眷待期休憩所 - Kaohsiung City

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 眷待期休憩所

地址 :

83059, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, 東三巷102號眷待期休憩所

電話 : 📞 +8898
網站 : https://www.juandaiqi.com/
城市 : Fengshan District
Description : Low-key rooms in a down-to-earth guesthouse offering lounges, a terrace & Wi-Fi.

83059, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, 東三巷102號眷待期休憩所
Melanie Wang on Google

雖然離市中心熱鬧的地方有點距離,但非常喜歡這裡眷村的環境,安靜溫馨。房間與環境整理的非常乾淨,布置也很復古, 有許多兒時回憶中的小物. 管家也簡單的介紹了眷村的歷史與規劃,有別於其他豪華飯店的感受, 有機會會再回訪
Although it is a little away from the lively places in the city center, I really like the environment of the military village here, which is quiet and warm. The rooms and the environment are very clean, the decoration is very retro, and there are many small things from childhood memories. The butler also briefly introduced the history and planning of the military village, which is different from the feelings of other luxury hotels. If you have the opportunity to visit again
劉淑華 on Google

房內有好多小時候家裡常見的老東西! 甚至電視都還是映像管的! 處處可發現管家的用心!一走進屋內彷彿時光倒流........ 環境整潔乾淨,床鋪軟硬適中,床包是全棉的,就像回到家一樣舒適! 位在黃埔新村內,可以體院眷村的住宿,真是非常幸運! 重點是!可帶寵物一起同住,不但不另外收取清潔費,還可以讓寵物在庭院自由奔跑! 如果有機會到高雄,一定要去住!
There are many old things that were common in the house when I was young! Even the TV is still a picture tube! The butler’s care can be found everywhere! As soon as I walked into the house, it seemed to go back in time... The environment is neat and clean, the beds are moderately hard and soft, and the bed wrapper is made of cotton, making it as comfortable as coming home! Located in Huangpu New Village, it is very fortunate to be able to stay in the sports hospital and military dependents’ village! The point is! You can live with your pets, not only do you not charge an additional cleaning fee, but you can also let your pets run freely in the courtyard! If you have a chance to go to Kaohsiung, you must live there!
過太爽 on Google

I like the whole atmosphere and environment~ We have no one else in the building~ The elders recall the deeds of the New Year with a smile!!
Lin Sherry on Google

Good value-for-money accommodation, neat, clean and comfortable, the bed is moderately soft, and a good night’s sleep. There are some nostalgic furnishings inside, as if traveling back to childhood scenes through time and space. The host is also very enthusiastic. We stayed in a neighboring house for two nights. The next night we chatted and drank tea in the living room with the host. Thank you for your hard work. I must live here when I go to Kaohsiung in the future, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to grab it in the future. Go to the room, haha, it's great!
卓嘿嘿 on Google

非常讓人感到舒服 懷舊的一間民宿 服務人員也很親切 本身是黃埔眷村 晚上非常的清幽 必定再次造訪的放鬆好去處
Very comfortable and nostalgic homestay The staff are also very kind It is the village of Huangpu military Very quiet at night A relaxing place to visit again
巫教練 on Google

用心經營的民宿,如果是愛玩的旅客,一定不能錯過。 超多遊戲,復古遊戲,桌遊,大型桌機,真想在民宿待一天,好好玩這些東西。 民宿推薦的早餐和晚餐都是實在又好吃。 希望政府可以讓用心的民宿,繼續經營下去。 有台灣在地的文化旅店,實在很難得。
If you are a traveler who loves to play, you must not miss it. There are a lot of games, retro games, board games, and large desktop machines. I really want to spend a day at the homestay and play these things. The breakfast and dinner recommended by the homestay are really delicious. I hope the government can let the homestay with heart continue to operate. It is really rare to have a local cultural hotel in Taiwan.
ING Z on Google

強烈推薦復古控一定要來住一晚!可以用青旅價格住到質感和氛圍都滿點的眷村民宿!我們住的房間有很多懷舊老件,但也配有Google Nest聲控設備,浴室乾淨還有花灑,住起來相當舒適!和室客廳則有可以播放Netflix的老電視,還可以玩紅白機,也有許多古早童玩可以玩!另外還有提供腳踏車可以騎!整體將復古情懷與現代化服務結合得很好,可以賞玩的細節很多,帶小孩來也很合適喔!受限於以住代護政策,租約即將期滿,民宿主人真的花了很多心血和巧思,務必把握時間住住看,不會後悔的!
It is strongly recommended that retro fans must come and stay for one night! You can live in a military village homestay with full texture and atmosphere at the price of a youth hostel! The room we stayed in had a lot of nostalgic pieces, but also had a Google Nest voice control device, the bathroom was clean and there was a shower, so it was quite comfortable to live in! In the Japanese-style living room, there is an old TV that can play Netflix, you can also play red and white machines, and there are many ancient children to play! There are also bicycles to ride! The overall combination of retro feelings and modern services is very good, there are many details that can be enjoyed, and it is also suitable to bring children! Due to the policy of living on behalf of care, the lease is about to expire. The owner of the homestay has really spent a lot of hard work and ingenuity. Be sure to seize the time to live and watch, and you will not regret it!
Karen DS on Google

Love this place!! Great host and perfect for family with kids. Our little one had fun staying here! Will definitely come back again!

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