大世界傳統整復推拿 整筋 正骨 整脊 鬆腹 縮臀 舒緩悶、脹、嚥、逆、刺、裂、頻、麻、抽、溼⋯及瀰漫痠痛僵直體感 - Gangshan District

5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 大世界傳統整復推拿 整筋 正骨 整脊 鬆腹 縮臀 舒緩悶、脹、嚥、逆、刺、裂、頻、麻、抽、溼⋯及瀰漫痠痛僵直體感

地址 :

820, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Gangshan District, Jiaxing Rd, 280號大世界傳統整復推拿 整筋 正骨 整脊 鬆腹 縮臀 舒緩悶、脹、嚥、逆、刺、裂、頻、麻、抽、溼⋯及瀰漫痠痛僵直體感

電話 : 📞 +8898
網站 : https://chiropractor-1703.business.site/
城市 : Jiaxing Rd

820, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Gangshan District, Jiaxing Rd, 280號大世界傳統整復推拿 整筋 正骨 整脊 鬆腹 縮臀 舒緩悶、脹、嚥、逆、刺、裂、頻、麻、抽、溼⋯及瀰漫痠痛僵直體感
余建本 on Google

最近打球嚴重閃到腰,朋友介紹來大世界推拿後,竟然當天就痊癒,真的很神奇,大推! 場所除清爽、整潔外,又有播放療癒的鋼琴音樂,讓人可於推拿時不自覺睡著了。 林老師不但擁有國家證照之推拿整復師傅,更是健談,學問淵博、天文地理均參透,受益良多。
Recently, I played golf seriously and flashed to my waist. After a friend introduced him to Da Shijie Tui Na, he recovered on the same day. It is really amazing. Big push! In addition to being refreshing and tidy, the venue also plays healing piano music, so people can fall asleep unconsciously during massage. Not only does Mr. Lin have a nationally licensed massage and rehabilitation master, he is also talkative, knowledgeable and well-informed in astronomy and geography, and has benefited a lot.
陳卉琪 on Google

我是位家庭主婦婦...我真的真的非常感謝大世界推拿整復管的林老師..真的萬分感謝 我長期腰痠被痛,肩頸非常僵硬,雙退無法抬高走路,胸口非常悶,長期下來造成了生活上的不便,到處尋找醫生,不過都只是當下處理完後的舒緩,無法達到很有效的效果,都很失落。 直到今天來到了大世界,遇到了親切且非常有耐心的林老師,老師非常有耐心地詢問我哪裡有不舒服,直接了當把我身體痛的因素找到了!也立馬馬上當機立斷處理好我身上所有酸痛不舒服的地方。 首先,先讓我感受明顯之處,我的腿痠痛不已在老師的治療過程中,很神奇的是我的腿竟然可以抬腿了也可以走路了.接下來是我硬梆梆的背,在老師專業的治療過程裡,老師把我硬梆梆的背已經軟化了,說不上來的舒服,沒有任何的疼痛感。而最明顯的就是我長期的胸悶,長期的無法吸空氣覺得嚴重缺氧不足狀況下,在老師的巧手下,我真心覺得我可以我可以大口大口呼吸新鮮空氣了,也沒有胸悶了。 說不上來的感恩以及奇蹟,林老師真的是讓我在昏暗中找到一盞光明燈,讓我對我的身體未來充滿著希望,原來還可以救啊!這是我今天的親身體驗,希望對方等你正在感覺腰酸背痛查不到老師可以幫你處理時,不妨林可以來找一下林老師會讓你意想不到的奇蹟喔…現在的我全身充滿著活力,也全身輕鬆,不再病懨懨的,感謝大世界中!感謝林老師…有您真好
I’m a housewife...I’m really, really, really grateful to Teacher Lin who is in the Big World Massage and Rehabilitation Management... I have long-term backaches and pains, very stiff shoulders and necks, I can’t raise my chest to walk, and my chest is very tight. It has caused inconveniences in life for a long time. I look for doctors everywhere, but it is just a relief after the immediate treatment, which cannot be very effective. The effect is very disappointing. Until today I came to the big world and met a kind and very patient teacher Lin. The teacher patiently asked me where I was uncomfortable, and directly found the cause of my physical pain! I immediately took care of all the aches and discomforts on my body. First of all, let me feel the obvious. My legs are sore. During the treatment of the teacher, it is amazing that my legs can be lifted and walked. Next is my stiff back. During the teacher's professional treatment, the teacher had softened my hard back. It was not comfortable and there was no pain. The most obvious thing is my long-term chest tightness, long-term inability to breathe air, and severe hypoxia. Under the skill of the teacher, I really feel that I can breathe fresh air, and there is no chest tightness. The gratitude and miracle that can't be said, Teacher Lin really let me find a bright lamp in the dark, so that I am full of hope for the future of my body, so it can be saved! This is my personal experience today. I hope that the other party will wait for you to feel back pain. When you can’t find the teacher to help you, you may as well look for a miracle that Teacher Lin will make you unexpected... Now I am full of my body. Energetic, and relaxed, no longer sick, thank you in the big world! Thank you, Teacher Lin... It’s nice to have you
林進賢 on Google

