富國抓漏水電工程-高雄抓漏防水專家 - Lane 43

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高雄抓漏,高雄雨漏熱,高雄抓漏防水專家,專業防漏隔熱公司,高雄泥作工程,高雄油漆,高雄水電專家,浴廁修改,浴廚修改,房屋修繕,房屋增建,整修改建,壁癌,漏水,滲水,防水防漏,磁磚,地磚翻新,舊屋翻修,室內修改 - 富國工程 - Xn--9cs93ic0bt27c.tw


Contact 富國抓漏水電工程-高雄抓漏防水專家

地址 :

812, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Xiaogang District, Alley 21, Lane 43, Pingheer Rd, 4號富國抓漏水電工程-高雄抓漏防水專家

電話 : 📞 +8898989
網站 : https://www.xn--9cs93ic0bt27c.tw/
城市 : Pingheer Rd

812, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Xiaogang District, Alley 21, Lane 43, Pingheer Rd, 4號富國抓漏水電工程-高雄抓漏防水專家
吳麗環 on Google

Seven on Google

Professional, service attitude is very good! Recommended! thank you all
顏丞凱 on Google

Master Zhuang's service is good and friendly, praise!
吳美金 on Google

Be professional. Responsible. Attentive boss.. Just find the rich country
Mandy Yang on Google

Master Zhuang is professional enough to solve the problem of water leakage for many years.
賴美錦 on Google

莊老闆抓漏功夫一極棒,抓漏防水工程交給他就對了?,老闆專業與用心,站在客戶的立場替客戶著想,是位專業實在的老實人,選擇富國水電工程就是品質保證? 謝謝老闆的用心與專業???
Zhuang boss grabbed a lot of effort, and leaked the waterproof project to him. He was right, the boss professional and intention, standing in the customer's position for the sake of customers, is a professional and honest person, choose Fuguo hydropower project is quality assurance ? Thank you for your heart and professionalism.
劉東明 on Google

抓漏經驗豐富 之前請很多間抓漏都沒他自信 薑還是老的辣 一來就用經驗準確判斷哪裡 漏水 一下子就解決了 抓漏找他就對 當時拜拜博杯問神明請我找他來哈哈哈 沒想到真的找對人了 還在煩惱漏水問題的不用在想了 找他就對了
I have rich experience in catching leaks. I asked him to catch leaks many times before, but he was not confident. As soon as I came, I used experience to accurately judge where the water leak was. It was solved immediately. I found him for the leak. At that time, I asked the gods to ask me to come to him. Hahaha, I didn’t expect to find the right person. If you’re still worried about the water leak, don’t think about it, just look for him.
Ming Shin on Google

