
2.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 紅螞蟻鞋品

地址 :

830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, Zhongshan Rd, 138-5號紅螞蟻鞋品

城市 : Zhongshan Rd

830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, Zhongshan Rd, 138-5號紅螞蟻鞋品
黃品蓉 on Google

I do n’t want to give a star, the clerk is very impatient, and I do n’t like the second pair of shoes
許秀惠 on Google

There are many styles of shoes, the prices are close to the people, there are high prices and general prices, but the quality is not bad, and individuals like to buy their shoes because they are cheap and beautiful.
Ziqing Phoon on Google

The service of the clerk is the same as that of everyone, and it is so bad. The product is flawed and I don’t want to remedy it. This kind of service attitude is eye-opening, I don’t want to give a star, bad review~~
heart chakra on Google

產品有問題要換貨 結果店員不斷在有瑕疵可以給你換 跟可是你穿過我不能再賣不能換 重複跳針數十次 現在買鞋子都要先預知鞋子會不會有瑕疵
The product has a problem to be replaced As a result, the clerk keeps having defects and can change it for you Follow me, but you ca n’t sell it or change it Repeat stitches dozens of times Now when buying shoes, we must first predict whether the shoes will be defective.
夏筱瑄 on Google

店員態度超差 知道當下沒有要購買 馬上大轉變 說你幹嘛浪費我的時間 我還第一次遇到試穿就一定要跟你買 這服務員真的不行
The clerk's attitude is very bad Knowing that there is no purchase A big change right away, why are you wasting my time I have to buy it from you the first time I try on it This waiter is really bad
- BR浪逃殺 (‪BR浪逃殺‬) on Google

It's OK, a small shoe store.
謝宜均 on Google

台灣製的鞋品種類多&平價質好很耐穿?穿去表演跑跳No Problem?
There are many kinds of shoes made in Taiwan & the price is good and the quality is very durable. Wear it to perform No Problem ?
羅聖凱 on Google

