有時候晚上了管理員也不開燈整個黑麻麻的 4.房門外的密碼鎖按鍵超大聲,有幾次有房間狂按狂錯一直逼逼叫5.隔音不是很好 6.合約上有禁止吸菸,但偶爾走廊上煙味還是很重! 房租大幅調漲但生活環境品質並沒有提高,管理也不像之前那樣,真的要三思!!
1. I paid the management fee and encountered a problem, and I had to solve it by myself 2. The network was so bad that the password of each room was the same, and the network was crazy disconnected == 3. Sometimes the administrator did not turn on the lights at night Hei Ma Ma 4. The code lock button outside the door is super loud, and there are a few times when the room madly presses the wrong button and keeps forcing the call. 5. The sound insulation is not very good. 6. Smoking is prohibited in the contract, but occasionally the smell of smoke in the corridor is still Very heavy! Rents have increased sharply, but the quality of the living environment has not improved, and management is not as before. Think twice! !

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