法米滋 法式手感爆米花 - Kaohsiung City

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

【法米滋法式手感爆米花】團購爆米花,爆米花婚禮小物,人氣爆米花,婚禮爆米花,原味爆米花,焦糖爆米花,甜味爆米花,巧克力爆米花,焦糖爆米花,團購爆米花,高雄伴手禮,cestbonpop - Cestbonpop.com

法米滋法式手感爆米花,法式焦糖、歐蕾巧克力、巴黎草莓、經典原味、香頌起士、海苔、黑芝麻爆米花。三大堅持邀您用舌尖體驗極致! 用味蕾嚐遊法式浪漫。 堅持 | 非基因改造玉米粒、堅持 | 天然食材滋味、堅持 | 手感爆炒製作

【法米滋法式手感爆米花】團購爆米花,爆米花婚禮小物,人氣爆米花,婚禮爆米花,原味爆米花,焦糖爆米花,甜味爆米花,巧克力爆米花,焦糖爆米花,團購爆米花,高雄伴手禮,cestbonpop - Cestbonpop.com


粉絲敲碗的聲音? 我們都聽到了? 6/13 早上10點起到6/19晚上11點59分 新的一波優惠上線 咱們闆大大這禮拜又給了不同優惠 而且~~超~多~der~?? 優惠一次都給你? 想知道有什麼特惠組合嗎? 那就趕快點圖片進入官網看看吧 小編偷偷爆料? 有很涮嘴的椒香爆米花 小朋友最愛的草莓?️ 再來一個 喝酒配茶的章魚花? 還有…. 不能再說了?‍♂️?‍♀️ 快點進去看就對了? 還有還有? 小編要說說原味爆米花的秘密? 現在原味爆米花的味道做了些調整 跟以前的味道不一樣了? 讓小編去電影院都一定要提著它 實在太好吃惹? 想知道小編說的是什麼味道 就趕快趁活動買回家 真的超划算的✨?? 套一句咱們闆大大常說的一句slogan 「趕緊按下去,買起來」 按下去這樣準沒錯?????? 錯過這次一定惠捶心肝? ---------------------- ?法米滋保有最終修改、變更、活動修改及取消活動之權利? ---------------------- ?有任何疑問歡迎找小編? 將會儘快為您解答? ?電話:0903-788-668 Line@詢問:http://lihi.cc/NTjEv

Contact 法米滋 法式手感爆米花

地址 :

83053, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, 鳳仁路93-51號法米滋 法式手感爆米花

電話 : 📞 +887798
網站 : https://www.cestbonpop.com/
城市 : Fengshan District

83053, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, 鳳仁路93-51號法米滋 法式手感爆米花
Dora Xie on Google

好吃到瘋掉~~~~~~~ 朋友帶了一小盒分享,吃完決定開團,不到兩天直接湊滿五十罐 推椒香、巧克力、起司, 尤其是那個椒香,能跟爆米花融合成這幅德性,真的是尬電好吃?? 會神不知鬼不覺的剩下空罐子XD 不說了,又有人敲碗開下一團惹??
Delicious to crazy~~~~~~~ My friend brought a small box to share. After eating, I decided to start a group. In less than two days, I made up 50 cans. Push pepper, chocolate, cheese, Especially the pepper fragrant, which can be combined with popcorn to form this virtue, it is really awkward and delicious ?? There will be an empty jar left without knowing it XD Don’t say anything, someone knocks the bowl to open the next group to provoke ??
Cindy on Google

很準時收到~~好喜歡 很好吃~覺得很值得推薦^_^
I received it on time~~ I like it, it's delicious~ I think it's worth recommending^_^
Yuning Huang on Google

是跟人家團購買的! 巧克力口味真的好好吃! 但是真的好胖好罪惡~~
Bought it from a group! The chocolate flavor is really delicious! But really fat and sinful
Miao on Google

The taste is particularly crisp, and the icing is just right. The more you eat, the smoother the taste. It makes me think of taking pictures after eating.
littling Chen on Google

超好吃~~~直接訂一箱 大推巧克力口味 苦與甜的比例恰到好處?
Super delicious~~~ Order a box directly Big push for chocolate flavors The ratio of bitter and sweet is just right ?
Kiwi Liu on Google

