騰之雞排_大寮鳳林店 - Daliao District

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 騰之雞排_大寮鳳林店

地址 :

831, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Daliao District, Fenglin 3rd Rd, 662號騰之雞排_大寮鳳林店

電話 : 📞 +889778
Postal code : 3
網站 : https://chicken-restaurant-553.business.site/
城市 : rd Rd

831, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Daliao District, Fenglin 3rd Rd, 662號騰之雞排_大寮鳳林店
w小芳 on Google

還可以嚐鮮看看 價位頗高
You can also have a taste The price is quite high
阿俊__ on Google

The chicken chop is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The price is low and the CP value is high!
礿凝 on Google

雞排還不錯,但這薯條是黑的....? 就算帶皮炸也不可能裡面也是黑的吧..
The chicken steak is not bad, but the fries are black...? Even if it's fried with skin, it's not possible that the inside is black..
靖菲 on Google

今天買了雞排、雞翅、甜不辣、米血、雞腿丁、脆薯、蛋餅皮 都不踩雷 好好吃? 雞排紮實又多汁 甜不辣和脆薯一份份量蠻多的? 生意好好 記得先電話預訂唷
Today I bought chicken chops, chicken wings, sweet and not spicy, rice blood, chicken legs, crispy potatoes, omelette crust Don't step on thunder, so delicious? The chicken steak is solid and juicy. Sweet not spicy and crispy potatoes. The serving size is quite large ? Business is good, remember to call first to make a reservation
林小銘 on Google

雞腿排外酥內嫩,價格也不貴 爆漿起士雞排也很推,跟外面的不太一樣 滿滿都是汁
Chicken thighs are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the price is not expensive The chicken steak with popcorn cheese is also very push, which is not the same as the outside Full of juice
林小兔 on Google

昨天晚餐吃咖哩 google到這家雞排 即使路況不熟 也滿心歡喜的跑去買 在大太陽的鳳林路上來來回回找好久 找老半天 看到店的鐵門拉下 以為記錯店休 結果看到google評論寫「營業中」 這樣根本不知道什麼時候有營業 沒吃到+曬好久的太陽 森氣氣>"<

KIAN JOO NG on Google

? Good

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