天文宮 - Lane 5

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Contact 天文宮

地址 :

828, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Yong'an District, Lane 5, Bao'an Rd, 4號天文宮

電話 : 📞 +887978
網站 : http://www.xn--rss18chd615bwmi.com/
城市 : Bao'an Rd

828, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Yong'an District, Lane 5, Bao'an Rd, 4號天文宮
張美金 on Google

The astronomical palace is on the 18th of the lunar calendar. On the Sunday before the birthday of Xu Wangye, the calligraphy and sketching competitions have been held for nearly 50 sessions. All the people who have provided the free ramen and seafood porridge provided by the temple are available for today. About 3,000 people and parents.
cc kao on Google

位於台17線, 是永安信仰中心之一。宮內處了提供心靈的寄託外。週遭綠地亦可以讓各方信徒散心活動。
Located on Taiwan Route 17, it is one of the Yongan Faith Centers. The palace provides a sustenance for the soul. The surrounding green space can also allow all believers to relax.
郭永富 on Google

Few temples have such a literary atmosphere
EMBA Kitty 帶你玩 on Google

本宮廟埕廣場設有旌旗一對, 「天將神馬」左右各一座。 旗號表示鎮東土大將軍 徐府千歳之王府也是辦公之所。「天將神馬」像徵備馬待機, 隨即出行理事之意。 天文宮沿革 》溯源‧ 天文宮緣起‧神跡傳奇‧奠基天文‧後殿至聖降世緣由 乾隆四十八年間(1783) 徐府千歲第一次降下塵緣於下茄萣林姓人家,設壇救世較茄萣金鑾宮晚六年。金鑾宮媽祖設壇顯化為乾隆四十二(1777)。徐千歳開基之神像已於日據時代除神政策中被迫交出火化,第二任靈乩採用同是下茄萣人氏施君先生,並另成立神壇「天庭河溪邊徐千歳壇」,徐府千歳住在林家暨施家約有140年至150年之久。第一次林家使用之方形香炉,今留在下茄萣林姓家宗祠裡。後至施家設置壇堂時,于民前戊戌年六月吉置,圓形香炉口上沿刻寫著「天庭河溪邊徐千歳」至今林家依然供奉著。 徐千歲第一次降下塵緣,逢大清王朝乾隆時代,大陸移民至台灣沿海地區靠海捕撈為生,民生潦苦只得靠神明指引迷津之途。第二次過程遇民初動亂並未擴大發展。第三次再度凡麈奠定天文宮發揚之基業。 天文宮之興起,源起高雄縣下茄萣金鑾宮旁之郭姓人家。郭家在施家求得 徐府千歳之香符祿位為求家運昌隆,家族商定辦起香案,乞求上蒼賜福,讓郭家免除災禍闔家平安遂其所願得 徐府千歲降下塵緣,設壇茄萣鄉下茄萣郭家,並取得郭武振君為靈乩普濟眾生,神威顯赫名揚鄉梓。 設壇之初根據郭姓耆老口述:民國三十六年下茄萣金鑾宮啓建台灣光復後第一科王船醮 徐府千歲取得該科王醮代天巡狩千歲爺,其過程傳奇神蹟另令人拍案叫絕,也建立王爺日後顯赫之神威,也是王爺第三次取用靈乩之典故。 茄萣鄉濱臨滄海,端賴捕魚為生,對神明之信仰虔誠之至,有船之家便有守護神,庇護著船家。 欣逢金鑾宮啓建王船醮典之時,正是眾神明展顯神威的良辰好時機,如能得王船千歳爺之職權代天巡狩,得金闕玉皇上帝之欽命定能顯赫渡眾、萬民朝拜。時至王船巡狩遶境起航之時,各方神聖會聚,附身乩童各展神力。 時有身操五寶、鯊魚劍、釘棍、封口針,把玩燒得通紅之鉄球等等就是為此機緣難得,當然 徐府千歲難以置身度外,同時也有兩位乩童自稱徐府千歳者參與其中。當各方挑戰神靈之乩童近至於由徐府千歲附身郭武振君身邊時,便一一退駕。 此時 徐府千歲單踋一蹬躍上王船,宣示職司該科代天巡狩之千歳王爺。 徐府千歲神通廣大,為茄萣鄉茶餘飯後之美談,並奉為地方耆老傳誦之奇蹟神談。 茄萣鄉金鑾宮光復後第一科王船醮典。家家戶戶門前置起香案,擺放香花四菓、香爐火燭迎接神明大駕,保佑閤家平安。但在 徐府千歲郭姓乩童家有令人不可思異之神跡發生。當王船出巡之日,天象異常,颳起陰風下起滂沱大雨,雷雨交加,門前案桌上香爐盛滿雨水,若遇此情況水淹香爐,香火必滅無疑,但是事非如此,為表該科王醮之受旨巡狩王爺 徐府千歲壇不能了無事乎。果然香案爐內,香煙繚繞雨水直落香爐,水越大火越旺,為當時名聞暇耳的水火同爐之神蹟傳奇故事。 徐府千歲由南到北,普渡眾生神威顯赫,除了 徐府千歲之外,還有陪祀神明 徐府二千歲、徐府三千歲,總稱 徐府千歲三兄弟。在千歲三兄弟庇佑之下,有眾多之神通事蹟。最為人稱誦,案例發生於台南喜樹地方,郭姓人家乙案。 在民風保守之時,一切行為之事,相信風水之說,尤其興宅造墓,更是依附風水地理之論。在興建住宅何是何等慎重其事聘請建屋興宅之師父,大多懂得奇門異數之理符籙之術。 台南喜樹這一戶人家所住宅第,讓家人不得安寧、厄運連連,家運不順無法稱心渡日,經傳得知茄萣郭家所祀 徐府千歲神威廣大、靈驗無比。 遂前往乞求千歲相助代為處理,千歲降壇諭示:汝等家宅被下符咒,且祖墳陰霾之地必有蔭屍且漸成妖,當然諸事不順、厄運連連,如不處理恐難安寧。喜樹這一戶人家聽了此言心急如焚半信半疑?求請王爺做主,王爺允諾當為處理擇期前往。此事驚動鄉里村民接踵而至欲探究竟。 是日約定處理,由 徐府三千歲担任理事,附身童子(乩童)武動拳腳忽然蹤身飛躍揮手出拳一擊,屋樑脊瓦破裂,一沱水渲瀉而下,隨水而下裡有三支香踋,三張符咒,果真應驗千歲之言,此戶人家已啞口無言深信不疑。再次懇求千歳擇日,為其祖墳儉骨,該事非等小可,千歲慎重其事,書寫三張符令,令其破墳開棺之時,在墓前焚化除煞去邪才能動土。此戶人家依擇定之日,前往掘墓開棺,遵從千歲之言先化三張符令,家人依言行事,但化符令之人要點燃之時,雙手僵硬無力動彈不得,換人多次嘗試依就如故,令其他之人也不敢冒然行之,正束手無策之時,千歲派往之神聖 白府大千歲靈乩起駕代為焚化符令,始為順行其事,破墳開棺眾人為之一驚,先人屍骨未寒且手指甲成長異常。 正如王爺所言即將成妖兩事同真,難怪家中不平靜。感謝 徐府千歲眾神聖之幫忙,終得以安寧下來。 另一事發生於永安林姓家中,也是風水之事。 據說永安地區這富甲一方之戶,年年發生家人不得善終,在不知其因不得其解之下求助千歲代為處理。千歳擇定時日來到此戶家中扶鸞起駕,神力發威之下,鸞輿往地板某處一點令其開挖,果然挖出一塊石碑,上寫「后土」二字。原來是該戶人家,祖先為其家族之後發展,能求得財富,聘請風水地理師,在其宅第所做利基。 誰知有利就有弊,導致年年厄運。
There is a pair of flags in the Gongmiao Temple Square. "The Heavenly Horses" are left and right. The flag indicates the township general Xufu Millennium Palace is also the office of office. "Tianjin Shenma" is like a horse standby. Immediately travel to the governor. History of the Astronomical Palace The astronomical palace origins ‧ miracle legend ‧ foundation astronomy ‧ apse to the world In the forty-eight years of Qianlong (1783), Xu Fu was the first to drop the dust from the roots of the locusts in the next year. The altar was saved six years later than the Jinlu Palace. The Jinzu Palace Mazu set up an altar and became a