夜宵入口|鳳山店 - Fengshan District

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 夜宵入口|鳳山店

地址 :

830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, Ruixing Rd, 201號夜宵入口|鳳山店

電話 : 📞 +88779
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/YEXIAOEntrance/%3Fmodal%3Dsuggested_action%26notif_id%3D1559479823553562%26notif_t%3Dpage_user_activity
城市 : Ruixing Rd

830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, Ruixing Rd, 201號夜宵入口|鳳山店
MoMo Mila on Google

論宵夜店來說,這家店確實不會踩雷,而因為是宵夜店,價格就會比較高一些。 小時候奶茶—-就是早餐店奶茶,但是,是好喝的。 鹹豬肉飯,吃好幾次了,如果太晚買,有時候就沒飯了。 年糕蛋餅,很特別,可以吃吃看。 炸黑輪片,香酥脆,口味很Ok。
As far as night snack bars are concerned, this shop really won't step on thunder, but because it's a night snack bar, the price will be higher. When I was a child, milk tea was the milk tea in the breakfast shop, but it was delicious. Salted pork rice, I have eaten it several times. If I buy it too late, sometimes there will be no rice. The rice cake cake is very special, you can eat it and see it. Fried black round slices, crispy and delicious.
林佩瑱 on Google

電話訂餐,進店取餐時一位戴眼鏡男工讀生口罩拉至下巴在準備餐點,防疫期間衛生堪憂!餐點一共159元,拿了500元給店員竟找我141元?整個莫名其妙欸~ 反正再也不會來店消費了,煩請老闆或是店長之類的有看到此則留言請管好自己的員工,口罩戴好這種基本衛生觀念都做不到,就別跟人家做生意了。哦對了,連一星都不想給。
Ordering meals over the phone, a male working student wearing glasses pulled the mask to his chin to prepare meals when he entered the store to pick up meals. During the epidemic prevention period, the hygiene was worrying! The total meal is 159 yuan, and the clerk paid me 141 yuan for 500 yuan? The whole thing is amazing~ Anyway, I will never come to the store for consumption again. I would like to ask the boss or store manager to take care of their own employees when they see this message. Wearing a mask can't do the basic hygiene concept, so don't do business with others. . Oh yes, I don't even want to give one star.
Vic S on Google

溫暖色調的小店 簡單的裝潢 乾淨的設計 在下班的氛圍中 給自己一點空間 放鬆的吃吃飯 放鬆的逛逛店 放鬆的喝喝茶 放鬆的放鬆 散散步
Small shop in warm tones Simple decor Clean design In an after-get off work atmosphere Give yourself some space Relax eating Relaxing shopping Relax and drink tea Relax, take a walk
黃綉雅 on Google

It's a very good place to have a late night snack, and the shopkeepers are so friendly
gguu wang on Google

The food is delicious, the portion is large, you can use the five times coupon/Kaohsiung coupon/i original coupon/Taiwan pay/jiekou/linepaymoney, the proprietress and the staff are very kind
Yuan on Google

