文化釣蝦場 - Kaohsiung City

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Contact 文化釣蝦場

地址 :

814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, 鳳仁路165 巷35-1號 文化釣蝦場

電話 : 📞 +8877
城市 : Renwu District

814, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Renwu District, 鳳仁路165 巷35-1號 文化釣蝦場
陳品璇 on Google

放蝦不手軟而且蝦新鮮 要帶孩子來可攜帶防蚊液
Jeremy Bourgois on Google

不會幫新手 一小時沒有 求救也不理 蝦子直接下在我旁邊也一隻都沒有 旁邊的都有 很糟糕的體驗
Can't help newbies, no calls for help for an hour The prawns fell directly next to me and there was not a single one all around very bad experience
阿智 on Google

釣青蛙好玩 餐點好吃便宜 又有包廂
Wei Wei on Google

張淑美 on Google

青蛙池一小時300元。廚師廚藝挺好,熱炒價錢不貴合理。 外有釣吳郭魚池、土虱池。店內有蝦池、青蛙池、熱炒…室內空氣流通
The frog pool is 300 yuan an hour. The chef's cooking skills are very good, and the price of hot fry is not expensive and reasonable. Outside there are Wu Guo fish ponds and soil lice ponds. There are shrimp ponds, frog ponds, hot stir-frying...indoor air circulation
MF on Google

禮拜四早上去釣 不難釣 開心!? 自助區有瓦斯爐與鍋子,提供客人煮蝦
Go fishing on Thursday morning. It's not difficult to fish. Happy! ? There are gas stoves and pots in the self-service area for guests to cook shrimp
Juliano Lin on Google

在高雄仁武區的一條巷子裡面,24小時營業,生意非常好,星期天早上十一點一樣人滿為患。有釣魚、釣蝦和沒見過到釣青蛙,此次是為了釣青蛙特地前來。 青蛙在天氣熱的時候比較會吃餌,釣青蛙不難,一小時一竿300元,竿上有裝好的魚腸為餌,青蛙是咬餌不是吃餌,因此餌會一路用到底,在青蛙嘴巴前搖動竿來逗弄青蛙,等待青蛙咬緊餌拉起來即可,記得多等一下讓青蛙咬好咬滿,如果遇到青蛙愛理不理,立刻放棄它,無須浪費時間,青蛙沒興趣就是沒興趣。 個人覺得兩個人共用一竿即可,因為新手還需要多一個人滿場跑,負責抓釣起來的青蛙?!抓跑掉的青蛙非常非常累人……,店家會提供一個厚手套供使用。 現場有代客料理,青蛙一斤料理費用100元,有紅燒、三杯、糖醋、清炒和蒜頭湯等選擇,直接購買來吃則是一斤250元,也很不錯!一斤一大盤,兩三個人分很剛好。詳細可以看我照片裡面的菜單。
In an alley in the Renwu District of Kaohsiung, it is open 24 hours a day and the business is very good. It is crowded at 11 o'clock on Sunday morning. There are fishing, shrimp fishing and frog fishing. This time I came here specifically for frog fishing. Frogs tend to eat bait when the weather is hot. Fishing for frogs is not difficult. A rod is 300 yuan per hour. The rod is equipped with intestines as bait. Frogs bite the bait instead of eating bait, so the bait will be used all the way. Shake the rod in front of the frog’s mouth to tease the frog. Wait for the frog to bite the bait and pull it up. Remember to wait a little longer for the frog to bite and bite. Not interested in. I personally think that two people can share one pole, because novices need one more person to run around the field, who is responsible for catching the fished frogs?! Catching the frog away is very, very tiring..., the store will provide a thick glove for use. There is valet cuisine on site. Frogs cost 100 yuan per catty. There are braised, three cups, sweet and sour, stir-fried and garlic soup. Buy directly and eat at 250 yuan per catty, which is also very good! One catty is a big plate, two or three people are just right. You can see the menu in my photo for details.
Bernal Fernandez on Google

Fishing frogs are really fun, eat it not too much haha

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