新高橋藥局榮總店 - Zuoying District

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Contact 新高橋藥局榮總店

地址 :

813, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Zuoying District, Minzu 1st Rd, 1028-1號新高橋藥局榮總店號

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 1
網站 : http://www.bgdrug.com.tw/
城市 : st Rd

813, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Zuoying District, Minzu 1st Rd, 1028-1號新高橋藥局榮總店號
大眼妹有雙將柴 on Google

店員跟藥師都很專業跟親切,有任何問題都很有耐心的回答!空間大商品種類多,停車很方便,可以放心的逛! 不會亂推銷,會再次回購的店 值得推薦的藥局
The clerk and pharmacist are very professional and kind, and answer any questions patiently! The space is large and there are many types of goods, and the parking is very convenient, so you can stroll around with confidence! A shop that will not sell randomly and will repurchase again Recommended pharmacy
林鳴桐 on Google

我自己的購買經驗很好 沒有像之前那些貼文所寫的問題 尤其是年輕藥師都很積極問我需不需要服務
My own buying experience is very good There are no problems like those written in the previous posts Especially young pharmacists are actively asking me if I need services
David Tseng on Google

在這家的消費經驗一直沒有很好: 1. 來他們家買東西建議一定要自己上網先做功課,像是要買什麼牌子的什麼產品。先前因為秉持著信任該店店員,所以就問他們有關保健食品的建議,結果店員推薦的「兩款」保健食品「都是」「某個連聽都沒聽過的雜牌」,吃了幾個月都沒效果,之後改成買其他大牌子效果就很好。 真的感覺就像另一篇一顆星留言說的「只想要推銷的店」。 2. 先前有次假日感冒,診所都沒開,只好去該藥局買感冒成藥,老店員推薦我買含有B群成分的成藥,還叫我三餐飯後和「睡前」吃,結果害我整晚睡不著,也因為沒睡好感冒變更嚴重。 隔天請家人拿去退貨,結果年輕店員雞雞歪歪在那邊吵說買感冒藥的時候有送我集點貼紙,要連集點貼紙一起還給他們才能退貨。 但是,我買感冒藥的時候老店員根本沒給我集點貼紙。 年輕店員還一副我母親想要A他們家集點貼紙似的,一直刁難我母親。 我們家根本沒在收集他們家的貼紙,也不稀罕! 明明是他們員工自己的問題還一直刁難客戶,對他們印象超差,以後寧可多跑遠一點也不會再去這連鎖的藥局消費。
The consumer experience in this home has not been very good: 1. When you come to their home to buy things, it is recommended that you must do your homework first, such as what brand or product you want to buy. Previously, because I believed in the store staff, I asked them about health food suggestions. As a result, the "two" health foods recommended by the store staff were "both" and "a miscellaneous brand that I hadn't even heard of". I ate a few. It didn't work for a month, and then I changed to buy other big brands and it worked very well. It really feels like another "shop that only wants to sell" in another one-star message. 2. I had a cold on holiday and the clinic was not open. I had to go to the pharmacy to buy cold medicines. The old clerk recommended me to buy medicines containing group B ingredients. He also asked me to take it after three meals and "before going to bed", which hurt me. I couldn't fall asleep late, and I had a bad cold because I didn't sleep well. The next day I asked my family to return the product, but the young clerk Ji Ji Wai Wai clamored over there and said that when I bought the cold medicine, he had sent me a collection sticker, and he had to return the collection sticker to them in order to return the product. However, the old clerk didn't collect any stickers for me when I bought the cold medicine. The young clerk still made things difficult for my mother as if my mother wanted some stickers from their home. Our family is not collecting their stickers at all, and it is not uncommon! Obviously, their employees have been making things difficult for their customers. They have a very bad impression of them. In the future, they would rather run farther than go to this chain of pharmacies for consumption.
蘇Angel on Google

When I went in, no one paid attention. The clerk kept swiping the phone. When I wanted to buy something, I found that it was more expensive than other pharmacies. I asked the clerk, and the clerk replied indifferently: Then you go there to buy it??, I feel very speechless?, the service attitude is not good good...
Cynthia Chiu on Google

把我預定的藥品又售出,是怎麼一回事?跟我說因為剛剛拿錯、因為剛剛客人很多…… 請問這是我的問題嗎?如果要這樣,幹嘛還要預定?根本把顧客當猴子在耍 極差勁!!!!!
The medicine I ordered was sold again, what happened? Tell me that because I just got it wrong, because there were a lot of customers just now... Is this my problem please? If so, why book? Treat customers like monkeys Terrible!!!!
沈kirs on Google

店員說我買的胃散就是等同在吃洗厠所的清潔劑;以為聽錯;再問-次;居然臭臉又重覆-次??? 那你們為何要賣
The clerk said that the stomach powder I bought was equivalent to eating a toilet cleaner; I thought I heard it wrong; I asked again; I actually had a stinky face and repeated it again ??? Then why are you selling
郭儼慧 on Google

高邑一期 on Google

有夠爛,我一早特地走過去買抗生素,一短頭髮問我要哪種,我說綠白的,她說沒有,這個要醫生開,又問那有別種嗎?忽然說都沒有了,死騙子,那一開始還問要哪種,我是開了但來很遠地方上班忘記帶過來,是每6小時要補 一次的,今晚要開會,連續20小時左右斷藥不好才先要買補一下,連問狀況都沒有就把人趕走,浪費我時間又想說近,直接走路5分鐘過去,那麼大一間普遍藥都會沒有,不像話,劣劣劣劣劣。
It was bad enough. I went over to buy antibiotics early in the morning. I had a short hair and asked me which one I wanted. I said green and white, she said no, this one needs to be prescribed by the doctor, and asked if there are other kinds? All of a sudden, there are no more, dead liar. At the beginning, I asked what I wanted. I drove it but I forgot to bring it when I came to work far away. If the medicine is not good, I have to buy it first, and I will drive people away without even asking about the situation. I wasted my time and I want to talk about it. Just walk for 5 minutes, then there will be no general medicine in a big room. It’s ridiculous, inferior Inferior.

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