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佑典行手推車 - 專業製造工廠 - Yd.ugm.com.tw

佑典行 專業手推車製造廠 手推車工廠,高雄在地老字號,各式工程用平台車,鋼瓶推車,價格最實惠 服務時間:每周一~周五 am:800~ pm5:00 六日公休 歡迎使用LINE直接洽詢 工廠(門市):高雄市湖內區中山路一段604號 省道台一線上 Tel:07-6933755 6932000 Fax:07-6931021 台南門市: 台南市歸仁區中山路三段622號 0956-413606 LINE:ID r630803 歡迎用line直接詢問下訂 謝謝 Email : [email protected]

佑典行手推車 - 專業製造工廠 - Yd.ugm.com.tw

關於佑典行手推車工廠:Since 1976

佑典行手推車製造(訂製)工廠 大高雄在地老字號 ,  成立至今40餘年,系為各行業搬運手推車之製造與維修廠,本公司專注生產之手推車以省力、堅固、耐用為原則,廣受好評,非一般五金行販售可比擬 , 以誠信負責之信念,製造品質優良之產品 , 多年客製化經驗累積 , 力求服務廣大顧客群。

營業項目 手推車、平台手推車、四輪手推車、二輪手推車、油桶手推車、瓦斯鋼瓶手推車、乙炔車、活動斗推車、畜牧業手推車、水泥手推車、農業手推車、工業手推車、物流手推車、搬運手推車、折疊手推車、各式腳輪、工業輪、油壓托板車、油壓堆高機、油壓平台推車,可配合客戶需求訂製。



每周一~周五 AM:800~ PM5:00 六日.國定假日公休.親洽門市的朋友請留意唷!

Line客服:@757etoiz  歡迎使用LINE諮詢.不限時段.客服會盡快回覆!




工廠(門市):高雄市湖內區中山路一段604號 省道台一線上

Tel:07-6933755  6932000




LINE:ID   @757etoiz   歡迎用line直接詢問下訂 謝謝


Email : [email protected]


Contact 佑典行專業手推車製造廠

地址 :

829, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Hunei District, Section 1, Zhongshan Rd, 604號佑典行專業手推車製造廠

電話 : 📞 +88797
網站 : https://yd.ugm.com.tw/
城市 : Zhongshan Rd

829, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Hunei District, Section 1, Zhongshan Rd, 604號佑典行專業手推車製造廠
james yen on Google

The service is really super NICE, and the quality of the cart is also superb. Super recommended
K KAKU on Google

A great company
蘇昰瑋 on Google

Huh! Help me make a car stall ?... It is ok to hold a three or five kilometers too far, not recommended!
張家豪 on Google

使用一個月心得 課制話訂做耐用 使用上不必花太大力氣 果然高雄老字號??? 老闆娘的服務、解說沒得比???
Use one month experience Customized and durable Do n’t have to work too hard Sure enough, Kaohsiung has a long-established reputation. The service and commentary of the lady
陳泳璋 on Google

Great variety, great prices~ Most importantly, the item is sturdy!
薛小愷 on Google

老闆娘很親切 今天到貴店買機車拖車 順便讓師傅幫我機車做個拖車架 原本想說應該只是做個U字型架子裝在機車後面 沒想到師傅做出來的拖車架超漂亮 還有做後座可拉的機車握把 超級推薦!!
The lady is very kind Go to your store today to buy a motorcycle trailer By the way, let the master make a locomotive for my trailer. Originally I wanted to say that it should just be a U-shaped rack and be installed behind the locomotive. I did not expect that the trailer frame made by the master is super beautiful There is also a motorcycle handlebar that can be pulled back. Super recommended! !!
陳美多 on Google

He is really a professional cart expert. He is made of energy, made of great materials, and has good service. You can find carts that pursue good quality here!
陳阿金 on Google

The customer ordered a book transporter and found suitable height and size details under Master’s suggestion. After actually receiving the book cart, it is easy to use and push, and the master is really professional. The process of contact and inquiry is not only reasonable in price, but also very neat, kind and thoughtful. Thank you Mrs. Boss, Miss Window, Master!

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