餐點: ?奶油燻雞義大利麵?75 (升級海鮮派對➕30,搭配套餐飲品折25) (套餐A49~雞翅、薯條➕飲品,套餐B69~雞塊、薯條➕飲品) 美味等級????? 麵條帶有嚼勁,奶油香氣濃郁,燻雞吃起來不乾柴,玉米筍及花椰菜很新鮮脆感足夠,在灑血調味粉讓義大利麵整體加分,最後擺上升級後的海鮮,新鮮的蝦蝦及花枝,真的好讚! ?薯條(細薯、脆薯、波浪薯選一) 炸得金黃酥脆,可惜粉的味道有點偏鹹 ?炸雞塊 酥脆的外皮,肉質鮮嫩,湯油汁緊緊鎖在裡面,辣度也很夠,真的是太好吃了的炸雞塊,愛上! ?餵你炸醬麵蛋餅?55(➕起司10元) 美味等級????? 這名稱真的讓我笑了,呈現上來真的好壯觀,蛋餅皮內放滿炸醬麵,炸醬麵不死鹹,香氣四溢,讓人讚不絕口,蛋餅皮呈現美美的黃色。份量超多。 飲品: ?小時候奶茶?大/30,小/20 美味等級???? 喝了一口有古早味的口感,又有點說不出來的創新特別,滑順濃郁,在嘴裡瀰漫看來,,一口接著一口,喝完還想再喝,就像標題寫著”別渴到了”。 — — — — — 特色: 店家位於#瑞興路 門口有位貓貓人等著您拍照呢!店裡環境整潔明亮,裝潢擺設十分的美觀,美美的牆適合拍照,店員親切,在餐點上精心製作,價格合理,菜單上有趣的餐點標題,是個優質的宵夜用餐地點,是個好選擇!CP值高,值得回訪。 拍攝:by Yuan IG:Yuan_eat_life Potato Media 及MENU ? Yuan_eat_life都可以找到我唷❤️
Meals: ? Creamy Smoked Chicken Pasta?75 (Upgrade the seafood party➕30, with a set menu drink 25% off) (Set A49~Chicken Wings, French Fries➕Drink, Set B69~Chicken Nuggets, French Fries➕Drink) Delicious level????? The noodles are chewy and creamy. The smoked chicken does not taste dry. The bamboo shoots and broccoli are fresh and crisp enough. Sprinkle the blood seasoning powder to add points to the whole pasta, and finally put the upgraded seafood, fresh The prawns and flower sticks are really good! ?Fries (choose one from thin potato, crisp potato or wave potato) It's golden and crispy, but the powder tastes a bit salty ? Fried chicken nuggets The crispy skin, the meat is fresh and tender, the soup oil is tightly locked inside, and the spiciness is enough. It is really delicious fried chicken nuggets, I love it! ?Hey, fried sauce noodle omelette?55 (➕ cheese 10 yuan) Delicious level????? The name really made me laugh. The presentation is really spectacular. The omelet crust is filled with fried noodles. The fried noodles are not deadly salty, and the fragrance is full of praise. The crust of the omelette is beautifully yellow. The serving size is huge. Drinks: ?Milk tea when I was young?big/30, small/20 Delicious level???? After a sip, it has a taste of ancient times, and a bit of unspeakable innovation, special, smooth and full-bodied, and it seems that, one sip after another, I want to drink again after drinking, just like the title says "Don’t be thirsty." arrive". — — — — — feature: The store is located at #瑞兴路 There is a cat at the door waiting for you to take a photo! The environment is clean and bright, the decoration is very beautiful, the beautiful wall is suitable for taking pictures, the staff is kind, the meals are carefully made, the price is reasonable, the interesting meal titles on the menu, it is a high-quality supper dining place, a good choice ! The CP value is high and it is worth a return visit. Shooting: by Yuan IG: Yuan_eat_life Potato Media and MENU ? Yuan_eat_life can find me ❤️
獅子丸 on Google

炒泡麵是統一肉燥麵的味道 吃起來沒什麼鹹味 而且很乾 份量就是一包泡麵 $75 Cp值不高 貴 泰式打拋豬吃起來還行 之前想來吃一堆人 沒位置 結果今天吃了覺得很普通 可能期待太高了?
Stir-fried instant noodles is the taste of unified pork noodles It doesn't taste salty and it's dry The serving size is a pack of instant noodles $75 Cp value is not expensive Thai style pork belly tastes ok I wanted to eat a bunch of people before, but there was no place As a result, I ate it today and felt normal. Maybe expectations are too high ?
Grass Dai on Google

本來想給五顆星,因為覺得食物好吃,價錢份量也很可以,服務態度也不錯。 但因為一塊炸雞毀掉所有好感,我是點辣味炸雞,但來的是原味,可惜的是肉有冰箱味,這是其次,我向廚房反應的時候,得到的回答並不友善,應該是老闆吧,回應我之前也有人跟他說吃起來是原味,但廠商給他就是這樣,他找時間再「自己吃吃看」吧!! 從頭到尾沒一句抱歉,看了評論說辣味炸雞很好吃而點的我,感到無言,但我還是跟他說了謝謝。
Originally wanted to give five stars, because I think the food is delicious, the price and portion are also very good, and the service attitude is also good. But because a piece of fried chicken ruined all the good feelings, I ordered spicy fried chicken, but the original flavor came, unfortunately, the meat had a refrigerator smell, which is second, when I reacted to the kitchen, the answer I got was not friendly, It should be the boss. In response to me, someone told him that it tasted original, but that's what the manufacturer gave him. He will find time to "eat and see for himself"! ! I didn't say sorry from the beginning to the end. I was speechless when I ordered the spicy fried chicken after reading the comments, but I still said thank you to him.

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