My mother has chest tightness and often beats her chest due to poor breathing. She once caused fainting. She was diagnosed in the hospital and found no problem. She was fortunate enough to know Master Lin through the introduction of relatives. Master Lin carefully helped her mother find the cause of her aging. After several massage sessions for the lesions, the chest tightness was significantly improved, and the deep breathing was much smoother. Because the trust in the doctor-patient relationship has greatly increased, the problem of mother’s memory loss has been improved at present, and the phenomenon has been initially controlled without further deterioration. I hope that the mother’s memory can also be significantly improved, and then I will continue to share with you the treatment experience.
林雅萍 on Google

手指握拳 中指彎不下來,像在罵人的板機指,到醫院開刀 把粘黏的地方切開 ,切開後正常。半年後中指又開始彎不下來 ,之前的症狀又發生了。找大世界推拿整復,才找出發生的原因 從根本整復 中指才正常握拳。 謝謝大世界
Fingers clenched into fist, middle finger can't be bent, like a trigger finger scolding someone, go to the hospital for surgery to cut the sticky place, and it is normal after cutting. After half a year, the middle finger started to bend again, and the previous symptoms happened again. Find out the reason for the massage and rehabilitate from the big world, and then make a normal fist with the middle finger. thank you big world
深海魚 on Google

我胃痛去醫院檢查 ,喝顯影劑 做胃食道攝影 後又安排吞胃鏡檢查,醫生說有胃潰瘍、胃食道逆流、胃炎,開藥三餐吃,最明顯的是每次吃完飯後就會胃脹氣及不舒服感會特別明顯,排便也不順暢,但經過2次推拿胃的筋絡後就明顯改善很多,現在吃飽飯也不會胃不舒服及胃脹氣。
I went to the hospital for an examination with stomach pain. After drinking the contrast agent for gastroesophageal photography, I arranged for a gastroscope examination. The doctor said that I had gastric ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux, and gastritis. Flatulence and discomfort will be particularly obvious, and defecation will not be smooth, but after 2 massages on the muscles and collaterals of the stomach, it has improved a lot, and now I have no stomach discomfort and flatulence after eating a full meal.
李宜玲 on Google

以前因為騎車摔車導致髖關節卻無法順暢的活動,兩腳長短差很多,走路時很明顯的高低感,長時間久坐,髖關節周圍的肌肉會變得僵硬,剛站起時很緊繃,無法自由的活動,臀部也鬆弛下垂、臀部位置歪斜,兩邊大小不同,大腿也變粗。 後來到「大世界整復推拿」之後的骨盆矯正回到了正常的狀態,身體的姿勢變好了,坐著站著也不酸了 胃腸比之前好很多,排便也每日正常。 在此真的很感謝「大世界整復推拿的林老師」的幫忙!
In the past, the hip joint could not move smoothly because of a bicycle crash. The length of the two feet was very different, and the height was obvious when walking. After sitting for a long time, the muscles around the hip joint would become stiff and tight when standing up. Stretched, unable to move freely, sagging hips, sloping hips, different sizes on both sides, and thicker thighs. Later, after the "Big World Massage", the pelvic correction returned to a normal state, the posture of the body became better, and the stomach and intestines were much better than before, and the bowel movements were normal every day. I am really grateful for the help of "Mr. Lin from the Great World Rehabilitation Massage"!
Xu Chengzhi on Google

