齊祥中醫診所 - Kaohsiung City

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Contact 齊祥中醫診所

地址 :

830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, 青年路二段269號齊祥中醫診所

電話 : 📞 +88778
Opening hours :
Wednesday 8:30AM–12PM
Thursday 8:30AM–12PM
Friday 8:30AM–12PM
Saturday 8:30AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–12PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12PM
城市 : Fengshan District

830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, 青年路二段269號齊祥中醫診所
yesme Nil on Google

Dr. Ding is very good and has the right pulse, but he may be anxious and speak very quickly, I have a little difficulty listening, so I keep asking, I am embarrassed to say XD again
Fotol Tipus on Google

這裡環境不錯??不過來看診的人有點多,第一次來沒辦法先預約,所以要提早來掛號看診,而且因為來看診的人太多了,所以有截止掛號時間(如圖)?? 三位醫師都很讚!不過丁院長的診要等好久,所以想看院長的人可以提早來掛號!
The environment here is good ?? But there are a lot of people who come to see the doctor, and there is no way to make an appointment for the first time, so you have to come to see the doctor early, and because there are too many people coming to see the doctor, there is a deadline for the registration (as shown in the figure) )?? The three doctors are very good! However, Dean Ding’s consultation has to wait a long time, so those who want to see the dean can register early!
茵茵 on Google

徐醫生非常細心 具專業 有任何問題都可以問 很讚喔 大推薦?? 從調理到經絡都給徐醫生處理好 這裡的服務也很不錯?
Doctor Xu is very careful and professional You can ask any questions Great recommendation?? Doctor Xu will handle everything from conditioning to meridian The service here is also very good?
李光旻 on Google

The doctors and massage therapists are really patient, and the fees are really cost-effective, thank you very much
吳琪昱 on Google

謝謝陳、丁醫師 用藥幫助調理體質, 困擾多年的過敏性鼻炎有得到改善。。
Thank you, Dr. Chen and Ding, for taking medicine to help regulate your constitution. Allergic rhinitis, which has been troubled for many years, has improved. .
jing ya kao on Google

I have been conditioning Director Ding for more than half a year. Every time I return to the clinic, I will prescribe medicine according to my physical condition, and my pulse is super fast and accurate??
陳葵 on Google

在我心裡眼裡只有丁院長是中醫 而且是在世華佗 妙手回春 永遠追隨丁院長 除了院長外的中醫師在我眼裡心裡皆是凡人 丁院長是唯一診出我有胰臟炎,跟調理好我跟朋友們身體根源的神聖手,如果再有人詆毀他,即便他本人忙到沒空訴訟,我也會盡其所能幫他,院內護理人員跟我皆是從前醫院追隨他至今,能讓大家甚至許多病患不遠千里到來,不是沒緣由的,而且他是這世上最誠實,最有醫德,中醫界的佛祖了
In my heart, only Director Ding is a Chinese medicine practitioner And it is in Shihuatuo, a wonderful hand to rejuvenate, and always follow Dean Ding In my eyes, all TCM physicians except the dean are ordinary people Dean Ding is the only holy hand who diagnosed me with pancreatitis and took care of the root causes of my friends and me. If anyone slanders him again, even if he is too busy to litigate himself, I will do my best to help him. The nursing staff in the hospital and I are all following him from the former hospital to now. It is not without reason that everyone and even many patients can come from thousands of miles. Moreover, he is the most honest, the most ethical, and the Buddha in the field of Chinese medicine.
洪謙 on Google

