程發電腦-客製化電競主機 - Zuoying District

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

程發電腦-職人電競商城 - Transforgaming.com


About 程發電腦-客製化電競主機

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Contact 程發電腦-客製化電競主機

地址 :

81306, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Zuoying District, Huasia Rd, 588號程發電腦-客製化電競主機

電話 : 📞 +889779
網站 : https://www.transforgaming.com/
城市 : Huasia Rd

81306, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Zuoying District, Huasia Rd, 588號程發電腦-客製化電競主機
BB Q on Google

Very high-quality store, good service and fast delivery. The point is that the assembled computer is really good, and it meets my needs.
黃雅輝 on Google

The service is very good, I thought no one came back late, but it is really 24 hours, great, very patient, thank you
胡緯帆 on Google

老闆態度很好 還在猶豫的快點來 說出你的預算跟需求絕對幫你配好 也不會把你當肥羊 絕對讓你省錢又能玩到你要的效果?
The boss has a very good attitude. If you are still hesitating, hurry up and tell you your budget and needs. It will definitely help you match it. It will not treat you as a fat sheep. It will definitely let you save money and play the effect you want?
楊焯尹 on Google

線上溝通協調堪稱完美,幫忙分期過件,迅速出貨 到手
Online communication and coordination are perfect, help with staging and fast delivery
shih-yi Shen on Google

感謝店家不厭其煩回答問題 顧客要求都盡力滿足..... 收到物品非常開心 Thanks ^_^
Chaya Kuro on Google

The people in the store are very good, easy to communicate, provide choices according to needs and budgets, install the machine carefully and close the line cleanly, a great shopping experience.
蕭翔蔚 on Google

In the case that a graphics card is hard to find, you can quickly get a complete computer within a week. If there is a problem, you can immediately use a message to solve it. If you have doubts about the budget, the store will help you to adjust from the non-essential parts. It is worthwhile recommend
九奈 on Google

⭐包裝完整無損 ⭐回覆快速親切 ⭐會幫忙灌好系統,開機直接使用不麻煩 ⭐按照預算配置想要的規格 ⭐從諮詢~收貨3、4天以內 快速可靠! _ 預算不高,但也能組一台好看實用的主機 非常開心:))
⭐Package is intact ⭐Respond quickly and kindly ⭐It will help to fill the system, and it is not troublesome to use it directly after booting ⭐ Configure the specs you want according to your budget ⭐From consultation to receipt within 3 or 4 days, fast and reliable! _ The budget is not high, but it can also set up a good-looking and practical host very happy:))

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