弟弟女朋友買很多桶送我們家 我吃了焦糖、帶勁椒香還不錯 以前我只會吃甜的爆米花 但前男友知道我愛吃辣的 買了另一家爆米花 米樂的墨西哥辣椒,我很喜歡? 從此我就開始嘗試吃鹹的爆米花 這次又吃到這間的 覺得也挺喜歡的~ 而且包裝也蠻適合送禮的 大家可以吃吃看?
Brother and girlfriend bought a lot of barrels for our house I ate caramel and spicy pepper flavored well I used to only eat sweet popcorn But my ex-boyfriend knew I love spicy food Bought another popcorn Miller's jalapeno, I like it very much ? From then on I started to try salty popcorn I ate here again this time I really like it ~ And the packaging is quite suitable for gifts Everyone can eat and see ?
Vege Lily on Google

包裝超精緻的桶裝爆米花,一百五附近送人不會有負擔也有面子, 而且密封技術蠻厲害的, 吃到的每一顆爆米花都很酥脆, 巧克力也不會很死甜,比例調得剛剛好, 已經在研究要買其他口味了?
Packaging ultra-exquisite bucket popcorn, one hundred and five, no more, there is no burden, And the sealing technology is very powerful, Every popcorn to eat is very crisp, Chocolate will not be sweet, the proportion is just right, I have already studied other tastes.
WU Kun-Hua (老猴呷好呷) on Google

【高雄鳳山 - 法米滋爆米花】這陣子小朋友在家視訊上課,大家也不敢亂跑,朋友送給小朋友一箱好吃的爆米花,他們樂的馬上開來吃。這間爆米花開發了很多不同口味,鹹甜都好吃,謝謝朋友送來的零嘴,跟大家分享。 【經典原味】甜甜的爆米花,孩子說是看電影吃的那種好吃的爆米花,一口接一口吃光。 【雞蛋布丁】淡淡的雞蛋布丁風味,屬於甜的爆米花,小孩也是一口接一口,嘴巴停不下來。 【搖滾海苔】小孩第一包打開吃完的口味,爆米花灑上海苔粉,吃起來鹹甜好吃,一下就吃光。 【帶勁椒香】這個是我最喜歡的口味,吃起來鹹甜辣,現在一想到就流 口水,真的非常好吃,就算來一桶,我也可以快速吃光。 【歐蕾巧克力】巧克力香味四溢的爆米花,小孩也非常喜愛。 【巴黎草莓】原本以為小孩特別喜歡草莓口味,可是他們吃沒幾口就丟著,小孩覺得有點甜。 【香頌起司】起司口味也是小孩最愛的一種,吃進嘴裡充滿起司香氣,吃起來鹹甜好吃,這個口味也是讓人停不下來。 【法式焦糖】爆米花裹上一層焦糖,吃起來咔哩咔哩很好吃,能吃到焦糖的味道,不過吃多會膩,所以這樣小包裝剛剛好。 ※我自己當時的用餐經驗與感受,每個人口味不同,不同時段遇到的狀況也不一樣,請斟酌觀看 ^ ^
[Kaohsiung Fengshan - Famizi Popcorn] These days, children are taking video classes at home, and everyone dares not run around. A friend gave the children a box of delicious popcorn, and they happily opened it and ate it right away. This popcorn has developed many different flavors, both salty and sweet are delicious, thank you for the snacks sent by my friends and share with you. [Classic Original Flavor] Sweet popcorn, the child said it was the kind of delicious popcorn eaten while watching a movie, and it was eaten up one by one. [Egg Pudding] The light egg pudding flavor belongs to sweet popcorn, and children are also mouth after mouth, and their mouths can't stop. [Rock and Roll Seaweed] After the child's first package is opened and eaten, the popcorn is sprinkled with seaweed powder. 【Brilliant Pepper Fragrance】This is my favorite flavor. It tastes salty, sweet and spicy. Now I drool just thinking about it. It's really delicious. Even if I come in a bucket, I can eat it up quickly. 【Olle Chocolate】Chocolate-flavored popcorn is also very popular with children. [Paris Strawberry] Originally thought that children like the strawberry flavor very much, but they throw it away after a few bites, and the children find it a bit sweet. [Chanson Cheese] The cheese flavor is also a favorite of children. It is full of cheese aroma in the mouth. It tastes salty and sweet and delicious. This taste is also unstoppable. [French Caramel] The popcorn is coated with caramel, and it tastes delicious. It tastes like caramel, but if you eat too much, it will get greasy, so this small package is just right. ※My own dining experience and feelings at that time, everyone's taste is different, and the situation encountered at different times is also different, please watch it carefully ^ ^

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