老婆買鞋子經驗,以下供參考 [文長慎入] 再也不去中山路上那間紅昆蟲的鞋品店了,同時也不買某G牌的鞋子。 06/25在那裡看上了一雙某G牌涼鞋,想要買,同樣的鞋子我在「鞋全家福」有看過,可是當時沒剛好的尺寸,是台灣製造,我很想支持,真的很好穿,可是後來發生的事情讓我不想再買這個牌子。 當時服務我們的是店長,店長堅持如果要拿現貨,只能拿架子上的試穿鞋。我和媽媽討論去「鞋全家福」請該店調貨好了,還可以刷卡(因為紅昆蟲鞋品說要付現,刷卡還要加三趴),店長在旁邊聽到就一直說「鞋全家福」的鞋子品質不好都是大陸貨(明明一樣上面也寫台灣製造啊!) 後來想如果去「鞋全家福」還要另外找時間去,來到這也是緣分,不如就在這邊買。當時試穿的是左腳而已,為了平衡試走看看,我希望能兩腳一起試穿,店長一直強調她們的鞋子都是新的,拿出用塑膠膜套包好的右腳鞋,但只給我看了一眼,也沒打算拆給我試穿,丟在了櫃台旁的鞋架上,就回到櫃檯去坐下,而且一直重複碎念她們家的鞋子都是「新的」,「除非妳們有『潔癖』」,如果有潔癖很介意她可以幫我們調新的貨,但是要幾天後才會到。我到這裡要特別繞路,所以想說既然店長一直強調是新鞋,那就阿薩力的掏出錢買了(我真傻!)。 媽媽看上一雙零碼鞋,可是這間店將零碼鞋用塑膠套包起來,媽媽跟店長問說可不可以試穿,但店長堅持不拆封,可能是我個人想太多,但是她的語氣聽起有點輕蔑不耐煩,包括剛剛抹黑其他店家、一直強調「新鞋」和我們「有潔癖」這三件事,聽起來實在不怎麼舒服,但當時想說是買鞋子不是買態度,也就沒計較太多。 第二天開心的穿上新鞋去上班,一開始就覺得當時沒辦法試穿的右腳有點過緊,左腳試穿鞋可能很多人試穿,變得比較鬆,但想說是當時自己的錯,沒堅持請店長拆封(但當時店長臭臉加碎念,我又是個俗辣),所以自己安慰自己穿一陣子兩邊應該會差不多。 沒想到才穿了兩個小時,只在辦公室和教室走動,沒有爬山健走賽跑飛簷走壁和跌倒,涼鞋邊扣環的鬆緊帶居然就爆開斷掉了,實在是太令人驚訝了!但也沒別的鞋子穿,只能拖著壞掉的涼鞋拐著去上課。 下班以後趕快去處理這件事,店員看了只說會幫我送廠商維修看看,並且會「爭取看看」不用維修費。回家以後告訴媽媽,媽媽覺得才穿兩個小時鞋子就壞了,顯示鞋子的品質堪慮,而且只幫我們維修,不換新的,維修費還只是「爭取」,她覺得應該問問可不可以退貨。 我們打電話去詢問,可是店員一開始是推託「晚一點」再聯絡廠商,之後再聯絡我們。 媽媽又問:「那麼請問『晚一點』是什麼時候?請給我們一個比較具體的時間好嗎?大約幾小時?」店員就說她們「很忙」,所以可能要「很晚、非常晚」,又說了各種藉口和理由不讓我們退貨,說是實體店面沒有七天內可退貨的規定(說真的,我後來上網查了一下,若是商品有「瑕疵」,七天內是可以退貨的,更何況我才「正常的」穿兩小時就壞了,還有半個小時我是在機車上根本沒走路,可以算商品本身有「瑕疵」了吧?)。我媽媽並不想事情一直懸而不決,柔和的講一直被店員打太極,所以後來語氣有點強硬,請店員去問廠商。之後不久店長馬上回電,一改昨天的氣燄,很客氣的跟我們說可以去退貨。 到了店裡,本想退了鞋子拿錢以後就馬上離開,想不到店長說了我們一頓,說什麼店員也是人家請的,說我們不該兇她。痾……但問題是一直被打太極啊!根本不聽我們的訴求。好吧,我媽媽就解釋和道歉語氣強硬的部分,這時候,店長又說那家製作涼鞋的廠商也有來,要他來跟我們解釋一下。 那家涼鞋是G開頭的書寫體,對不起我英文不好不認得那個牌子,所以簡稱那位廠商先生為G先生。G先生一來,就說我們的鞋子壞成那樣,一看就知道一定是被我們扯壞的,然後大發慈悲的語氣說如果這到其他家店,一定是不給我們換的(意思是要我們感恩這間紅昆蟲鞋品的大恩大德嗎?)。 我當下好無言,我們買了鞋子就是喜歡才買的,哪可能會故意去扯壞它然後又自找麻煩拿去換?我家又不是在鞋店附近吃飽太閒!我們試著跟G先生解釋,我們根本沒去扯那條鬆緊帶,更何況去扯斷!(而且說真的,那個扣環的鬆緊帶設計本來不就是要給人家拉過去扣住鞋子的嗎?我腳夠小所以其實也沒拉扯到)我也只走平地,沒跑沒跳沒泡水,只穿兩小時就自己斷掉了呀! 想不到G先生竟然生氣了,堅持就是我們扯斷的,還說反正這鞋子也沒多少錢,他回去也是丟掉,說的同時狠狠把鞋子摔在我腳前,差點砸到我,怒罵「係咧供三洨」又對我們說髒話,還叫我們有種到外面講(痾是想出去打我們嗎?)。從頭到尾我們沒罵人沒大聲,只是好好解釋,而這位G先生卻暴怒還對我們扔鞋子,一副要打人的樣子,說多可怕就多可怕,還挑釁說有種我們叫警察(警察沒有很閒好嗎,我們一沒鬧事二沒砸店……嗯等等,砸鞋子的不就是你G先生嗎?)所以我拿出手機說沒關係,那我就錄影蒐證,他馬上轉身出去到他的小貨卡旁邊一邊嗆一邊比劃恐嚇的手勢(嗯但是那時他的聲音不夠大,錄起來不清楚,又一直被店長阻止,所以沒錄影)。店長本來叫我們離開,可是我們說我們怕出去會有危險不敢走,她才去勸那個G先生離開,他開車走,我們才離開。 事情是有順利辦成啦,可是我覺得非常不開心,被人誣賴和罵髒話摔鞋的感覺很差,我以後不會去買那G牌鞋子,也不會再去那間店了。 喔,還有,任何產品都可能會有瑕疵,這很正常,我一點也不會在意,如果G先生當下好好講,不要一直強調是我弄壞的,後續好好處理,我根本不會生氣,也不會想打這篇文章。人處事的方法和態度真的很重要啊......
Wife buying shoes experience, the following is for reference [Wen Chang Shen enters] Never go to the shoe store of Red Insect on Zhongshan Road again, nor buy some G brand shoes. 06/25 I saw a pair of G brand sandals there and wanted to buy them. I saw the same shoes in "Family Shoes", but they didn’t have the right size at the time. They were made in Taiwan. I really want to support them. They are really good. Wear it, but what happened later made me no longer want to buy this brand. At that time, it was the store manager who served us, and the store manager insisted that if you want to get the stock, you can only try on the shoes on the shelf. My mother and I discussed going to the "Shoes Family Portrait" to request the store to adjust the goods, and you can also swipe your card (because Red Insect Shoes says you have to pay for cash, you have to pay three times for the card). The store manager kept saying "Shoes Family Portrait" when he heard it next to me. Shoes that are of poor quality are all made in mainland China (it also says made in Taiwan!) Later, I thought that if I went to "Family Shoes", I had to find another time to go. It was fate to come here, so I might as well just buy it here. At that time, I only tried on the left foot. In order to balance the trial walk, I hope to try on