個人經驗 文長 本次是請丁院長做治療,也是第一次給貴診所治療。因為聽聞貴診所人數眾多,等待時間長而且醫生願意聽病患訴說症狀,因上述我在最早時就已經在外等候開門。剛走進診所掛號完後,確定診所人數確實眾多,剛好在等待時趁閒暇時間觀看3位醫師的介紹。每位醫師的介紹都非常非常的厲害(可治療的項目非常的多),我自己心想醫生都那麼厲害一定,樣樣精通,唯獨丁院長的專業醫治項目就比其他兩位醫生還來的少一點點,我心想是不是特別專攻幾項所以才列出少許幾項專業。註:丁院長有治療青春痘專業。 等待許久後,輪到我看診,我坐定位後,醫生問我說要看甚麼,我說想要降火氣(小弟口臭火氣大,半夜口渴嚴重影響睡眠,也有青春痘困擾,我在家人的勸導下看中醫,因為貴診所醫生的網路評價甚佳,所以選擇)。我跟醫生提起幾天前我在另一家中醫診所看過,但吃藥後,病情更加嚴重,口乾舌燥、口破、青春痘、耳朵癢樣樣來(上述都是火氣大(肝火大)的症狀)。醫生聽完症狀後,幫我開幾個常用藥,此時我跟醫生說:「可以幫我降肝火的藥加重一點嗎?」。我敢提出上述是因為在過往的經驗,我知道我的身體屬於肝火大燥熱型(我已經嚴重到口水是苦的,相信稍微有經驗的朋友一定了解),我給醫生看了我爸爸以現在吃的藥單(因為我們家)幾乎都是同一症狀(但我爸爸多出其中一個藥是在治療手推血氣),當時我爸爸的藥他有請醫生開比較重,我一吃半夜口渴的症狀在當晚直接改善(口水分泌出來,不需要半夜起來補水,當晚睡超級好),我也將這個經歷告訴醫生並給醫生看了爸爸的藥單和前幾天就診的藥單。 以下醫生脾氣上來 殊不知醫生居然脾氣起來,告訴我:這是在汙辱醫生的專業嗎?你知道嗎?你這樣叫我照開單我就是在汙辱自己那麼多年的經驗,並跟我說你這樣沒有任何醫師治療的了你,最後外加一句,中醫是慢慢調養你吃另一家的藥沒壓下來是我在火氣爬升中,並不是要沒效,而你吃你爸爸的藥有效,而且你只吃一包,這都是你自己的心理作用,中醫是需要1跟月到3個約的慢速治療,中一不是西醫。(這裡我蠻想反駁,在地圖評論區有個治療感冒留言,也是互吃藥在短時間藥到病除)。我心想我只是跟你說我吃這個藥有效,也想給醫生更了解我身體的狀況,並沒有要請院長您【照開單】。 以上都還沒有進行把脈的動作 接下來醫生幫我把脈,丁院長的手真的是非常的大,把脈左右手摸個2、3秒就搞定,我自己想以前被爸爸帶去中老中醫診所看,老中醫都沒那麼厲害(等等在下一段分享以前的小插曲),把脈後院長表示,我只是單純緊張導致火氣大(我自己去詢問過其他醫生要以脈相來看:弦脈),也卻實我是屬於容易緊張的急性子,我在實習單位面試時我才走進去坐下後講兩句就被叫說不要緊張(這就是個性沒辦法 ^^)。此時我好奇心突發問院長,您除了知道我容易緊張,在我的脈象還發現甚麼,如哪個器官比較弱,或旺,還是氣血怎麼樣(因為我從小就被老中醫把脈把到高一,所以我自己的身體我非常的清楚),丁院長答:就緊張,你就是緊張的脈象而已。我當時萬念俱灰,因為我從小到大我完全的知道那個該死的肝火讓我一直有火氣存在。因為我想快速讓醫生了解我的生體狀況,但醫生因為脾氣上來直接說,我先開給你3天的藥劑都是標準降肝火的配方(因為剛進診間(第二段)就有提到,所以醫生直接開降肝火的藥),如果沒有效果你也不用再來就診。哇!!!!!我聽到後面句我放棄了(我懂貴診所不缺病人,看了來隊的場景我也知道),我點頭應了丁醫師的話,反正他也想趕我走。 先分享小插曲,正規正規正規的老中醫,會先請你坐下來,只會問一句你想看甚麼,或是有甚麼不舒服,一句話後就會請自己先安靜。此時老中醫會進行把脈,一場安靜的把脈,就會將自己身體哪裡有問題對病人進行告知(無論是器官,或是氣血的問題)。可惜老中醫已經歸西了,逼不得已才去尋求其他門診。 到家後 我看了看醫生給的成分,摁!難怪網路說有效,醫生憑藉著經驗,深信我說我的肝上火就開降火的藥,重點是藥劑很敢開重。雖然這也是我自己理想的藥方啦(有去上網查詢過藥方說明)!但醫生深信我講的話?就不怕開那麼重的藥,其實我說的是錯的(個人猜測可能是丁醫師因為脾氣起來,所以直接將我打發,並給我我自己想要的藥物,但因為脾氣可能醫德過不去吧!)。回想以前,難怪有人說過發現醫生不會把脈,就趕快把症狀說一清楚講明白,這樣就可以救自己。 結論: 1.中醫是很厲害的醫學,但真的會把脈且裝的精準的醫生非常的少,遇到不會把脈的就趕快將自己的症狀說清楚講明白,遇到敢開的醫生照理說就可以藥到病除!。 2.中醫一開始抓不準沒關係(因為中醫副作用小,甚至幾乎沒有),但醫生如果自己不願意聽病人講解、訴說,會大幅影響治療進度(可能來第二次就會抓準藥方,可是醫生不聽就會需要回診多次才抓到適合自己的藥) 3.我自己找到願意聽病人的中醫診所,目前身體改善是小有成效,聽了院長的狠話,也知道貴診所不缺病人,而也不會再進入貴診所了,我自己覺得並不是大間氣派,就可以那麼的耍大牌。 文章長有看完的網友,非常感謝! 感想: 1.我並沒有想要挑戰醫生的權威,我也知道可以坐上院長不容易,但醫生應該是了解病患,傾聽病患的症狀吧!還是醫生也有心理學系頂尖的專業,都不用說,都不用碰,看臉就可以知道病患怎麼了! 2.因為脾氣打發病人,因為給醫師看以前的藥單,就是在汙辱醫師,給點想法叫做不尊重專業,上述目的只是為了給醫生在第一次的就診就可以快速知道我的身體狀況而已。此點真是刷新我的三觀 3.觀看網路評價,丁醫師親切,用藥準,只是掛號小姐比較不親切,藥準不準我是不知道啦!但我自己看了藥成分就是敢開重 看診五到十分鐘就有少許感想 以上小小的抱怨送給貴診所….貴診所不缺病人,抱怨個幾句ok吧^^ 備註:第一次不能使用預約功能,所以需要先排隊哦!
Personal experience This is the treatment of Dean Ding, and it is also the first time to treat your clinic. It is said that there are a large number of people in your clinic, the waiting time is long and the doctor is willing to listen to the patients to tell the symptoms, because I have been outside waiting for the door to open at the earliest. After entering the clinic and registering, it was confirmed that there were indeed a large number of people in the clinic, and I just took the free time to watch the introduction of the three doctors while waiting. The introduction of each doctor is very, very powerful (there are many items that can be treated). I think that the doctors are so good and must be proficient in everything. Only Dean Ding’s professional treatment projects are better than the other two doctors. There are a little less, I wonder if I specialize in a few specialties, so I only list a few majors. Note: Dean Ding has a specialization in the treatment of acne. After waiting for a long time, it was my turn to see the doctor. After I was seated, the doctor asked me what I wanted to see, and I said I wanted to reduce my anger (the little brother has bad breath and irritation, and my thirst in the middle of the night seriously affects my sleep. I also suffer from pimples. I am a family member. See a Chinese medicine doctor under the persuasion of, because your clinic doctor’s online evaluation is very good, so I choose). I told the doctor that I had seen another Chinese medicine clinic a few days ago, but after taking the medicine, my condition became more serious, with