forty-two (1777). The image of Xu Qianqi’s Kaiji has been forced to surrender in the Japanese policy of the Japanese occupation. The second priest adopted the same Mr. Shi Jun, who was also the singer of the scorpion, and established the altar of the heavens. Xufu Qianxi lived in Linjia and Shijia for about 140 to 150 years. The square incense burner used by the first Lin family was left in the family name of the family. Later, when Shijia set up the altar, in the first year of the reign of Emperor Wuxu in June, the round incense burner was engraved with the words "Xu Qianxi on the edge of the Tianting River". Xu Qiang was the first to descend from the dusty edge. During the Qianlong era of the Qing Dynasty, the mainland immigrated to the coastal areas of Taiwan to fish for a living. The people’s livelihood had to rely on the gods to guide the maze. In the second process, the turmoil in the early days of the country did not expand. For the third time, the foundation of the astronomical palace was established. The rise of the Astronomical Palace originated from the family of Guo who was next to the Golden Palace in Kaohsiung County. In the family, Guo Jiaqiu sought the Xufu of the Xufu for the family to promote Changlong. The family agreed to set up a fragrant case, begging for the blessing of the gods, and letting Guo’s exemption from the disaster, and the family would like to return to the dust. Set up a jar of locusts in the countryside, and take Guo Jiazheng as a priest, and the gods are famous for their homesickness. At the beginning of the altar, according to Guo Xing's old dictation: in the 36th year of the Republic of China, after the establishment of Taiwan's Guangfu Palace, the first section of the king's ship, Xu Fu, Chitose, obtained the title of the king, and the legendary god of the process. The traces are also fascinating, and the sacred gods of the princes are also established. It is also the third time that the prince took the coffin. The town of Guizhi Township is adjacent to the Bohai Sea. It relies on fishing for a living, and the faith of the gods is sincere. There is a patron saint in the house of the ship, sheltering the boat home. When the Jinsong Palace was built to build the Wang Chuan Code, it was a good time for the gods to display the power of the gods. If you can get the title of the king of the ship, you will be able to visit the heavens. And the people worship. At the time when the king’s ship cruised around the country, the parties gathered in sacredness and possessed the power of the children. At that time, there are five treasures, shark swords, nail sticks, sealing needles, and the smashing of the red ball, etc. It is rare for this opportunity. Of course, Xu’s Chitose is difficult to stay out of, and there are also two deaf children who claim to be Xufu Millennium. Participate in it. When the parties challenged the deaf children of the gods as soon as they were surrounded by Xu Fu’s Chitose, they were retired one by one. At this time, Xu Fu, a thousand-year-old singer, jumped on the king's boat and declared his position as the prince of the priest. Xu Fu is a thousand-year-old god, and he talks about the beauty of the tea after the meal. The first section of the king's boat after the recovery of the Jinlu Palace in the town of Guizhi. In front of every household, the incense case is placed, and the four fruits of the fragrant flowers and the fire of the incense burner are greeted to greet the gods and protect the family. However, there are incredible miracles in Xu’s Chitose Guo’s family. When the ship was on the patrol day, the sky was abnormal, the wind was blowing and the rain was heavy, and the thunderstorms were mixed. The incense burner on the table in front of the door was full of