both feet together. The store manager always emphasized that their shoes are new. They took out the right foot shoes wrapped in plastic film, but only for I took a look and didn’t plan to open it for me to try on. I threw it on the shoe rack next to the counter, then went back to the counter to sit down, and kept repeating that their shoes were "new", "unless You have a "cleanliness fetish". If you have a cleanliness fetish, she can help us adjust the new goods, but it will take a few days to arrive. I have to take a special detour here, so I want to say that since the store manager has always emphasized that they are new shoes, Assali paid for it (I’m so stupid!). Mom saw a pair of odd-size shoes, but this shop wrapped the odd-size shoes with plastic sleeves. Mom asked the store manager if they could try them on, but the store manager insisted not to open the package. Maybe I think too much, but her The tone sounds a bit contemptuous and impatient, including the three things that have just discredited other stores, and have been emphasizing "new shoes" and our "cleanliness addiction". It sounds really uncomfortable, but I wanted to say that buying shoes is not an attitude, and I didn't care too much. The next day I happily put on my new shoes and went to work. At the beginning, I felt that my right foot was too tight. I tried on the shoes with my left foot. Many people may try on the shoes and become looser, but I want to say that I was at that time. It’s wrong, I didn’t insist on asking the store manager to open the package (but at the time, the store manager’s stinky face and thoughts, I was vulgar again), so I comforted myself to wear it for a while. Both sides should be similar. Unexpectedly, I only wore it for two hours. I only walked around in the office and classroom. I didn't have mountain climbing or walking, flying over the walls and falling down. The elastic band of the sandal buckle burst and broke. It is really amazing! But I didn’t have any other shoes, I could only drag my broken sandals to class. Hurry up to deal with the matter after get off work. The clerk only said that he would help me with the manufacturer for repairs, and would "strive to see" without the maintenance fee. After returning home, she told her mother that she felt that the shoes were broken after only two hours of wearing them. This showed that the quality of the shoes was worrying, and she only helped us repair them instead of replacing them with new ones. The maintenance fee was just "fighting". She felt that she should ask if Can be returned. We called to inquire, but at first the clerk tried to contact the manufacturer "later" and then contact us. My mother asked again, "Then what time is "later"? Could you give us a more specific time? About a few hours?" The clerk said they were "very busy", so they might be "very late, very late" , I also said various excuses and reasons for not allowing us to return the goods, saying that the physical store does not have a seven-day return policy (seriously, I later checked it on the Internet. If the product has a "defect", it can be returned within seven days. What's more, I only wore it "normally" for two hours and it broke. I didn't walk on the motorcycle at all for half an hour. It can be considered that the product itself has a "defect"?). My mother didn't want things to remain unresolved. She said softly that she had been playing Tai Chi by the clerk, so her tone was a bit tough and asked the clerk to ask the manufacturer. Soon afterwards, the store