今日賠償9千元後,遭惡意檢舉刪除我原本的一星評論,莊先生不賠償也不負責保固逼不得已只好再用另一個帳號告訴大家這些人的行徑。 原評論: 一開始當你朋友給你家中整修工程,卻是問題重重,後續更是惡劣,封鎖又掛電話,請求大家評評理,不和解就等消保會通知吧⋯⋯(一切有照片證明) 1.今年6月次臥牆壁滲水,花12000元高壓打針沒作用,卻推說牆柱空心,不再負責處理。 2.一樣6月的浴室整修花十多萬,入住幾個月後,樓下屋主反應天花板漏水,我還要再花18000元找「免破壞止漏」才知道是熱水暗管洩漏,當初還要報價25000元要我打破牆壁維修⋯⋯ 3.浴室排水孔地板泄水沒做好積水,告知說這樣正常的,浴室用得真痛苦 4.全部牆壁白色填縫品質看起來又髒又收縮,老師傅做得卻很紮實美觀。 5.臉盆陶瓷短柱螺絲竟然都沒鎖緊,一抽就掉,自己又要再重新鎖好。 我一直你提醒高處作業要注重安全,你卻出了意外摔斷腳,怪東怪西就是不怪自己,難道我家這種施工品質就不用負責任了嗎? 借錢給你修輪胎都不用還的?完工一直要求工程款項漲價,我都說什麼。 當初對你那麼慷慨卻做事這麼隨便敷衍,11月現在用封鎖掛電話,這就是你的為人 看錯人了⋯⋯ 11/28更新內文 民法第493 條明文規定:「工作有瑕疵者,定作人得定相當期限,請求承攬人修補之。 承攬人不於前項期限內修補者,定作人得自行修補,並得向承攬人請求償還修補必要之費用。」 我7月初入住,7/27就因天花板上方的熱水明管墊片鬆動而漏水,弄濕天花板裝潢,打給你卻直接推卸責任給樓上,我自己重新安裝新墊片才止漏! 8月中雨季來臨,次臥牆壁給你高壓灌注的地方又全部都是滲水油漆剝落,你又瞎掰說柱子空心!我後來10月底直接找泥作師傅做內外牆封窗,花了12000高壓灌注是有什麼效果? 9月初樓下屋主反應天花板有滴水,告知你之後,不查原因就推卸說是管委會的事。9~10月這段期間我找了幾個師傅和總幹事等人來勘查,包含莊先生本人在9月底來看過,明確指出是我家的給水管滲漏造成,(尚不確定是冷水或是熱水管),但是莊先生本人不履行保固承諾義務,卻又報價25000元維修費(破壞牆壁法),然後又說沒空來施工!等我另找廠商以免破壞灌注止漏,查到熱水管線外洩並止漏已經是10月中的事。這段時間莊先生才發生摔落事件,是不是現世報啊! 此外,地磚縫的所有大小孔隙都不是正常的,白色填縫收縮裂開也不是正常的。都是莊先生經驗不足和用料品質不佳所造成。以上我親口親眼問泥作老師傅後得到的回覆答案! 浴室地面排水口小積水,我入住就知道了,只是不想跟你計較那麼多,現在11月告知所有問題之後,就line封鎖掛電話,我決定公開這位老闆所有囂張行徑!還有很多沒說的事情⋯我有照片,聊天紀錄,估價單等等證據確鑿 賠小錢小事而已,莊先生前後矛盾還要硬凹的話,那走民事訴訟程序吧⋯⋯ 12/29 更新內容:電話聯絡給莊先生最後賠償機會,約定12/31派出所談和解賠償事宜 12/31更新內容:中午與會莊先生在某派出所外只賠償9千元,並給雙方簽訂收據。我事先已表明只賠償9千元的話,我不會刪網路評論,除非如消保會的申訴內容(共賠償5萬元:包含18000免破壞抓漏、12000無效打針、其他修補填縫費用與精神賠償2萬),但莊先生仍未表示要負責修繕保固或賠償全部損失。 如果你們要繼續做假評論,言語威脅又詛咒我,也不完整賠償善後,我會繼續保存影音證據,做為之後呈堂證物!
After paying 9,000 yuan today, I was maliciously reported to delete my original one-star comment. Mr. Zhuang did not compensate and was not responsible for the warranty, so he had to use another account to tell you the behavior of these people. Original comment: In the beginning, when your friend gave your home renovation project, there were many problems, and the follow-up was even worse. The phone was blocked and hung up, asking everyone to comment. If you don’t reconcile, wait for the consumer protection meeting to notify... (all with photo proof) 1. In June of this year, the wall of the second bedroom seeped water, and the high-pressure injection of 12,000 yuan did not work, but the wall column was hollowed out and he was no longer responsible for handling it. 2. The bathroom renovation in June cost more than 100,000 yuan. After moving in for a few months, the homeowner downstairs reported that the ceiling was leaking. I had to spend another 18,000 yuan to find the "non-damage stop leak" before I knew it was a hot water concealed leak. At the beginning, I had to quote 25,000 yuan for me to break the wall and repair it... 3. The floor of the bathroom drain hole has not been drained. I told you that it is normal and the bathroom is really painful. 4. The quality of white caulking on all walls looks dirty and shrinking, but the master craftsman is very solid and beautiful. 5. The ceramic stub screws of the washbasin are not tightened unexpectedly, they fall off as soon as they are pulled, and they have to be re-locked again. I have always reminded you to pay attention to safety when working at heights, but you broke your foot in an accident. To blame things is to blame yourself. Don’t I need to be responsible for the construction quality of my house? You don't have to pay back if you borrow money to repair your tires? The completion of the project has been asking for an increase in the price of the project, what I said. I was so generous to you at the beginning but did things so casually. Now in November, hang up the phone with blockade. This is what you are. Misread the wrong person... 