rain. If this situation flooded the incense burner, the incense would be gone, but it was not the case. The king of the squad, the priest of the priest, Xu Futan, can not be nothing. Sure enough, the cigarettes in the incense burner, the cigarettes lingering in the rain directly to the incense burner, the bigger the water, the more prosperous, the legendary story of the miracle of the fire and water at the time. Xufu Chitose is from south to north, and Purdue is a god-given god. In addition to Xu’s Chitose, there are also accompanying gods. Xu Fu is two thousand years old and Xu is three thousand years old. Under the blessing of the three-year-old brothers, there are many magical deeds. Most famous, the case occurred in the Xishu area of ​​Tainan, and the case of Guo surnamed B. When the folk customs are conservative, all the behaviors, believe in the theory of Feng Shui, especially the building of the tomb, is also dependent on the geography of Feng Shui. In the construction of the dwelling house, how to be cautious in hiring the masters of the house building, most of them know the skill of the stranger. Tainan Xishu, the home of this family, let the family not be peaceful, bad luck, and the family is not smooth enough to pass the day, and it is known that the family of the scorpion is a thousand-year-old god. 遂 遂 乞 乞 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Xishu’s family has heard this and is so eager to be suspicious? Please ask the prince to be the master, and the prince promised to go to the election. The incident alarmed the villagers in the village to pick up. It was agreed by the day, and Xu Fu was a member of the board of directors. The boy-in-law (children) martial arts fists suddenly jumped and waved a punch, and the roof ridges and ridges burst, and the water rippled down, with the water. There are three incense sticks in the bottom, three spells, and it really fulfills the words of Chitose. This family has been dumbfounded and convinced. Once again, begging for the choice of the day, for his ancestral grave, the matter is not a small matter, Chitose carefully considers the matter, writes three rules, so that when the grave is opened, the incineration in front of the tomb can remove the evil spirits. On the day of the election, the family went to the excavation to open the cemetery. According to the words of Chitose, the three characters were first ordered. The family acted according to the words, but when the person was to ignite, the hands were stiff and unable to move. Many attempts to follow the same, so that other people do not dare to take the liberty, when they are at a loss, the Chitose sent to the sacred Baifu Grand Chitose to set off the house to incinerate, began to go straight, breaking One of the people in the grave opened the door, and the ancestors were not cold and the nails grew abnormally. As the prince said that he is about to become a demon, it is no wonder that the home is not calm. Thanks to the help of Xu’s Chitose, the sacred help, and finally peace. Another thing happened in the home of Yongan Lin, which is also a matter of Feng Shui. It is said that in the Yong'an area, the household of the rich side of the family, the family members are not dying every year, and they do not know that they can help the Chitose to be treated. On the day of the election, I came to the home to help the driver, and under the power of the gods, I went to the floor somewhere to make it excavate. I dug a stone tablet and wrote the word "post-earth". It turned out to be the family, the ancestors developed after their family, can seek wealth, hired Feng Shui geographer, and made a niche in their house. Who knows that there are advantages and disadvantages, leading to bad luck every year.
高偉豪 on Google