我職軍退伍後,全身緊繃,手臂、小腳痠麻,腰痠最難熬,背曾痛到起不了床,飯後胃脹氣難受、胃食道逆流,還有胸悶去醫院照x光都正常,但身體一直覺得繃得很不舒服。 後來去大世界傳統推拿整復,因為長時間操練後沒有收操,瘀傷慢慢累積,全身筋緊繃還勒到胃、胸,經大世界一段時間的調理 把勒住繃住的肌肉鬆緩 ,我現在都很輕鬆了。 謝謝大世界
After I was discharged from the army, my whole body was tense, my arms and feet were sore and numb, the backache was the most unbearable, my back was so painful that I couldn't get out of bed, I was uncomfortable with flatulence after meals, gastroesophageal reflux, and chest tightness. It was normal to go to the hospital for X-rays. But the body has been feeling very stretched and uncomfortable. Later, I went to the Great World for traditional massage and rehabilitation. Because I didn’t stop doing the exercises after a long time, the bruises gradually accumulated, and the muscles all over the body were tight and stretched to the stomach and chest. , I'm all at ease now. thank you big world
Angelina Lin on Google

我熱愛登山,有次周日早晨例行性爬山,突然膝蓋舊疾復發,下山行走很困難,幸好是爬小山而已,還可以慢慢走到山下,我的舊傷之前看過很多醫生,都只是治標不治本,都沒有根治,在煩惱之際, goolge到大世界整復,抱著試試看的想法打電話預約。 林老師的整復與我之前遇過的很多整骨師傅不同,不是頭痛醫頭腳痛醫腳 ,也不單只是將骨頭推回原位,林老師還會將筋絡調回正常位置,才能確保整復後的骨頭再次跑位。 林老師是系統性的整復,很多疼痛是與身體其他部位相關聯,經過林老師的幾次整復,發現身體有好多問題,除了之前的膝蓋舊傷,還發現脊椎扭轉、習慣性駝背、手肘經常性麻痛、骨盆變寬、胸骨高低邊、呼吸不順,才發現姿勢不良、坐姿不正確還有施力不正確造成的傷害影響很大,回頭細想這些症狀,發現都沒有好好愛護自己的身體。 整復過程中,林老師會身體狀況仔細講解予患者了解,也會根據患者當下狀況給予適當的建議,經林老師的整復後,現在身體狀況好很多,又可以繼續我熱愛的登山,真的要感謝林老師。
I love mountain climbing. Once I was climbing a mountain routinely on Sunday morning. Suddenly the old knee problem recurred. It was very difficult to walk down the mountain. Fortunately, I was climbing the hill and I could walk slowly down the mountain. I had seen many doctors before my old injury. There is no cure for the symptoms, not the root cause, and there is no cure. In the time of trouble, goolge went to the big world to rectify and call to make an appointment with the idea of ​​trying it out. Teacher Lin’s rehabilitation is different from many osteopathic masters I have met before. It is not a headache, a headache, a pain, or just pushing the bones back to their original position. Teacher Lin will also adjust the tendons and collaterals to their normal positions to ensure that the rehabilitation is complete. The bones are running again. Teacher Lin has a systemic restoration. Many pains are related to other parts of the body. After several restorations by Teacher Lin, I found that there are many problems in the body. In addition to the previous knee injury, I also found spinal torsion, habitual hunchback, and elbows. Frequent numbness, widening of the pelvis, high and low sides of the sternum, and poor breathing, only to discover that the injury caused by poor posture, incorrect sitting posture and incorrect force exerts a great impact. Looking back on these symptoms, I found that I did not take good care of myself. body. During the rehabilitation process, Mr. Lin will carefully explain the physical condition to the patient and give appropriate advice based on the patient’s current condition. After Mr. Lin’s rehabilitation, he is now in a much better physical condition, and I can continue my love of climbing. Thanks to Teacher Lin.

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