11/28 update the text Article 493 of the Civil Law expressly stipulates: "If the work is defective, the ordering party may set a considerable time limit and request the contractor to repair it. If the contractor does not make repairs within the time limit mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the ordering party may make the repairs on its own and may request the contractor Repay the necessary repair costs." I moved in at the beginning of July. On July 27th, the hot water exposed pipe gasket above the ceiling was loose and leaked, which wetted the ceiling decoration. I called you but directly shirked the responsibility upstairs. I reinstalled the new gasket to stop the leakage! The rainy season is coming in mid-August, and all the places where the walls of the second bedroom are filled with high pressure are peeling off water seepage paint, and you are saying that the pillars are hollow! Later, at the end of October, I directly asked a clay maker to seal the windows on the inner and outer walls. What was the effect of the 12,000 high-pressure perfusion? At the beginning of September, the homeowner downstairs reported that there was dripping water on the ceiling, and after letting you know, he said that it was a matter of the management committee without investigating the cause. During the period from September to October, I found several masters and director-generals to investigate, including Mr. Zhuang himself who visited at the end of September and clearly pointed out that it was caused by the leakage of my water supply pipe (not sure if it was cold water or Hot water pipe), but Mr. Zhuang himself did not fulfill the warranty commitment obligation, but he quoted a repair fee of 25,000 yuan (damage the wall method), and then said that there is no time for construction! When I looked for another manufacturer to avoid damage to the filling stop leak, it was already in mid-October that the hot water pipeline leaked and stopped the leak. Mr. Zhuang's fall incident occurred during this time. Isn't it a present-day report? In addition, all the large and small pores of the floor tile joints are not normal, and the shrinkage and cracking of the white joints is not normal. It was caused by Mr. Zhuang’s inexperience and poor quality of materials. Above, I personally asked the answer to the answer that I got after I asked the master mud maker! There is little water in the floor drain of the bathroom. I knew it when I moved in. I just didn't want to care about that much with you. Now after I told all the problems in November, I will block and hang up the phone. I decided to disclose all the arrogant behavior of the boss! There are a lot of things that I haven’t said... I have photos, chat records, quotations, etc., with conclusive evidence Losing a small amount of money is just a trivial matter. If Mr. Zhuang is still inconsistent, let's go through the civil procedure... 12/29 update content: contact Mr. Zhuang by telephone to give Mr. Zhuang the last chance of compensation, and it is agreed that the police station on 12/31 will discuss settlement and compensation matters 12/31 update: Mr. Hui Zhuang only compensated 9,000 yuan outside a police station at noon, and signed a receipt for both parties. I have stated in advance that I will only compensate 9,000 yuan, I will not delete the online comments, except for the content of the complaint of the Consumer Protection Association (a total compensation of 50,000 yuan: including 18,000 damage-free catching, 12,000 invalid injections, and other repair and filling costs And the spirit of compensation is 20,000), but Mr. Zhuang still has not indicated that he will be responsible for repairing the warranty or compensating for all losses. If you continue to make fake comments, verbal threats and curse me, and do not compensate the aftermath completely, I will continue to save the audiovisual evidence for later presentation!

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