專炙炭烤 - Kaohsiung City

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 專炙炭烤

地址 :

830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, 青年路二段150- 3號專炙炭烤

電話 : 📞 +88987897
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Barbecue-Restaurant/%25E5%25B0%2588%25E7%2582%2599%25E7%25A2%25B3%25E7%2583%25A4-120989561962214/
城市 : Fengshan District

830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, 青年路二段150- 3號專炙炭烤
林智雄 on Google

莊富傑 on Google

連晉偉 on Google

good to eat
呂尚堯 on Google

good to eat
Momo on Google

The stuff is super delicious. The boss is kind and polite~
周星星 on Google

人不炙烤,枉燒年。 燒年,買來吃就對了。
People do not burn, burn the year in vain. It’s the right thing to buy and eat after burning the New Year.
賽樂思 on Google

從他們還在麥當勞大路邊就吃到現在,越來越好吃!!! 現在終於有固定店面了,大推!!鳳山必吃
Since they were still eating at the McDonald's roadside, they are getting more and more delicious! ! ! Now there is finally a fixed storefront, a big push! ! Fengshan must eat
宇文南零 on Google

超級美味,把肉的美味,菜的香味 透過烤匠的手展現出來, 只有3-6日有營業 鳳山人的好口福
Super delicious, put the deliciousness of the meat, the fragrance of the dishes Through the hands of the baker, Only open for 3-6 days The good taste of Fengshan people

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