manager called back immediately, changing the arrogance of yesterday and politely told us that we could return the goods. When I arrived in the store, I wanted to return the shoes and leave immediately after taking the money. I didn't expect the store manager to say us a meal, saying that the store clerk was hired by others, saying that we should not blame her. Hu... But the problem is that I have been hitting Tai Chi all the time! Does not listen to our demands at all. Well, my mother explained and apologized for the hard part. At this time, the store manager said that the manufacturer of sandals had also come and asked him to explain to us. That sandal is the script that starts with G. I'm sorry that I don't recognize that brand because of my bad English, so I referred to the manufacturer as Mr. G. As soon as Mr. G came, he said that our shoes were broken like that. He knew that we must have torn them. Then he said in a compassionate tone that if they went to other stores, they must not be replaced by us (meaning Are we grateful for the great kindness of this red insect shoe product?). I am so speechless at the moment. We bought shoes because we liked them. How could we deliberately tear them and then ask for trouble to replace them? My family is not eating too much near the shoe store! We tried to explain to Mr. G that we didn't pull the elastic band at all, let alone tear it off! (And to be honest, isn’t the elastic band design of the buckle meant to be pulled over to buckle the shoes? My feet are small enough so I didn’t actually pull them) I also only walked on flat ground, didn’t run, jump, or soak. It broke by itself after only two hours of wearing it! Unexpectedly, Mr. G was actually angry, insisting that we tore it off. He also said that the shoes were not much money anyway. He also threw them away when he went back. While saying that, he slammed the shoes on my feet, almost hitting me and cursed " It’s a confession to Sanmin" and he swears to us and tells us to go outside to talk (Does he want to go out and beat us?). From beginning to end, we didn’t scold or shout loudly, just explain it well, but this Mr. G was furious and threw his shoes at us, looking like he was going to hit people, how terrible it was. He also provoked that we called the policeman. (Will the police be very busy? We didn’t make trouble and we didn’t break the shop...Wait, isn’t it your Mr. G who smashed the shoes?) So I took out my phone and said it’s okay, then I’ll take a video and search for evidence. Turned around and went out to the side of his small cargo card while choking and making threatening gestures (well, but his voice was not loud enough at that time, it was not clear to record, and was blocked by the store manager, so there was no recording). The store manager originally told us to leave, but we said that we were afraid to go out and did not dare to leave, so she went to persuade the Mr. G to leave. He drove away before we left. Things have been done smoothly, but I feel very unhappy. The feeling of being accused of swearing and throwing shoes is very bad. I will not buy that G brand shoes in the future, nor will I go to that store again. Oh, and there may be flaws in any product. This is normal, and I don’t care at all. If Mr. G talks about it now, don’t always emphasize that I broke it. If you deal with it later, I won’t be angry at all. I don't want to hit this article. The way and attitude of people are really important...

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