dry mouth, broken mouth, pimples, and itchy ears (all of the above are irritable (inflammation)) Symptoms). After the doctor listened to the symptoms, he prescribed several common medicines for me. At this time, I said to the doctor, "Can the medicine for reducing liver fire aggravate me?" I dare to mention the above because of my past experience. I know that my body belongs to the type of irritability and heat (I have been so severe that my saliva is bitter, I believe friends with a little experience must understand). I showed my father to the doctor. The medicine list I took (because of our family) almost all had the same symptoms (but one of my father’s extra medicines was to treat blood gas). At that time, my father’s medicine was prescribed by the doctor and heavier. I was thirsty in the middle of the night. My symptoms improved directly that night (saliva secreted, I don’t need to wake up in the middle of the night to get hydrated, and I slept super well that night). I also told the doctor about this experience and showed my father’s medicine list and the medicine list for the previous day. The following doctors have a temper As everyone knows, the doctor got angry and told me: Is this insulting the doctor’s professionalism? Did you know? You told me to order the bill. I was insulting my experience for so many years, and told me that you did not have any doctors to treat me like this. Finally, I have to add another sentence. Chinese medicine is slowly taking care of you. Take another medicine. It’s not suppressed because I’m climbing up my anger. It’s not to be ineffective, but you take your father’s medicine to be effective, and you only take one pack. These are all your own psychological effects. Traditional Chinese medicine requires one month to three appointments for slow treatment. Zhongyi is not Western medicine. (I want to refute it here. There is a cold message in the comment area of ​​the map. It is also to take medicine in a short time until the illness is cured). I thought I was just telling you that this medicine is effective, and I want to give the doctor a better understanding of my physical condition, and I didn’t ask the dean to [make a bill]. None of the above has yet to take the pulse Next, the doctor helped me get my pulse. Dean Ding’s hands are really very big. It takes two or three seconds to get the pulse with both left and right hands. I think I was taken to a Chinese and old Chinese medicine clinic by my father before, but the old Chinese doctors were not so good ( (Wait to share the previous episode in the next paragraph). After taking the pulse, the dean said that I was only nervous because of my irritation (I myself asked other doctors to look at the pulse phase: Xuanmai), but it was actually easy to get nervous. I was impatient. I walked in and sat down during the interview at the internship unit, and I was told not to be nervous after a few words (this is the personality can’t help it^^). At this time, my curiosity suddenly asked the dean, in addition to knowing that I am easy to get nervous, what else do you find in my pulse, such as which organ is weaker or prosperous, or how about qi and blood? In the first year of high school, so I know my own body very well), Dean Ding replied: You are nervous, you are just a nervous pulse. At that time, I was so desperate, because since I was little, I fully knew that the damn anger kept me angry all the time. Because I want to let the doctor know about my biological condition quickly, but because of my temper, the doctor said directly that the medicine I prescribed for you for 3 days is the standard formula for reducing liver fire Mentioned, so the doctor directly prescribes the medicine for reducing liver fire), if there is no effect, you don't need to come to the doctor again. Wow!!!!! I heard the last sentence I gave up (I know that your clinic has no shortage of patients, I also know the scene of the team), I