漯底山吊橋 - Mituo District

4.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 漯底山吊橋

地址 :

827, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Mituo District, Shanding Rd, 漯底山吊橋

城市 : Shanding Rd

827, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Mituo District, Shanding Rd, 漯底山吊橋
鄭人豪 on Google

The suspension bridge next to the entrance of the Luodi Mountain climbing, the suspension bridge has a distinctive design and a beautiful view! It is one of the photography attractions in Luodi Mountain, surrounding attractions: Luodi Mountain Observation Deck, Luodi Mountain Park...
Tiao Sam on Google

The Luodi Mountain Suspension Bridge is located on the trail to the right of the entrance of the Luodi Mountain Natural Park. This is a peculiar badland terrain, the terrain and landforms are like the surface of the moon. It used to be a military base and is now converted into Luodi Mountain Natural Park. At the top of the mountain, there is an observation deck that was originally a military bunker, which overlooks the Mi Tuo area and a large fishing paddy coast. There are three attractions that I must visit. The first is a suspension bridge. At the top you can see the trainer plane of Okayama Air Force Base. The second is the bunker on the top of the mountain, overlooking the sea and a large fishing pond. The third place is a pavilion beside the Huannan Trail, where you can see the entire terrain and landforms of the badlands, like the scales of an ancient dragon. If you look carefully in the park, you can see a small mud crater, which has not been seen for a long time.
許瑩瑩 on Google

大約30分鐘的路程 輕鬆走走流點汗 吊橋拍起來很美 大過年加上疫情期間 不想人擠人這裡是個好選擇?
about 30 minutes away walk easily and sweat The suspension bridge is beautiful Chinese New Year plus the epidemic period Don't want to be crowded here is a good choice?
妙妙 on Google

吊橋,讓走到外環步道變成輕鬆、美麗又帶點趣味的景觀區。踩著吊橋或站在與外環步道連接的山頭上,人變高了,而且少了樹林的遮蔽,就能從漯底山看岡山,看遠山,登高望遠⋯⋯當然,少不了望彌陀! 這個吊橋蠻平穩的,走在上面雖然有輕微的搖晃,但不搖就不像吊橋了,這種搖晃少了走吊橋的害怕,多了旅遊的趣味。吊橋不長,但外環步道那頭較高,因此吊橋到接近外環步道時,有一段是採階梯式的,別有一番風味。 吊橋是民國103年完工的,橋頭有告示牌,標明:限載重30人。但人多的時候,這告示似乎形同裝飾。 由於從入口的欖仁公走過來,路程只有幾分鐘,而且沿路雖然有階梯,但還算平坦,是適合老幼都能遊樂的景點,只是並非無障礙環境,如果無法爬樓梯,是不宜的。
Firman Receh on Google

soo beautiful
張玉靜 on Google

Icy Liang on Google

love the view.?
Andika Subrata on Google

Beautiful bridge, you can see beautiful scenery from the bridge

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