王哥烤肉(後勁店) - Nanzih District

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 王哥烤肉(後勁店)

地址 :

811, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Nanzih District, Qudong Rd, 19號正對面王哥烤肉(後勁店)

網站 : https://zh-tw.facebook.com/%25E7%258E%258B%25E5%2593%25A5%25E7%2583%25A4%25E8%2582%2589-135243513243300/
城市 : Qudong Rd

811, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Nanzih District, Qudong Rd, 19號正對面王哥烤肉(後勁店)
Wade on Google

It ’s okay, the black round flavours are quite fragrant, and the thickness is a bit thicker than normal.
Joycelyn Any on Google

It’s delicious and cheap. I buy it every time I come to the night market.
黃品勳 on Google

好懷念以前的老闆老闆娘? 後勁王哥已不再是以前的王哥了⋯ 比烤爽難吃了⋯
I miss the old boss and wife so much? The stamina king is no longer the old king... It's worse than grilling...
李殷驊 on Google

There are many types, and there are also octopus feet sold separately. You don't need to buy the whole one. And I think it will be more fragrant if you ask them to brown them.
Dennis Cheng on Google

The taste of memory for more than 30 years. I can't find the taste of hometown even when I go to other counties and cities to study and work.
PAO-JEN TSAI on Google

It's delicious, the price is medium, the ingredients are clear at a glance, the price is also on the signboard, there are a lot of guests, and the taste is good-recommend a try
周涵萱 on Google

感覺價錢都亂算... 買這樣1015有點嚇人的貴!? 回到家算了一下按照價位表去算根本才800多900左右.. 味道雖然還不錯 但是價錢很不滿意...
I feel that the price is miscalculated... Buying such a 1015 is a bit scary and expensive! ? When I got home and calculated it according to the price list, it was only about 800 or 900... Although the taste is good, the price is not satisfied...
許登貴 on Google


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