nodded in response to Dr. Ding's words, he wanted to drive me away anyway. Share the episode first. The regular and regular old Chinese doctor will ask you to sit down first, and will only ask you what you want to see or if you are uncomfortable. After a sentence, you will ask yourself to be quiet. At this time, the old Chinese doctor will take the pulse, a quiet pulse, and will inform the patient where there is a problem in his body (whether it is an organ or qi and blood problem). It's a pity that the old Chinese doctor has already returned to the West, so he was forced to seek other outpatient clinics. After arriving home I looked at the ingredients given by the doctor and pressed! No wonder the Internet says it is effective. Based on experience, the doctor convinced me that I would prescribe fire-reducing medicine when my liver is on fire. Although this is my own ideal prescription (I have checked the prescription on the Internet)! But the doctor believes what I say? I am not afraid of prescribing such heavy drugs. In fact, what I said is wrong (personal guess may be that Dr. Ding is because of his temper. I got up, so I sent me directly and gave me the medicine I wanted, but because of my temper, I might not be able to get through with medical ethics!). In retrospect, it’s no wonder that someone said that they found that the doctor could not get the pulse, so they should explain the symptoms clearly, so that they can save themselves. in conclusion: 1. Traditional Chinese medicine is a very powerful medicine, but there are very few doctors who really know the pulse and pretend to be precise. If you don’t know the pulse, please quickly explain your symptoms clearly. If you meet a doctor who dares to prescribe, just follow the rules. It can be cured! 2. It doesn’t matter if TCM doctors are not able to grasp at the beginning (because the side effects of TCM are small, or even have almost no), but if the doctor is unwilling to listen to the patient’s explanations and complaints, it will greatly affect the progress of the treatment (maybe the prescription will be grasped the second time, but If the doctor doesn’t listen, he will need to go back to the clinic several times to get the medicine that suits him.) 3. I have found a Chinese medicine clinic that is willing to listen to patients. The improvement of my body is small and effective. After listening to the dean’s harsh words, I also know that your clinic does not lack patients and will not enter your clinic again. I don’t think it is Big room style, you can play big cards like that. There are netizens who have finished reading this article, thank you very much! Thoughts: 1. I don’t want to challenge the authority of the doctor. I also know that it’s not easy to be the dean, but the doctor should understand the patient and listen to the symptoms of the patient! It’s also the doctor who has the top specialty in the psychology department. No need to touch, you can know what's wrong with the patient just by looking at the face! 2. It is because of the temper to beat the sick person, because showing the doctor the previous medicine list is insulting the doctor, and giving some thoughts called disrespect for professionalism. The above purpose is only to let the doctor know my physical condition quickly at the first visit. . This point really refreshes my three views 3. Watching the online evaluation, Dr. Ding is kind and accurate in taking the medicine, but the registered lady is not so kind. I don’t know if the medicine is allowed! But I saw the ingredients of the medicine and dared to prescribe it again. I feel a little after five to ten minutes of seeing a doctor. The above small complaints are sent to your clinic... Your clinic has no shortage of patients, please complain a few words ok^^ Remarks: The reservation function cannot be used for the first time, so you need to line up first!

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