韓咚嘻웃음치킨-韓式小吃第一品牌- 大社店-大社推薦韓式料理|人氣韓式炸雞|韓式小吃|熱門美食|打卡美食|特色餐廳

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 韓咚嘻웃음치킨-韓式小吃第一品牌- 大社店-大社推薦韓式料理|人氣韓式炸雞|韓式小吃|熱門美食|打卡美食|特色餐廳

地址 :

815, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Dashe District, Zhongshan Rd, 177號韓咚嘻웃음치킨-韓式小吃第一品牌- 大社店-大社推薦韓式料理|人氣韓式炸雞|韓式小吃|熱門美食|打卡美食|特色餐廳

電話 : 📞 +889898
網站 : https://iding.tw/stores/24918e0f/menu/%25E9%259F%2593%25E5%2592%259A%25E5%2598%25BB-%25E5%25A4%25A7%25E7%25A4%25BE%25E5%25BA%2597
Opening hours :
Wednesday 11AM–11PM
Thursday 11AM–11PM
Friday 11AM–11PM
Saturday 11AM–11PM
Sunday 11AM–11PM
Monday 11AM–11PM
Tuesday 11AM–11PM
城市 : Zhongshan Rd

815, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Dashe District, Zhongshan Rd, 177號韓咚嘻웃음치킨-韓式小吃第一品牌- 大社店-大社推薦韓式料理|人氣韓式炸雞|韓式小吃|熱門美食|打卡美食|特色餐廳
小朋友 on Google

整體味道不錯 但份量偏少 買了朋友分享餐自己吃都不太夠了
The overall taste is good, but the portion is too small. It is not enough to buy a meal with a friend to share by myself.
戴旻原 on Google

好久沒吃韓式炸雞 剛好看到新開幕,跟朋友一起買來吃 這間我給過??? 完全符合我的口味??
Long time no Korean fried chicken Just saw the new opening, bought and eaten with friends I gave this one ??? Totally to my taste ??
游婕瑩 on Google

好友分享餐179 肉少又柴,給一堆雞皮不知道要幹麻 醬不夠沾肉和年糕,心和薯條一樣冷 提醒:起司是粉不是醬
Friends share meal 179 The meat is small and woody, I don't know how dry it is to give a pile of chicken skin The sauce is not enough for meat and rice cakes, the heart is as cold as fries Reminder: cheese is powder not sauce
jheg lin on Google

味道普普 買兩份分享餐蠻貴的 份量少自己吃一份不夠 態度也需加強 可能是新店還不熟悉手忙腳亂 餐點分類與標籤上的口味放反,需待加強
The taste is pop. It is expensive to buy two sharing meals. A small portion is not enough to eat one by oneself. Attitude also needs to be strengthened It may be that the new store is not familiar with the hustle and bustle The food classification and the taste on the label are reversed and need to be strengthened
李琬晴 on Google

好吃好吃,紅醬辣辣的很喜歡❤️ 不吃辣的選醬油也很可以~ 有時候吃膩了台灣口味,想吃點不同的 這個可以排在我的前幾名口袋名單內?
It's delicious, the red sauce is spicy and I like it ❤️ You can also choose soy sauce if you don't eat spicy food~ Sometimes I get tired of Taiwanese flavors and want to eat something different This one could be on my top pocket list ?
恩恩 on Google

這樣250是認真的嗎.. 我點半半 起司炸雞看起來像放很久的 (還有一包薯條沒拍到)
Is this 250 serious.. I ordered half and half, the cheese fried chicken looks like it's been around for a long time (There is also a bag of fries not photographed)
miao yin on Google

I bought a half-star chicken, roasted and cheese flavors. There is a lot of chicken skin and very little chicken. I thought the cheese was a sauce, but no, it didn't taste like cheese. The fries were soft but full of potato flavor. very chewy. Small portions, not enough to eat, 179 yuan is worth a better choice.
王俊卿 on Google

光顧大社新開幕的餐廳,點了五款品項,有首爾辛辣麵、辣味紅醬炸雞、芝心乳酪棒、煉乳蕎麥脆炸年糕、小辣辣炸年糕 首爾辛辣麵,味道非常濃郁,泡菜也很好吃,有青菜有蛋有年糕,還有黑輪片的樣子,重點麵也不爛,因為服務非常貼心,直接幫我們乾濕分離了 辣味紅醬炸雞,真的是非常好吃,辣度雖然不足以滿足我(是會辣的哦),但醬料的香氣跟口味真的好讚,加上炸雞本身鮮甜多汁、肉質肥嫩,以及肉上的雞皮,也炸得非常酥脆,真的啊嘶,根本就是必吃,這將會是我每次到貴店,必點的炸物 芝心乳酪棒,雖然沒有爆漿或緩緩流出的畫面,吃起來有另外的一種口感,而且味道也非常濃郁,加上又是炸物,非常邪惡就是,小心食用,切勿過量! 炸年糕串,我們點了兩種口味(煉乳及辣醬),或許韓式料理本身口味比較重,所以吃到煉乳口味時,有被前面的食物壓過去了,但年糕整體的口感是好的,非常Q彈,不會軟軟的,這也會是我必點的炸物!
I visited the newly opened restaurant in Taisha and ordered five items, including Seoul Spicy Noodles, Fried Chicken with Spicy Red Sauce, Cheese Sticks with Cheese, Condensed Milk Buckwheat Crispy Fried Rice Cake, and Small Spicy Fried Rice Cake. Seoul spicy noodles, the taste is very strong, kimchi is also delicious, there are green vegetables, eggs, rice cakes, and black round slices, the key noodles are not bad, because the service is very attentive, they directly help us separate the dry and wet The fried chicken with spicy red sauce is really delicious. Although the spiciness is not enough to satisfy me (it will be spicy), the aroma and taste of the sauce are really good, and the fried chicken itself is sweet and juicy. , the meat is fat and tender, and the chicken skin on the meat is also very crispy. Cheese Cheese Sticks, although there is no popping or slowly flowing out, it tastes another kind of texture, and the taste is also very strong, plus it is fried, it is very evil, eat it carefully, do not overdo it! Fried rice cake skewers, we ordered two flavors (condensed milk and spicy sauce), maybe the Korean food itself has a strong taste, so when we tasted the condensed milk flavor, it was overwhelmed by the food in front, but the overall taste of the rice cake was good, very Q bomb, will not be soft, this will also be my must-order bomb!

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