Exquisitely sculpted temple, with a large courtyard behind to walk, is a temple visited very directly on the western coast.
葉聖隆 on Google

At the junction of Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung County, the local temple in Yong'an is dedicated to the Chitose of Xu Mansion.
揪愛錢 on Google

永安最大的廟宇 後殿花園造景 雕塑精緻的迴廊窗
The largest temple in Yongan Apse garden landscaping exquisitely sculpted cloister window
Queen Chen on Google

建築深奧,多從結合,尼泊爾的萬物皆為一使人靜心為真,每尊大人值得細細品味其故事。達到身心安適,一切萬事皆好,感恩這裡很特別的正磁場。 淨化環境,淨化身心,淨化雜念。感謝這裡,讓人們的心萬物皆為一,然後 百善孝為先,我虛心接受學習。不求私欲,只來頓悟自己,一切真的很舒心自在。易經學習者,有更加多些智慧。感恩這片純淨容身之處。疫情期間,門口答禮,如有不莊重,我也是疫情無奈請見諒。以上體悟,沒有索求,不怪力亂神,除了額外的⋯鳥語花太香。 善舉孝舉 共勉之
The architecture is profound and the combination of many things. Everything in Nepal is one that makes people meditate. Every adult deserves to savor its story. Achieving physical and mental well-being, everything is fine, thanks for the special positive magnetic field here. Purify the environment, purify the mind and body, purify the distractions. Thanks for here, let people's hearts and all things be one, and then filial piety is the first, I accept learning with humility. Don't seek selfish desires, just come to realize yourself, everything is really comfortable. I Ching learners have more wisdom. Grateful for this place of purity. During the epidemic, the reception at the door, if it is not solemn, I am also helpless in the epidemic, please forgive me. The above experience, without asking, is not strange, except for the extra... the birds and flowers are too fragrant. Act of kindness and filial piety

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