訓風砲台 - Kaohsiung City

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 訓風砲台

地址 :

830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, 訓風砲台

電話 : 📞 +8877
網站 : http://khh.travel/Article.aspx%3Fa%3D6445%26l%3D1%26stype%3D1057%26sitem%3D4096
Opening hours :
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
城市 : Fengshan District

830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, 訓風砲台
Jack Tu on Google

This fort was built to defend Fengshan during the Qing Dynasty, and the current site that remains today tells the story of this period of history.
李嘉芳(Lee Mi) on Google

訓風炮台緊鄰鳳山溪,矗立在曹公圳旁 不遠處即是高樓住宅區 許多居民到鳳山溪旁的長條綠地散步、聊天或者慢跑 砲台就靜靜地陪伴在旁 炮台比我想像中矮, 我以為我脖子必須仰的很高才能看到頂端 但實際上他大概兩層(甚至不到)的高度。 他意外地沒有流露肅穆或緊張感 或許是隨時代之河流逝了吧 現在的他被綠色樹木環抱著 簡單踩個幾層階梯就能輕易攻佔頂端視野 很容易親近,與此同時也感到空虛
Jen-Yu Wang on Google

Hsu Jackie on Google

西元1804年(清嘉慶9年)一直到1837年(清道光17年)間,清朝政府相繼在鳳山新城的角隅興建6座砲台,目前仍存有3座,都是依照地形興建。 砲台採用咾咕石及卵石為主要建材,位置是在當時鳳山新城的東南角,從東便門沿著鳳山溪走就可以看到了。 IG: t.p.f.v_1798 FB: 旅。拍。食。攝。1798
From 1804 (the 9th year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty) to 1837 (the 17th year of the Daoguang Dynasty in the Qing Dynasty), the Qing government successively built 6 forts in the corners of Fengshan New City. The main building materials for the fort were pebbles and pebbles. The fort was located in the southeast corner of Fengshan New Town at that time. You could see it from Dongbianmen along Fengshan Stream. IG: t.p.f.v_1798 FB: Brigade. shoot. Food. photo. 1798
Chen Ourway on Google

Worth to visit by
Scott St. John on Google

not bad
Douglas Wong on Google

Excellent preserved with a park and trail following the moat.
Dale Nolan Jr. on Google

The path along the river is and excellent walk. The wall it’s self will be a 2min venture before you move on. They do have some interesting information posted on some plaques about it though.

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